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- Siddique Mohsin Patwary

Founder & CEO, I Education

Marathon Course

Pinpoint Error

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01. According to experts a good way to improve listening skills is by watch television,
specially news and documentaries. [32rd BCS, RU (E- ‡Rvo) 14-15] Ans: C
According to parallelism, to improve = to watch. GLv‡b by watch fzj †mwU n‡e to watch।
02. A doctor may be able to diagnose a problem perfect, but he may not be able to find a
drug to which the patient will respond. [32rd BCS, RU (E- ‡Rvo) 14-15]
C D Ans: B
GB ev‡K¨i cÖ_g As‡ki A_© ÔÔ GKRb Wv³vi m¤¢eZ GKUv mgm¨vi jÿY †`‡L fv‡jvfv‡e †ivM wbY©q Ki‡Z mg_©|ÕÕ
GLv‡b fv‡jvfv‡e K_vUvi Bs‡iwR n‡jv perfectly| Ab¨w`‡K verb ‡K modify Ki‡Z verb + object Gi c‡i
adverb e‡m| GLv‡b perfect fzj †mwU n‡e perfectly|
03. The only error in the sentence “One of the recommendation made by the committee was accepted by the authorities”
is- [33rd BCS, AMÖYx e¨vsK-13]
A. recommendation B. was C. accepted by D. committee Ans: A
One of + plural Noun + Singular verb. ‡hgbt one of my friends is a lawyer. GLv‡b
recommendation fzj †mwU n‡e recommendations।
04. Every man and woman should vote for the candidate of their choice.
[32rd BCS, CU (E) 11-12 RU (E- ‡Rvo) 13-14] Ans: D
every hy³ subject Gi pronoun n‡e his/her. GLv‡b their fzj †mwU n‡e his/her.
05. It was uncoming of the players to be disrespect towards the other teams’s national
anthem. No error
E Ans: B
[K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv‡ij wW‡dÝ dvBb¨vÝ (CGDF) Gi Kvhv©j‡qi Rywbqi AwWUi 2019]
GB ev‡K¨i evsjv A_© ÔÔ‡L‡jvqvo Ab¨ `‡ji RvZxq msMx‡Zi cÖwZ AkÖ×vkxj nIqv †egvbvb|ÕÕ GLv‡b ÔAkÖ×vkxjÕ kãwUi
A_© ‘disrespectful’‡hwU GKwU adjective. GQvov, to be + adjective / noun phrase d‡j GLv‡b ‘disrespect’
fzj ‡mwU n‡e ‘disrespectful’.
06. Neither of the worker was ready to work overtime causing the deadline to be missed.
No error
E Ans: A
Neither of + plural Noun + Singular verb. ‡hgbt Neither of my friends is a lawyer. d‡j GLv‡b
worker fzj †mwU n‡e workers.
07. No sooner had he reached the station than the train had left. No error
A B C D E Ans: D
No sooner + Past perfect+ than+ past indefinite d‡j GLv‡b had left fzj †mwU n‡e left.
08.Parking the car at the parking lot, Ms Jones decided to take the bus to town. No error
A B C D E Ans: E
evK¨wU‡Z fzj †bB|
09. Kaim together with many of his friends and relatives were present in the meeting.
A B C D Ans: C
Together with, along with, as well as etc. Øviv GKvwaK Subject (noun/pronoun) hy³ n‡j cÖ_g
subject wU w`‡q verb wbav©wiZ nq| d‡j GLv‡b were fzj †mwU n‡e was.

10. Woman are the pillars of society, particular of the societies with which we are
concerned here. No Error
E Ans: B
GB ev‡K¨i A_© n‡jv Ôgwnjviv Avgv‡`i mgv‡Ri m¤¢e, wbw`©ófv‡e/ wbw`©óK‡i Ggb mgv‡Ri †h¸‡jvi e¨vcv‡i Avgiv
GLv‡b DwØMœÕ GLv‡b wbw`©ófv‡e / wbw`©ó K‡i Bs‡iwR n‡jv particularly. Avi of the societies ‡K modify Kivi

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Rb¨ adverb `iKvi| d‡j GLv‡b particular fzj †mwU n‡e particulary.

11. People, who keep their eye at the ball, can maintain good concentration at work.
No Error
E Ans: C
According to Cambridge Dictionary, Keep one’s eye on the ball means (to give your attention
to what you are doing at the time) ‡mvRv evsjvqt ÔKv‡R g‡bv‡hvM †`Iqv|Õ
Example: You have to keep your eye on the ball in business. d‡j GLv‡b at the ball fzj †mwU n‡e
on the ball.
12. The athlete’s movements was restrained fluid and seemingly effortless to the viewer.
No Error
E Ans: B
GLv‡b Movements kãwU Plural ZvB verb wUI Plural n‡e| ‡hgbt Mohsin’s book is excellent.
d‡j GLv‡b was fzj †mwU n‡e were.
13. In the agrarian industry, the farmers nurture this land because it is the source of their
incomes. No error
E Ans: A
In the Gi ¯’‡j ïay In n‡e
14. Females are viewed as inferior to males in nations ruled by patriarchy. No error Ans: E
15. There is no mother but loves her child. No error Ans: E
16. I need to buy some equipment. No error Ans: E

17. The picture has hung on the wall. No error

A B C D E Ans: B
GB evK¨wU w`‡q eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q ÔQwewU‡K †`qv‡j Szjv‡bv n‡q‡QÕ d‡j evK¨wU Passive n‡Z n‡e KviY QwewU wb‡R‡K
wb‡R Szjv‡Z cv‡i bv| d‡j GLv‡b Has fzj Avi Gi ¯’‡j was n‡e|
18. I prefer tea than coffee in the morning. No error Ans: B
Prefer + something+ to something. For example, She prefers books to magazines d‡j GLv‡b than
fzj Avi Gi ¯’‡j to n‡e|
19. A large number of automobile part are now made of plastic instead of steel.
A B C D Ans:B
[RU (D) 17-18, ‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wj. Awdmvi (K¨vk) {gyw³‡hv×v}-19]
A number of + plural noun+ plural verb. For example: A number of students are present. d‡j
GLv‡b part fzj Avi ¯’‡j parts n‡e|
20. The pineapple, a fruit grow in tropical climates throughout the world, is native to parts
of South America. [RU (D) 17-18, ‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wj. Awdmvi (K¨vk) {gyw³‡hv×v}-19] Ans: B
Singular subject + singular verb. For example: karim admits his mistake. ‡Lqvj ivL‡Z n‡e, verb
Gi mv‡_ s/es hy³ n‡j †mUv singular nq (He eats rice). Ab¨w`‡K Noun Gi mv‡_ s/es hy³ n‡j †mUv
Plural nq| (He have many books). d‡j GLv‡b grow fzj Avi Gi ¯’‡j grows n‡e|
21. Canals are artificial waterways, often constructed either to transport heavy loads or to
delivering water to cities and farms. [‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wj. Awdmvi (K¨vk) {gyw³‡hv×v}-19] C D
Ans: C
According to parallelism, to transport = to deliver. GLv‡b to delivering fzj, †mwU n‡e to deliver।
22. Although a Kangaroo normally uses its large feet and strong legs for hopping, but it
can also swim. [‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wj. Awdmvi (K¨vk) {gyw³‡hv×v}-19] Ans: D
Although w`‡q Sub-ordinate clause MwVZ n‡j Main clause G But emv‡bv cÖ‡qvRbxq Ges e‡m bv|

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KviY w`‡qB ev‡K¨i fv‡jvfv‡e eySv hvq|
23. Yesterday my computer was functioning rather strangely. No error.
A B C D Ans: D
24. Her novel is an American classic about a young girl who she called Billie Joe. No error.
A B C D Ans:B
Avgiv †`L‡Z cvw”Q, Who- clause marker w`‡q hy³ `ywU Clause Gi cÖ_g As‡k verb ‘is’ Ges Zvi subject
n‡jv ‘Her novel’ †Zgwbfv‡e Who- clause marker Gi c‡i ‘called’ Gi subject n‡jv she| Avi Ggb `ywU
clause marker hy³ ev‡K¨ verb Ges subject mgvb n‡j whom n‡e| Ab¨w`‡K `ywU clause marker hy³ ev‡K¨
verb Ges subject mgvb bv n‡q hw` subject Kg nq Z‡e who n‡e|
25. Haven’t none of seen my dog? No error.
A B C D Ans: B
Haven’t wb‡RB negative d‡j GB ev‡K¨ Av‡iKwU Negative kv‡ãi cÖ‡qvRb †bB|GLv‡b None Gi ¯’v‡b
any n‡e|

26. I prefer to have my lunch first rather than doing anything else. No error.
A B C D Ans: C
According to parallelism, to have = to do. GLv‡b doing fzj, †mwU n‡e to do
27. The patient died after the doctor had arrived. No error
A B C D Ans: D
evK¨wU mwVK KviY- Past indefinite+ after + past perfect
28. Each furniture on display in the central mail is on sale for thirty percent off the
regular price. [e¨vsK Gwkqv wj. (TO)-16 gaygwZ e¨vsK wj. (PO) -18]
D Ans: A
Furniture ‡h‡nZz uncountable noun ZvB Zi Av‡M each Gi cwie‡Z© each piece of furniture e¨envi Ki‡Z
29. I don’t know where could he have gone so early in the morning. No error
A B C D Ans: A
Embedded question G Clause marker Gi c‡i subject Av‡m| d‡j GLv‡b where could he fzj †mwU n‡e
where he could.
30. She is looking forward to go to Europe next month. No error [CU B2-8 15-16]
A B C D Ans: C
‘To’ preposition Gi ci verb Gi base form n‡jI look forward to Gi ci verb Gi mv‡_ ing hy³ nq|
d‡j GLv‡b look forward to go fzj †mwU n‡e look forward to going.
31. I was so angry that I took the watch broken to the jewelers to get my money back.
A B C D E Ans: C
GB evK¨wU Øviv eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q ÔAvwg GZB ivMvwš^Z wQjvg †h fv½v NwowU Avwg ¯^Yv©jsKv‡ii Kv‡Q wb‡q wM‡qwQjvg Avgvi
UvKv †diZ †c‡ZÕ| GLv‡b Ôfv½v NwoÕ Gi Bs‡iwR n‡jv Ôbroken watchÕ| GQvov, Deteerminer / article +
adjective + noun = the broken watch.
32.Not one of the children has ever sang in public before. [ivRkvnx K…wl ..e¨vsK (wmwbqi Awdmvi)-15]
sung n‡e Ans: B
33. Financial problems beset many of the early museums in the US, causing its closure.
No error
E Ans: D
Museums ‡h‡nZz Plural ZvB its Gi cwie‡Z© their n‡e|
34. Manufactures of consumer goods often change the styles of them products. No error
A B C D E Ans: D
Possessive Adjective Gi ci noun e‡m| For example: Your book, their home, my plan. ZvB GLv‡b them Gi ¯’‡j their
35. I used to be keen of all scientific subjects but now I would prefer to study art.
A B C D E Ans: B
According to Cambridge Dictionary, Keen on/keen to = very interested, eager or wanting (to
do) something very much.
For example: they were very keen to start work as soon as possible. (Keen to+ verb)
She is keen on playing tennis. (keen on+

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I am keen on your example. (Keen on +noun/noun phrase)
ZvB GLv‡b keen of Gi ¯’‡j keen on n‡e|
Identify the incorrect part of the following sentences. [RbZv e¨vsK wj. (SO, IT) -16]
36. It is often difficulty for an individual to adjust to new environment.
A B C D Ans: B
GB ev‡K¨i evsjv A_© n‡jv ÔGKRb e¨w³i Rb¨ bZzb cwi‡e‡ki mv‡_ gvwb‡q †bIqv A‡bKUv KwVbÕ| GLv‡b ÔKwVbÕ Gi
Bs‡iwR n‡jv- difficult Avi often- adverb wUi ci adjective (difficult) cÖ‡qvRb|
37. It must have been her at the door.
A B C D Ans: C
Be verb (be, am, is, are, was, were) Gi ci subjective pronoun nq (I, he, she, we, they, it).
GLv‡b her Gi ¯’v‡b she n‡e|
38. No sooner had he arrived than rain started. None of these.
A B C D Ans: D
39. Not only he cheated in the exam but also he argued at the teacher.
A B C D Ans: D
Argue with- Kv‡iv mv‡_ ZK© Kiv|
40. Cholera is a very common disease, which usually effects children.
A B C D Ans: D
Affect= verb, effect= noun . ev‡K¨ which-relative pronoun Gi ci verb cÖ‡qvRb| ZvB effect Gi ¯’v‡b
affect n‡e|
41. The scholarly professor told the students to don’t discuss the take-home examination
with each other. [CU D 18-19]
D Ans: B
Infinitive Gi Av‡M not e‡m| †hgb: He requested not to share the story with others. ZvB to don’t
discuss Gi ¯’v‡b not to discuss n‡e|
42. After studying all necessary materials, the students were capable of rising their test
scores by twenty-five points. [CU D 18-19]
D Ans: C
The sun rises in the east. Raise your hand. Raise Gici object _v‡K Avi GB ev‡K¨ n‡jv their test
scores n‡jv object
43. Excepting for the post-graduate students, everyone will have to sit for the tests on the
same day. [CU 18-19]
D Ans: A
Except for = e¨ZxZ
44. Flight is a very difficulty activity for most living things. [JnU (C) 17-18]
A B C D Ans: B

difficulty Gi ¯’‡j difficult n‡e|

45. As soon as they were seated, the man began to whisper among themselves. [JnU (C)17-18]
A B C D Ans: C
They/Themselves Øviv plural noun †K eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q weavq men n‡e| Man (singular)- men (plural),
Woman (singular)- Women (plural)
46. The area where a microchip is manufactured must be the most cleanest environment
A B C D Ans.C
possible. [JnU (C) 17-18]
Double superlative is wrong. Cleanest wb‡RB superlative ZvB most cleanest n‡e bv|
47. There is hardly any reason for you to feel badly any blame yourself for this mishap.
[RU (J) 17-18] Ans: B
Linking verb (feel, seem, look, smell, taste, remain, become etc.)= adjective, Badly kãwU adverb
Avi Gi adjective n‡jv Bad.
48. As soon as the sun had risen over the mountains, it became unbearable hot in the plain
land. [RU (J) 17-18] Ans: C

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Linking verb (feel, seem, look, smell, taste, remain, become etc.)= adjective, wKš‘ Linking verb
Gi ci GKvwaK adjective n‡j cÖ_gwU adverb nq| unbearable hot Gi ¯’v‡b unbearably hot.
50. He has received my letter the day before yesterday. [RU (J) 17-18]
A B C D Ans: A
Yesterday, last night, last month=past indefinite
51. Despite Karim’s threats of punishments, none of his sons were willing to help him to
mow the lawn. [RU (D, evwYR¨) 17-18] Ans: B
punishment=uncountable noun, uncountable noun Gi mv‡_ s/es nq bv|
52. The younger you are, the more easier it is to learn. [RU (D, evwYR¨) 17-18]
A B C D Ans: B
Easier wb‡RB Comparative ZvB Zvi Av‡M more AcÖ‡qvRbxq|
53. I was disappointed that did so bad in the examination. [RU (D, AevwYR¨) 17-18]
A B C D Ans: D
Bad n‡jv adjective Avi Gi adverb n‡jv Badly.
54. I never thought she is such a selfish person. [RU (D, AevwYR¨) 17-18]
A B C D Ans: B
I never thought= she was such a selfish person
55. The share market is comparatively stronger today than it was a couple of days back.
[CU (C) 1718] Ans: B
stronger wb‡RB Comparative ZvB Zvi Av‡M comparatively AcÖ‡qvRbxq| Compratively+Positive degree= Comparative
56. I am your well-wisher whether you agree with me or not, don’t I. [CU (C) 17-18]
A B C D E Ans: E
According to tag Question, Am= aren’t
57. The professor went fishing after he has finished reading an absorbing novel. [CU (C) 17-18]
A B C D E Ans: B
Past indefinite+ after + past perfect= The professor went fishing after he had finished
58. My mother asked me where had I gone and what I had been doing so long a period of time.
[CU (C) 17-18] Ans: A
Embedded question G Clause marker Gi c‡i subject Av‡m| d‡j GLv‡b had I gone fzj †mwU n‡e I had gone
59. It is essential that the temperature is not raised to a point where the substance formed
may become unstable and decomposed into its constituent elements. [ JnU (C) 14-15, CU (C) 17-18]
D E Ans: A
Subjunctive + that + subject + base form. Base form of ‘am, is, are, was, were is ‘be’.
60. Through the danger had passed, officials were hesitant to allow the residents to return
to their homes because they were unsure how much damage caused by the high winds.
[CU (D) 17-18] Ans: D
High winds Øviv damage N‡U‡Q weavq Passive n‡e ZvB damage caused Gi ¯’v‡b damage was caused n‡e|
61. The principal was considering to postponing the examination until the following month
because of the students’ demonstrations. [CU (B1) 16-17, CU (C) 17-18]
D E Ans: B
Consider Gi c‡i gerund e‡m to postponing Gi RvqMvq ïay postponing n‡e|
62. We must maintain a system of law, and support a police force. If we don’t, the
criminals would soon be in charge. [CU (C3) 16-17]
D E Ans: D
If+ present indefinite, future indefinite. ZvB would Gi ¯’‡j will n‡e|
63. Things will be better if I will get a job and earn some money, so I don’t have to live

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with my parents. [CU (C3) 16-17] Ans: B
If+ present indefinite, future indefinite = future indefinite+ If+ present indefinite. ZvB will get Gi ¯’‡j get n‡e|
64. I suggest that he goes abroad soon. [CU (D1 & D2) 16-17]
A B C D Ans: C
Subjunctive + that + subject + base form. Base form of goes is ‘go’.
65. I strongly suggest that Junaid goes to the doctor immediately. [CU (B1) 16-17]
A B C D Ans: C
Subjunctive + that + subject + base form. Base form of goes is ‘go’.
66. When I was sick with the flu, my mother made me to eat chicken soup and rest in bed.
[CU (B1) 16-17, CU (C3) 16-17] Ans: D
Make (causative verb)+ action doer+ base of verb= My mother made me to eat chicken soup
67. Most tale is used in ceramics and roofing because it resists fire good. [CU (B2-8) 16-17]
A B C D E Ans: D
Resist-Verb ‡K Modify Kivi Rb¨ Adverb cÖ‡qvRb ZvB good Gi ¯’v‡b well n‡e|
68. The period during when people learned to melt iron is called the iron age.
A B C D Ans: A
mgqKvj wb‡`©k Ki‡Z ïay when ev during which e¨envi nq|
69. Marine biology, the study of plant and animals and their ecological relationships, has
furthered the efficient development of fisheries. [CU (B2-8)16-17]
C D Ans: B
According to parallelism, Plants and animals, GQvov ev‡K¨ mgMÖ mvgyw`ªK Dw™¢`‡K eySv‡bv n‡q‡Q| ZvB plant Gi ¯’‡j plants n‡e|
70. It is extreme important for an engineer to know the use of computer. [CU (B2-8)16-17]
A B C D Ans: B
important-adjective ‡K modify Kivi Rb¨ Adverb cÖ‡qvRb ZvB extreme Gi ¯’v‡b extremely n‡e|
71. A well-planned resume is the first step toward finding a satisfy job. [CU (C1)16-17]
A B C D E Ans: D
Job-noun ‡K Modify Kivi Rb¨ Adjective cÖ‡qvRb ZvB satisfy Gi ¯’v‡b satisfactory n‡e|
72. Adult education programs must be designed so the diverse needs of the participants
A B C D Ans: C
in mind. [CU (B2-8)16-17]
GB ev‡K¨i A_© Ôwewfbœ Pvwn`vi AskMÖnYKvixi Rb¨ Adult education programs ‡K wWRvBb Ki‡Z n‡e| Rb¨ k‡ãi Bs‡iwR n‡jv for ZvB so
Gi ¯’v‡b for n‡e|
73. Earlier or later, all lacks are influenced by eutrophication, a process in which lake
sediment lowers the depth of the water and drains oxygen from it. [CU (B2-8)16-17]
C D Ans: A
Sooner or later (AvR ev Kvj/Av‡M ev c‡i), not Earlier or later
74. The advantages of computerized typing and editing are now being extending to all the
written language of the world. [CU (B2-8)16-17]
D Ans: C
Being+ Past participle= being extended
75. The purpose of the United Nations, broad speaking, is to maintain peace and security
and to encourage respect for human rights. [CU (D1 & D2)16-17]
D Ans: B
Speaking (participle)=adjective ‡K Modify Kivi Rb¨ Adverb cÖ‡qvRb ZvB broad Gi ¯’v‡b broadly n‡e|
76. New York City has been the capital of New York State until 1797, when the state
capital was moved to Albany. [CU (C1)16-17]
E Ans: A

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has been Gi ¯’v‡b had been n‡e|
77. The price of crude oil used to be a great deal lower than now, wasn’t it? [CU (C1)16-17]
A B C D E Ans:E
According to Tag question, used to= usedn’t/didn’t
78. Before she moved here, Sarah had been president of the organization since four years.
A B C D E Ans: E
[CU (C1)16-17]
Since+ point of time= since 2010, for + period of time= for 10 years, for four years
79. Jerbous are long-earned rodents that they look like tiny kangaroos. [CU (C1)16-17]
A B C D E Ans: B
They is unnecessary, the word ‘rodents’ is the antecedent of relative pronoun ‘that’.
Example: I have a mobile phone that looks gorgeous.
80. It is estimated that each person in the United States consumes one hundred pounds in
sugar annually. [CU (C1)16-17]
D E Ans: D
Hundred pounds of sugar
81. Writers like William Shakespeare and Edgar Alan Poe are not only prolific but too
interesting. [DU (A)10-11, BUET 12-13, JnU (B) 12-13, RU(E-‡Rvo)15-16]
Ans: D
Not only------- but also
82. After rising the flag to commemorate the holiday, the mayor gave a long speech.
[CU (B) 12-13, RU(E-‡Rvo)15-16] Ans: A
The sun rises in the east. Raise your hand. Raise Gici object _v‡K Avi GB ev‡K¨ n‡jv the flag n‡jv object. d‡j rising Gi
raising ¯’‡j n‡e|
83. That shirt which he bought is blue in colour. [RU(E-‡Rvo)15-16]
A B C D Ans: A
Article +Antecedent+ Adjective clause
The shirt which he bought is blue in colour/ The book which he reads is excellent.
84. Visitors were not permitted entering the park after dark because of lack of security
and lighting. [BUET 12-13, JnU (B) 12-13,RU(E-we‡Rvo)15-16] Ans: B
permit-verb Gi ci infinitive nq|
85. Although Fahim has been playing cricket for many years, he still does not know to play
cover drive. [KU (S) 16-17] Ans: D
know how + to + base form= I know how to teach, Know how+ sentence = I know how I teach
86. Although Rahim has been cooking for many years, he still does not know to prepare
foods in the traditional manner. [RU(E-we‡Rvo)15-16]
D Ans: C
know how + to + base form= I know how to teach, Know how+ sentence = I know how I teach
87. Body temperature is usually highest inside the afternoon or evening. [CU (C1)15-16]
A B C D Ans: C
In the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening, at night
88. The advantages of computerized typing and editing are now being extending to all the
written language of the world. [CU (C1)15-16]
D Ans: C
Being+ Past participle= being extended
89. Ordinary a tornado breaks up suddenly and dissipates less than four hours after it has
formed. [CU (B1) 10-11, (C1)15-16]
E Ans: A

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An adverb can modify a sentence. Generally, he is honest= ordinarily, a tornado breaks up.
90. One of the crucial problem of the day is population explosion. [CU (C1)15-16]
A B C D Ans: B
One of + plural Noun + Singular verb. ‡hgbt one of my friends is a lawyer. GLv‡b problem fzj †mwU n‡e problems
91. Many of the population in the rural areas is composed of unskilled labourers. [CU (C1)15-16]
A B C D E Ans: A
Population= uncountable noun, uncountable determiners (little, less, much etc.)
People= countable noun, countable determiners (few, fewest, many etc.)
GLv‡b many fzj †mwU n‡e much.
92. Oberlin college awards degrees to both sexes as early as 1837, but co-education in
American colleges did not spread until the second half of the century. [CU (C1)15-16]
C D E Ans: A
Oberlin college awarded degrees to both sexes as early as 1837
93. The physician suggested that he lay in bed for several days as a precaution against
further damage to spinal cord. [CU (C1)15-16] Ans: A
GLv‡b lay fzj †mwU n‡e lie. Subjunctive verb (suggest+ that+subject+ base form of verb)
94. The teacher had the students to do their assignments in time. [CU (C1)15-16]
A B C D Ans: C
Have (causative verb)+ action doer + base form of verb = The teacher had the students do their assignments in time.
95. The product that you bought at the lower price is the more inferior to the one that we
sell at a slightly higher price. [CU (C1)15-16] Ans: C
inferior wb‡RB Comparative ZvB Zvi Av‡M more AcÖ‡qvRbxq|
96. Neither of the scout leaders know to trap wild animals or how to prepare them for
mounting.[CU (B1)15-16]
D Ans: B
One of/either of/neither of + plural Noun + Singular verb. ‡hgbt Neither of my friends is a lawyer. GLv‡b know fzj
†mwU n‡e knows.
97. After driving for twenty miles, he suddenly realized that has been driving in the wrong
direction. [PUST (A)13-14, CU (B1) 15-16] Ans: C
past indefinite tense + that+ past perfect tense= She reassured me that she had posted the card.
98. The new technique calls for heating the mixture before apply it to the wood. [CU (B1)15-16]
A B C D Ans: C
Preposition+ gerund= for reading, before applying
99. The Lion has long been a symbol of strength, power and it is very cruel.
[RU (dvBbvÝ) 08-09, CU (B1) 13-14, 15-16] Ans: D
According to parallelism, strength (Noun), power (noun), cruelty (noun)
100. After studying the new books, the girl was capable to rise her score by thirty-five
points. [CU (B1)15-16] Ans: D
The sun rises in the east. Raise your hand. Raise Gici object _v‡K Avi GB ev‡K¨ her score n‡jv object. d‡j rise Gi raise ¯’‡j

❖ John Dewey thought that children Awill learn better through Bparticipating in experiences
Crather than through Dlistening to lectures. [ivtwet 05-06]-a
e¨vL¨vt that Gi c~‡e©i clause wU past tense n‡j that Gi c‡iiI past tense nq| ZvB will Gi cwie‡Z© would

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When I Alast saw Janet, she Bhurried to her next class on Cthe other side of the campus and
Ddid not have time to talk. [Rtwet (c) 13-14]-b
e¨vL¨vt When hy³ Clause wU past indefinite tense n‡j evwK Ask past continuous tense nq GRb¨,
hurried Gi cwie‡Z© was hurrying n‡e|

❖ AUntil his last class at the university in 1978, Bob always Bturns in all Cof his assignments
Don time. [Rtwet (C) 13-14, cvtwetcÖtwet (A) 10-11]-b
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨ AZxZevPK kã (last,1978) Av‡Q ZvB evK¨wU past tense n‡e GRb¨ turns Gi cwie‡Z© turned
❖ Find out the error in the following sentence: They asked me what I have taken for
breakfast. Aasked Bwhat Chave taken Dfor over [‡gKvwbK¨vj A¨vÛ cvIqvi BwÄwbqvwis-

99] -c
e¨vL¨vt principal clause wU past tense n‡j sub-ordinate clause wUI past tense nq GRb¨ have taken
Gi cwie‡Z© had taken n‡e|
❖ AThey asked me Bwhat did happen Clast night, but I was Dunable to(e)tell them.

[Ptwet (C1) 08-09 (C) 13-14, (B2) 15-16]-b

e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨ last night Av‡Q GRb¨ past tense n‡e ZvB did happen Gi cwie‡Z© happened n‡e| KviY did
happen fzj MVb|

❖ AWhen we Bmeet after the class, we Cdiscussed the Dtopic of (e)your essay.
[Ptwet (C1) 12-13] -b
e¨vL¨vt main clause past tense n‡j sub ordinate clause wUI past tense G nq ZvB meet Gi cwie‡Z©
met n‡e|

❖ Neither the players Anor the trainer Bwere in the locker room Cwhen the thief Dbroke in the
door. [ivtwet -08-09]-b
e¨vL¨vt Neither----nor Gi †ÿ‡Î nor Gi cieZx© subject Abyhvqx verb e‡m GRb¨ were Gi cwie‡Z© was
❖ (A The desert pocket mouse, common (b)in the American southwest, (c)it is active (d)daily
at night.[Modhumoti Bank Ltd. Probationary Officer (PO) 2018] -c
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨wU †Kv‡bv conjunction Øviv hy³ †bB| myZivs evK¨wUi subject n‡jv the desert pocket mouse|
evK¨wU‡Z it e¨envi AwZwi³ n‡q‡Q| it bv _vK‡j evK¨wU mwVK n‡Zv|

❖ AWhatever is grown in the Bkitchen garden Cit is not a Dvegetable. [ivtwet (B) 13-14] -c e¨vL¨vt
†Kvb ev‡K¨ noun clause subject n‡j J ev‡K¨ bZzb †Kvb subject e‡m bv ZvB ev‡K¨ it Subject Gi cÖ‡qvRb
†bB KviY whatever is grown in the kitchen garden n‡”Q Noun clause hv wb‡RB ev‡K¨ is verb Gi

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❖ Malnutrition Ais a major cause of human Bsuffering in those Ccountries where the
production of rice Dhave been (e)impeded by frequent drought. [Ptwet (C1), 13-14]-d
e¨vL¨vt production n‡”Q singular subject GRb¨ have Gi cwie‡Z© has n‡e|
❖ There Ais a Bprimary school and a Cmadrasa in our Dvillage. [ivtwet (B) 13-14]-a
e¨vL¨vt There/Here Gi cieZ©x verb e‡m Zvi cieZ©x noun Abymv‡i, ev‡K¨ verb Gi c‡i and Øviv `ywU noun
Av‡Q hv plural subject GRb¨ is Gi cwie‡Z© are n‡e|

❖ Lack of Asanitation in public places Bare a major Ccause of disease Din most of the (e)areas
of our country.[ivtwet (Finance & Banking) 07-08, (D-BBA) 13-14, Ptwet (C1) 13-14]
e¨vL¨vt Avgiv Rvwb verb Gi Subject _v‡K preposition Gi c~‡e© ZvB ev‡K¨ verb ‘are’ Gi subject ‘lack’
hv singular GRb¨ are Gi cwie‡Z© is n‡e| -b

❖ A selection of Nazrul’s poems have been published to the joy of the readers.
(a)selection Bhave been published (c)to (d)readers [gnv-wnmveiÿK-98]-b
e¨vL¨vt verb Gi Subject _v‡K preposition Gi c~‡e© ZvB ev‡K¨ verb ‘have’ Gi subject ‘A selection’ hv
singular GRb¨ have Gi cwie‡Z© has n‡e|

❖ AWe could not make any decision Bbecause a few Cof the members Dwas voicing their
disapprovals. [ivtwet (D-even/A-evwYR¨),
e¨vL¨vt Avgiv Rvwb verb Gi Subject _v‡K preposition Gi c~‡e© ZvB ev‡K¨ ‘was’ verb Gi subject “a few”
hv plural GRb¨ was Gi cwie‡Z© were n‡e|
❖ The judges Aapply the Bruling in a Cprecedent(c~e©eZ©x) to an instant case if the facts of the two
Dmatches. [ivtwet (B) 13-14]-d
e¨vL¨vt Avgiv Rvwb verb Gi Subject _v‡K preposition Gi c~‡e© ZvB ev‡K¨ verb Gi subject the facts hv
plural GRb¨-‘matches’ Gi cwie‡Z© ‘match’ n‡e| KviY plural verb Gi mv‡_ s/es hy³ nq bv|

❖ ABy careless driving he Bcause physical Cinjury to the old Dwoman. [ivtwet (B) 13-14] -b
e¨vL¨vt present indefinite tense G ev‡K¨i Subject 3rd person singular n‡j verb Gi mv‡_ s/es hy³ nq
GRb¨ cause Gi cwie‡Z© causes n‡e|
❖ A majority of Ayoungsters Bspends a lot of time Cwatching TV and playing computerDgames.
[ivtwet (B) 13-14]-b
e¨vL¨vt verb Gi Subject _v‡K preposition Gi c~‡e© ZvB ev‡K¨ spends verb Gi subject a majority hv
plural weavq plural verb Gi mv‡_ s/es †hvM n‡e bv GRb¨ spends Gi cwie‡Z© spend n‡e|

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❖ The Anumber of pupils in Bprimary schools withCreading difficulties Dhave fallen (e)this year.
[Ptwet (C1) 12-13]-d
e¨vL¨vt The number subject n‡j Zvi verb singular Ges A number subject n‡j Zvi verb plural nq
GRb¨ have Gi ¯’‡j has n‡e|

❖ AA lunch Bof soup and sandwiches Cdo not appeal Dto all of the students.
[Ptwet (B-1) 13-14]-c
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨i subject, A lunch n‡”Q 3rd person singular number ZvB do not Gi cwie‡Z© does not

❖ AA student Bneed to Cbe educated on the dangers Dof drug taking.[ivtwet (E-even) 12-13]
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨i Subject, A student n‡”Q 3rd person singular ZvB need Gi cwie‡Z© needs n‡e| -b

❖ Scientists Aare trying Bto device an Cinexpensive Dsubstitute (e)for gasoline.

[ivtwet (E2) 17-18, Ptwet (B1) 12-13] -b
e¨vL¨vt to Gi c‡i mvaviYZ verb Gi base form e‡m GRb¨ device(n) Gi cwie‡Z© devise(v) em‡e|
❖ Insurance Aunderwriter insure Bpeople against many Ctypes of Drisks.
e¨vL¨vt insure-verb wU plural GRb¨ subject underwriter Gi cwie‡Z© underwriters n‡e| [ivtwet
Finance 09-10] -a

❖ Drug Aabuse Bhave become Cone of America’s Dmost serious (e)problems.

e¨vL¨vt ‘abuse’ subject wU singular GRb¨ verb wU have Gi cwie‡Z© has n‡e;[ivtwet 05-06]-b
❖ Mary Aaccompanied by Jane Bwere well Creceived at Dthe show.
[ivtwet Management- 09-10]-b
e¨vL¨vt accompanied by, accompanied with, together with BZ¨vw` Øviv 2wU subject hy³ _vK‡j G‡`i
c~e©eZx© subject Abymv‡i verb e‡m| GRb¨ singular subject(Mary) Abyhvqx were Gi cwie‡Z© was n‡e|

❖ AThe Nobel Prize winner, accompanied Bby her husband and children, Care staying in
Sweden Duntil after the presentation. [Ptwet (B), 09-10,(E), 13-14]-c
e¨vL¨vt accompanied by, accompanied with, together with BZ¨vw` Øviv 2wU subject hy³ _vK‡j G‡`i
c~e©eZx© subject Abymv‡i verb e‡m| GRb¨ singular subject (winner) Abyhvqx are Gi cwie‡Z© is n‡e|
❖ The professor Awere traveling in Europe Bwhen he Creceived notice of Dhis promotion.
[ivtwet Management- 09-10]-a
e¨vL¨vt GLv‡b The professor, subject wU singular GRb¨ were Gi cwie‡Z© was n‡e|

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❖ ANever before Bhas so Cmany people in Bangladesh Dbeen (e)interested in cricket.
e¨vL¨vt so many people n‡”Q plural subject ZvB verb wU plural n‡e GRb¨ has Gi cwie‡Z© have n‡e|
[Ptwet (C) 09-10] -b

❖ ANot one in one hundred children Bexposed to the disease Care likely to Ddevelop symptoms
of it. [ivtwet (BBA) 05-06, Ptwet (C) 09-10,(wm-3) BDwbU:12-13]-c
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨i Subject _v‡K preposition Gi Av‡M ZvB GB ev‡K¨ are verb Gi subject n‡”Q not one hv
singular ZvB verb wU singular n‡e GRb¨ are Gi cwie‡Z© is n‡e|
❖ Neither of the boys Ahave Bturned in the Cterm papers to his instructor Dyet. [Ptwet
(E),(B1) 13-14] -a e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨i Subject _v‡K preposition Gi Av‡M ZvB GB ev‡K¨ have verb Gi
subject-Neither n‡”Q singular GRb¨ have Gi cwie‡Z© has n‡e|
❖ The influence Aof the Bnation’s literature, art and Cscience Dhave captured (e)widespread
attention. [Ptwet (B8) 12-13]-d
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨i Subject _v‡K preposition Gi Av‡M ZvB GB ev‡K¨ have verb Gi subject influence n‡”Q
singular GRb¨ have Gi cwie‡Z© has n‡e|

❖ A ray of light passing Athrough Bthe center of a thin lens Ckeep Dits original direction.
[ivtwet 2018-19 BDwbU we (AevwYR¨)][Ptwet (B1) 10-11]-c
e¨vL¨vt Avgiv Rvwb ev‡K¨i Subject _v‡K preposition Gi Av‡M ZvB GB ev‡K¨ keep verb Gi subject n‡”Q
(A ray light-GKwU iwk¥) hv singular ZvB verb wU singular n‡e GRb¨ keep Gi cwie‡Z© keeps n‡e|

❖ Neither of the Astudents Bhave submitted term paper Cto the teacher Dyet. -b
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨i Subject _v‡K preposition Gi Av‡M ZvB GB ev‡K¨ have verb Gi subject n‡”Q Neither hv
singular GRb¨ have Gi cwie‡Z© has n‡e| [ivtwet Fin 09-10]

❖ Neither of the two candidates Awho had Bapplied for admissionCto the industrial
Engineering department Dwere (e)eligible for scholarship.[Ptwet (C) 09-10, (E) 11-12, (C1) 12-
13, ivtwet 05-06] -d
e¨vL¨vt Avgiv Rvwb ev‡K¨i Subject _v‡K preposition Gi Av‡M ZvB GB ev‡K¨ were verb Gi subject n‡”Q
Neither Avi neither n‡”Q singular, GRb¨ were Gi cwie‡Z© was n‡e|

❖ (a)Each one of the animals in the zoo (b)require a (c)special (d)type of diet. [ivtwet 08-09, Lytwet
09-10] -b
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨i Subject _v‡K preposition Gi Av‡M ZvB Each one singular subject Abymv‡i require Gi
cwie‡Z© requires n‡e|

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❖ The group Ahave not returned Bfrom Cthe trip yet. DNo error
(D-evwYR¨) 11-12, Bangladesh Shilpo Bank Recruitment-04]-a
e¨vL¨vt collective noun(group, class, committee BZ¨vw`) singular subject GRb¨ have Gi cwie‡Z© has

❖ A Abasic knowledge of Bsocial studies, such as Chistory and geography, Dare considered (e)a
basic part of the education of every child. [Ptwet (E) 08-09]-d
e¨vL¨vt preposition Gi c~e©eZ©x Subject Abymv‡i verb e‡m, GLv‡b Subject n‡”Q A basic knowledge ZvB
are Gi cwie‡Z© is n‡e| [Pitersen’s TOEFL †_‡K ûeyû]

❖ As the Atime changes, Bso Cdoes the Drules of conduct in certain (e)situations.
[ivtwet (BBA), 12-13]-c
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨i subject 3rd person singular n‡j verb Gi mv‡_ s/es nq wKšÍ GLv‡b ev‡K¨i subject-the
rules GKwU plural subject GRb¨ does Gi cwie‡Z© do n‡e|
❖ AThe major Bsource of Cair pollution vary from Dcity to city.

[Pitersen’s TOEFL †_‡K ûeyû][ivtwet (Finance) 09-10]-b

e¨vL¨vt present indefinite tense G †Kvb verb Gi mv‡_ s/es bv _vKv gv‡b D³ verb Gi subject wU n‡e
plural GB ev‡K¨ vary- verb wU plural ZvB subject wU plural n‡e GRb¨ source Gi cwie‡Z© sources n‡e|
❖ (a)Most parents (b)worries if their children are out of (c)late (d)at night.[ivtwet (Law) 09-10]-b

e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨ Subject wU plural GRb¨ worries Gi cwie‡Z© worry n‡e|

❖ Tomatoes grows all year long in China. Atomatoes Ball Cgrows Din [BUET 10-11]-c
e¨vL¨vt present indefinite tense G ev‡K¨i Subject wU plural n‡j verb Gi mv‡_ s ev es hy³ nq bv GRb¨
grows Gi cwie‡Z© grow em‡e|

❖ AThe quick Bbrown fox jump Cover Da lazy dog [ivtwet 08-09, Material Science]-b
e¨vL¨vt present indefinite tense G ev‡K¨i Subject wU singular n‡j verb Gi mv‡_ s ev es hy³ nq GRb¨
jump Gi cwie‡Z© jumps n‡e|
❖ I Ahave Bbeen looking Cforward to Dmeet you. [ivtwet Finance-03-04]-d
e¨vL¨vt look forward to+ (verb +ing) nq GRb¨ meet Gi ¯’‡j meeting n‡e|
❖ Identify the incorrect underlined word/phrase- I (A feel sick. I wish I (b)have not (c)eaten
so (d) much cake. [ivtwet 2018-19 BDwbU we] -b
e¨vL¨vt I wish Gici past tense nq| myZivs have not- Gi ¯’‡j had not emv‡j evK¨wU mwVK n‡Zv|

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❖ She isA looking B forward C to go to Europe next month. D No Error
e¨vL¨vt Look forward- Gi ci to+ verb+ing e‡m wKš‘ ev‡K¨ to +verb- Gi base form e¨envi Kiv
n‡q‡Q| myZivs fzj AskwU n‡jv option(c)| [K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv. wW‡dÝ dvBb¨vÝ-Gi Aaxb AwWUi-2017]-c

❖ Although we are Aconcerned with the problem of energy sources we Bmust not fail
Crecognizing the need Dfor environmental (e)protection.[One Bank-10, Ptwet (B1)-10-11]-c

e¨vL¨vt wKQz verb †hgb, want, try, fail BZ¨vw`i ci to + v1 e‡m GRb¨ recognizing Gi ¯’‡j to recognize
❖ The people tried Aof defending Btheir village, but they were finally Cforced to Dretreat.
[ivtwet (Finance, Law) 08-09, Ptwet (C1) 13-14]-a
e¨vL¨vt wKQz verb †hgb, want, try BZ¨vw`i ci to + v1 e‡m GRb¨ of defending Gi cwie‡Z© to defend n‡e|

❖ AIn England Bas early as the Ctwelfth century young boys enjoyed Dto play
football. [ivtwet (Law) 08-09] -d
e¨vL¨vt enjoy +(verb + ing.) nq GRb¨ to play Gi cwie‡Z© playing n‡e|
❖ Listening to Arecorded books while driving a Bmeans of Cutilize time Dwisely.
e¨vL¨vt preposition+(verb+ ing) nq GRb¨ utilize Gi cwie‡Z© utilizing em‡e| [ivtwet 05-06]-c
❖ She is Alooking forward to Bgo to Europe after sheCfinishes her students Dat the university.
[ivtwet Finance- 09-10, Ptwet (M) 08-09, 09-10]-b
e¨vL¨vt look forward to+ (verb +ing) nq GRb¨ go Gi cwie‡Z© going n‡e|
❖ Kabita intends to starting her own software business in a few years.
Aintends Bstarting Csoftware Dfew. [Executive officer (Janata Bank)-12, Xvtwet (D) 12-13]-b

e¨vL¨vt intend verb Gi ci to + V1 nq GRb¨ starting Gi cwie‡Z© to start n‡e|

❖ The professor Ais thinking Bto go the conference Con history in Kolkata Dnext month.
[Rtwet (B) 12-13, Ptwet (B1) 13-14] -b
e¨vL¨vt Aa¨vcK mv‡ne Kbdv‡iÝ G hvIqvi K_v fve‡Q ZvB Giƒc †Kvb wKQz fvev A‡_© (think of + something)
e¨eüZ nq GRb¨ to go Gi cwie‡Z© of going n‡e|

❖ He was so angry that he made me to leave the classroom.

Aso Bthat Cmade Dto leave[gnv-wnmveiÿK-98]-d

e¨vL¨vt causative verb, make+ object+V1 nq Rb¨ to leave Gi cwie‡Z© leave n‡e|
❖ We are Asuppose to read Ball of chapter seven and Canswer the questions Dfor tomorrow’s
class. [ivtwet (Law) 08-09, cvtwetcÖtwet (C) 11-12]-a
e¨vL¨vt passive voice Gi MVb Abymv‡i are+V3 n‡e GRb¨ GLv‡b suppose Gi cwie‡Z© supposed n‡e|
Source: CLIFFS TOEFL practice test 4 Part B Question no. 38 Page 420 †_‡K ûeyû †bIqv n‡q‡Q|

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❖ We Ahave been informed Tereq Babout the change Cin plans Dregarding our (e)weekend trip.
[Ptwet (B1) 12-13]-a
e¨vL¨vt Avgiv Zv‡iK‡K Rvwb‡qwQ--- GRb¨ evK¨wU passive voice bq eis active Voice ZvB have been
informed Gi cwie‡Z© have informed em‡e|

❖ Dorothy Parker had Aliberal political Boptions, which areCreflection in Dher stories and
(e)verse. [Ptwet (C) 11-12]-c
e¨vL¨vt passive ev‡K¨ are + V3 n‡e GRb¨ reflection(n) Gi cwie‡Z© reflected(v3) em‡e|
❖ ATons of boulders were Bleaved scattered by glaciers all Cover what Dwas to become the New

England (e)landscape. [Ptwet (B1) 11-12]-b

e¨vL¨vt Z¨vM Kiv A‡_© passive voice G leaved Gi cwie‡Z© left n‡e| [KviY- Leave(v1) -- left(v2)---left(v3)]

❖ Cans of paint Amust be Bshaking to Cmix the pigments with the medium Din which they are
Dsuspended. [Pitersen’s TOEFL †_‡K ûeyû] [Ptwet (E) 08-09]-b
e¨vL¨vt ev‡K¨ subject wb‡R KvR bv Ki‡j evK¨wU passive nq; GB ev‡K¨ Cans of paint (i‡Oi †KŠUv) †K KviI
Øviv SvKzwb w`‡Z n‡e GRb¨ evK¨wU passive Ki‡Z n‡e ZvB shaking Gi cwie‡Z© shaken n‡e|

❖ AAll channels Bof Ccommunication need Dto be keep open.[ivtwet (E-even) 12-13]-d
e¨vL¨vt to be+ V3 nq GRb¨ to be keep Gi cwie‡Z© to be kept n‡e|
❖ The bridge Awas hitting by a large ship Bduring a Csudden storm Dlast week. -a
e¨vL¨vt evK¨wU Passive voice G Av‡Q GRb¨ was Gi c‡i hitting Gi cwie‡Z© hit n‡e| [Ptwet (B-1)
❖ A Technology must B use to feed C the forces D of change. [ivtwet (D) AevwYR¨ 15-16] -b
e¨vL¨vt use Gi cwie‡Z© be used n‡e KviY ev‡K¨i subject wb‡R KvR Kiv †evSvq bv ZvB evK¨wU passive n‡e|
❖ I do not know where Acould he have Bgone Cso early Din the morning. Select the incorrect
word.[Basic Bank (AO, Cash)-14, ivtwet (AvBb) 08-09, 07-08, Ptwet (B1) 13-14, (B2) 15-16]
e¨vL¨vt Embedded question Aa¨v‡qi wbqgvbymv‡i sub ordinate clause G KL‡bv subject Gi Av‡M
Auxiliary verb e‡m bv GRb¨ where could he have Gi cwie‡Z© where he could have n‡e|
❖ I don’t know where Acould he Bhave Cgone so early in the morning. DNo Error
e¨vL¨vt Embedded question-Gi ‡ÿ‡Î relative pronoun (where)+ sub+ verb e‡m| myZivs he-Gi
c~‡e© could bv e‡m he-Gi c‡i em‡j evK¨wU mwVK n‡e|
[K‡›Uªvjvi †Rbv. wW‡dÝ dvBb¨vÝ-Gi Aaxb AwWUi-2017]

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❖ On nights when Ais the sky clear and the Bair calm, the Cearth’s surface Drapidly radiates
heat (e)into the atmosphere.[Pitersen’s TOEFL †_‡K ûeyû][Ptwet (E) 08-09]-a
e¨vL¨vt Embedded question Aa¨v‡qi wbqgvbymv‡i sub ordinate clause G KL‡bv subject Gi Av‡M
Auxiliary verb e‡m bv GRb¨ is the sky Gi cwie‡Z© the sky is n‡e|

❖ The Anext important Bquestion we have Cto decide is when Ddo we have to (e)see the couch.
[Ptwet (C3) 12-13, ‡bvtwetcÖtwet (C) 14-15]-d
e¨vL¨vt Embedded question Aa¨v‡qi wbqgvbymv‡i sub ordinate clause G KL‡bv subject Gi Av‡M
Auxiliary verb e‡m bv GRb¨ do we Gi cwie‡Z© ïay we n‡e KviY have main verb wU Av‡MB Av‡Q|

❖ They are Aplanning on Battending the convocation Cnext month and Dso I am. [ivtwet (Law)
05-06, Ptwet (B1) 15-16, (D3) 16-17] -d
e¨vL¨vt affirmative agreement Abymv‡i- 1g evK¨+ and+ so+ auxiliary verb+ subject nq GRb¨ so I
am Gi cwie‡Z© so am I n‡e|
❖ Find the incorrect word from the following sentence. Rima has not completed the task yet,
and Mina hasn’t neither. [Rvtwet ÔweÕ BDwbU (mgvRweÁvb) 2018-19]
A had not B task C yet D neither -d
e¨vL¨v: GLv‡b neither Gi ¯’‡j either n‡e KviY cvkvcvwk 2 evi negative nq bv|

❖ We wish today Awas sunny Bso that we Ccould spend the day Din the country communing
with nature. [etwet. (B) 13-14]-a
e¨vL¨vt Wish cieZ©x subject wU singular/plural hv wKQyB †nvK bv †Kb cieZ©x be verb wU were/had/v2
n‡e| GRb¨ was Gi cwie‡Z© were n‡e| MVb; subject+ wish+ subject+ were/had/v2-----

❖ Identify the error in the following sentence: AEven with a calculator, you Bmust have basic
Cunderstanding of mathematics if Done expects to solve complex problems (e)correctly.

[kvtwetcÖtwet 07-08]-d
e¨vL¨vt Main clause Gi subject you Av‡Q ZvB sub-ordinate clause wU‡ZI subject you em‡e GRb¨
one expects Gi cwie‡Z© you expect em‡e|

❖ If you Awill buy one boxBat regular price, you Cwould receive Danother one at (e)no extra
cost. [ivtwet 05-06, Ptwet 09-10 (E-Law) 12-13]-a
e¨vL¨vt 2nd conditional Gi wbqgvbymv‡i- If + sub +V2----,+ subject+ would/could/might + (v1) nq
GRb¨ will buy Gi cwie‡Z© bought n‡e|

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❖ Carbohydrates Aas such sugar of Bstarch are important Cenergy sources for Dhumans and
(e)animals. [Pitersen’s TOEFL †_‡K ûeyû][Ptwet (E) 08-09]-a
e¨vL¨vt †Kvb wKQzi D`vniY¯^iƒc ev h_v BZ¨vw` A_© w`‡Z such as e‡m GRb¨ as such Gi cwie‡Z© such as n‡e|
❖ Pin point the error. If you (a)set in the (b)position for too long. (c)you may get a cramp is
in (d)your leg. [Bwe BDwbU wR 2018-19 ] -a
e¨vL¨v: Set (¯’vcb Kiv) transitive verb hvi ci object cÖ‡qvRb| Ab¨w`‡K m¤ú~Y© evK¨wU co‡j †evSv hvq set
Gi ¯’‡j sit (emv) em‡e| sit ewm‡q cÖ`Ë ev‡K¨i evsjv: hw` Zzwg H Ae¯’vq `xN©ÿY e‡m _v‡Kv Zvn‡j †Zvgvi cv‡q
†cwkms‡KvPb NU‡e|

❖ Ancient drawings Aindicate that skill of juggling is Bat less three Cthousand Dyears
old. e¨vL¨vt G‡Kev‡i Kg/Kgc‡ÿ †evSv‡Z phrase wn‡m‡e at less Gi cwie‡Z© at least n‡e| [Ptwet (E, B2)
10-11] -b
❖ The scholarly professor (a)told the students (b)to don’t (c)discuss the take-home
examination (d)with each other. [Ptwet 2018-19 BDwbU wW (mKvj)] -b
e¨vL¨vt Tell somebody to/not to+ verb Gi base form n‡jv mwVK squence| myZivs to don't Gi ¯’‡j
not to discuss n‡j evK¨wU mwVK n‡Zv|
❖ The state Agovernments have to Badministrate theClaws by the Dparliament. [ivtwet 09-10]
(ivóxq miKvi‡K msm‡`i gva¨‡g AvBb Z`viwK Ki‡Z nq) -b
e¨vL¨vt cwiPvjbv A‡_© administrate Ges AwWU/Z`viwK A‡_© administer e‡m GRb¨ administrate Gi cwie‡Z©
administer n‡e|
❖ Identify the incorrect part of the sentence.(a)The pineapple, a fruit (b) grow in tropical
climates (c)throughout the world, (d)is native to parts of south America. [ivtwet 2018-19 BDwbU
we(AevwYR¨), ‡mvbvjx e¨vsK wj. Awdmvi (K¨vk) {gyw³‡hv×}-19] -b
e¨vL¨vt is verb Gi sub, pineapple _vKvq; bZzb †Kv‡bv main verb Gi cÖ‡qvRb †bB ZvB grow verb Gi
past participle form (grown)-Gi iƒcvšÍi Ki‡j evK¨wU mwVK n‡e|

❖ The electric Afurnace is used Bextensively to produce the hi-greed steel Cis Crequired for the
Dmanufacture of steel (e)alloys. [Ptwet (B1)-10-11, (D) 11-12]-c
e¨vL¨vt GKwU simple ev‡K¨ GKvwaK finite verb _v‡K bv GRb¨ is required Gi cwie‡Z© that is required

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❖ Paul did Aso well in his speech today Bthat he Cshould have rehearsed it many times Dthis
past week. [m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ- CLIFF’S TOEFL-Mini test-2, P-162]
e¨vL¨v: (C)must have rehearsed n‡e KviY GwU GKwU AZx‡Zi logical conclusion.
❖ Which one is not correct? Paris Ahad been well Bknown about Cits famous monuments and
wonderful restaurants Dfor over one hundred years.[ivtwet07-08] -b
e¨vL¨vt †Kvb welq m¤ú©‡K we‡kl cÖwm× †evSv‡Z (well known) +for ----- e¨eüZ nq GRb¨ known about Gi
cwie‡Z© known for n‡e| Source: CLIFF TOEFL mini test 6 Question no. 25 Page no. 296 †_‡K
ûeyû †bIqv n‡q‡Q|

❖ It is believed that Aa people could Blive on CMars with little life support because the
atmosphere is similar to Dthat of Earth. [m¤¢ve¨ cÖkœ- BARRON’S TOEFL, P-
e¨vL¨vt -a; a people Gi cwie‡Z© a person A_ev ïay people n‡e| mvaviYfv‡e GKwU gvbyl eySv‡Z (a person)
Ges mKj gvbyl eySv‡Z (people) e¨envi nq, ZvB †h †Kvb GKwU e¨envi Ki‡j Pj‡e|

❖ Please send Ame information Bwith regard of Cinsurance policies Davailable (e)from your
company. [Ptwet (C) 09-10]-b
e¨vL¨vt †Kvb wKQzi wel‡q/Rb¨ A‡_© With regard of Gi cwie‡Z© with regard to/ in regard of n‡m GRb¨
option b fzj|

❖ Kajol is Aparticularly Bfond of cooking and he Coften cooks Dreally delicious meals. [ivtwet
Marketing 04-05]-d
e¨vL¨vt KvRj c~‡e© †_‡KB ivbœv Ki‡Z Af¨¯’ ZvB †m Lye my¯v^ `y Lvevi ivbœv K‡i Avi Giƒc A_© w`‡Z really Gi
cwie‡Z© very em‡Z cv‡i|
❖ AIt is Bextremely important Cfor an engineer Dknow to use a computer.

[ivtwet (Law)
07-08, Standard Bank-09, ivtwet (E-even) 13-14]-d
e¨vL¨vt know verb Gi ci mivmwi infinitive nq bv ev‡K¨i A_© Abymv‡i (know+ how/ where/ when/ why+
to+ V1) nq GRb¨ GB ev‡K¨ know Gi cwie‡Z© know how n‡e ;
❖ The way of Areasoning whereby people Bdo conclusion by Clogical inference from Dgiven
premises is (e)called the deductive method.[Ptwet (B1) 11-12, Btwet (B) 14-15]-b
e¨vL¨vt †Kvb wel‡q conclusion/mgvß Uvbv A‡_© conclusion Gi c~‡e© do Gi cwie‡Z© draw n‡e|

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❖ Eric and his sister Awon the first prize for the Bmost elaborate Ccustoms and they had worn
at the DHalloween Party. [etwet (D) 12-13]-c
e¨vL¨vt customs (cÖ_v, ïé) Gi cwie‡Z© costumes (‡cvkvK) n‡e| Hints: ev‡K¨ worn (cwiavb K‡iwQj-)
kãwU Av‡Q|
❖ The lawyer Amade Bused of the earlier Cdecision on Dthis issue. [ivtwet (B) 13-14] -b
e¨vL¨vt cvkvcvwk `ywU verb GKmv‡_ e‡m bv weavq used Gi cwie‡Z© the use of n‡e|
❖ The professor was Aconsidering Bpostponing the examination until Cthe following week
Dbecause the (e)student’s confusion. [Ptwet (C1), 13-14, (B1) 16-17]-d
e¨vL¨vt KviY †evSv‡Z †Kvb clause(Sub. +verb) Gi c~‡e© because e‡m Ges Kvi‡Y †evSv‡Z †Kvb phrase Gi
c~‡e© because of e‡m GRb¨ because Gi cwie‡Z© because of n‡e|
❖ AThe talk was Bboth Cinformative and Dentertaining. [ivtwet (E-even) 12-13]-a
e¨vL¨vt KviI e³„Zv Z_¨g~jK I Avb›``vqK †evSv‡Z talk(K‡_vcK_b) Gi cwie‡Z© speech(e³…Zv) n‡e|
❖ He was a good Ajudgement because he was not Bswayed(cÖfvweZ) by the Carguments of the
Dlawyers. [ivtwet (B) 13-14]-a
e¨vL¨vt Judgement A_© wePvi Avi Judge A_© wePviK ZvB †m GKRb wePviK Giƒc A‡_© judgement Gi cwie‡Z©
judge n‡e|
❖ He Aspends a lot Bof money because he Clikes Dmarketing. [ivtwet (B-Law,set-3), 14-15] -d
e¨vL¨vt †Kvb wKQz †KbvKvUv Kiv †evSv‡Z marketing Gi cwie‡Z© Shopping kãwU em‡e;
❖ A Have done my best, I sat B down C to see D the results. [ivtwet (D) AevwYR¨ 15-16]-a
e¨vL¨vt simple ev‡K¨ Abyhvqx have Gi ¯’‡j having n‡e|
❖ Although Rahim (A has been cooking for many years, he (B still does not (C know to prepare
foods (D in the traditional manner. [ivt wet (E) we‡Rvo 15-16]-c
e¨vL¨vt know Gi ¯’‡j know how em‡e, KviY know+ how/where/when/why+to+v1 nq|

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