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=] 4 + i'yute looking for a(t). - forthe @) « ity not try a @) Sack Food Factory? Each tour begins With 9 (4) ve» about the of Baxter's Then, unlike mos factory tours, swe actually (8) om the factory lor. AK the end ofthe tour, everyone receives @ (6). of our ‘Tours are asilable every but. ifyou want to see our () be sure to come and (10) «from Monday to Wednesday. We cant guarantee (11) willbe runing on Thursdays and Fridayst 146 |M-Cn: Are yo looking for oat 10 (1) een YOU EXE (2) 2 Well, look n farther than Mie ‘With ow and private (4) 1 Mirelis isthe prfet place for everything from small to large (9 ‘They are always ready to belp! Planing to (8). But thats not the only reso 1 (6) nnneu Mill's. We'e famous for our (7) ith food at your fice? No problem - ‘well bring the food fo you, You ean view our 8) on our Web site m9 Me-Aw: Attention, Home Purite () ~ The sofware program we use for Q) lant working, Tis means you eannot () electronically. on the form that's on the Instead, when your sift over, please write your (§) receptionist’ desk. The form aren inclades () wand the (6) you operate know this isa hassle, but sony (7) see the Gime reporting software will be (8) when you @) ‘omortow moming. so.s2 [Mc-Aus Attention, passengers. On Monday, some of our major partof (8) +» All buses to Freapor,Johstowa, and Grant City willbe (4) 20s cathe) the billing. This change wl help uso (6). siding from the () the new gates are (7). ve recommend allowing yourself () svn 0 walk there =] 4 Hi ass a 4 W-Br: Before we begin tonights (1) Ihave some @) .- Our grilled tuna dish was 0 (8) last night that we actually @) oft for () the weekend. Please let ow that it not (6) eee Al, Wel Be (1) the servers this evening - half of you wil be nd the rest of you will bein the (20) inthe main ®) room fora (11) going tobe a (12) so encourage you to help each oer (13). for ou customers We ole the =] 4 wor XQ WB: Thanks for (1) to Musie Today on Radio 49. Fist a eminder that the Clasicl (2) {isthe weekend. Radio 49 is giving 3) towing () catering a (5). Aad kets are almost (6). + Just goto our Web site and 1) 8) sero nour station, and We lek 8 (8) st random, This year isthe centh (10) event, which wes (1D. ‘Umesh Gupta. On tomorrow moming’s program, Mt Gupta will be ere for (13) ofthe festival. Re sre to (5) 94 Mc: fo listening to Making My Company with Mark Sullivan. In each (1). invite eatepreaeurs fom (2) vo tth buat uw they built ee @) Tu elelaton of oss alow’ 4) vn» 04 We site now basal of oa previously (8) You can them withthe (6) You can even () them onto 10 listen to (9) ! OK, now, I welcome Haru Nakamura tothe show. Ms. Nakamura is (10). today. oso [Mn Hello, This ise Lit, ) edergoing include a lrace (4) {om the Benton Public Library, Starting next week, the brary willbe A@. will be added to the eastside ofthis building. The ation will, wanda 5) The rary wll be open during the (6) wear. Susan Anderson, the hea librarian, warns that he (8) ‘you may want to bring 7) And now, back tothe studi. this atermoon because of the seson's sticks to nest wos’ game! ill win the tickets! And afer today’s ‘eame, we will ave an (7) =] 4

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