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1. What is our main source of light?

a. sun
b. moon
c. candle

2. What is the only form of energy that we can see?

a. prism
b. light
c. heat

3. We need ….. to help us to see.

a. light
b. air
c. water

4. Which picture is showing darkness?

a. b. c.

5. What part of our body do we use to detect light?

a. b. c.
6. What season is now?

a. Winter b. Spring c. Autumn

7. What type of clothes do we wear in hot and sunny weather?

a. Shorts, T-shirt and sandals

b. raincoat and umbrella

c. sweater and long pants

8. What’s the weather like today? It's .....

A. Sunny

B. Cloudy

C. Rainy
9. A ……………. is formed when the light is blocked.

a. shadow

b. rain

c. energy

10. Choose the correct shadow base on the sun position!

a. b. c.
Answer correctly!

1. Mention 4 seasons and the weather look like!


2. Mention the activity you can do during each season!


3. Mention 3 sources of light!


4. Mention 3 objects that can reflect lights!


5. Draw the shadow of the object and the posision of the sun!

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