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good morning ladies and gantle man , here we’re from tangerang 28 senior high school.

the first speaker. my name is Sevi Meilinda. and our second speaker is Yeni Rosand ,and the last one
is M. Anwar Sadat as a third speaker. now we are going to discuss about the house believe that
Facebook decreases student’s achievement at school.

many people said that facebook will disturb us as a student to study. but i think facebook also can
help us to study. Like :

 we can get a lot more informations from facebook. for example : there’s our friend in
facebook share to us about lesson. not only our friend, but also the other people who post
status usefuly. we also can ask to people in facebook what we don’t know about something

 not only get more a lot information but many positife things more about facebook. LIKE We
can find a new friend from the other country. For example : there’s someone adds you in
facebook as friend. And she or he from england. You can chat with him or her to know how
england people, you also can ask england country like the culture, and everything. And the
important things you can improve your english with her or him.

 The other positive things on facebook is we can keep in touch with someone and our love
one who far away with us. Everybody have close friend or spesial friend and our close or
maybe special friends are far away from us. So we can use facebook as communication
Instance: you had a bestfriend when you junior high school. And after grauduated
he/she moved to somewhere which far from us. So you can still keep in touch with her or
him on facebook. You can chatting, even you can videocall with her or him. So it’s solve the
problems that you can’t keep in touch or meet him/ her.

 And then the positive things of facebook is entertaint us. Why? When we feel bored and
confused what should we do in our spare time. Facebook is the oneway to entertain us. You
can chat with your friend, express your feeling like posting a photos and then make a status,
and many more example.
There’s many positive things from facebook. Here from us and i need the apposite oppinion,


oke this is our oppinion. We personality think that facebook is really distrub student to study. Why?

 The biggest drawback of facebook that is makes addicting. Facebook is really makes us
addicted. We can’t even not seen our facebook in a day? If we didnt see our account
facebook there’s some bad feelings that we want to see our account facebook. For
example : at night when you study, you really want to open your account facebook. And
then when you open your facebook you leave the lesson and just want to open your
facebook untill you’re sleepy. This is my experiance that when i must study couse the next
day there’s an examination and then i prefer to open my account fcebook then study.
Becouse there’s something fun with my friend in facebook. I open my facebook untill i feel
sleepy and then i sleep. In the next day when the exam began i don’t know everything about
the answer and then yah i get a really bad score. So it really bad experiance and i think
facebook makes us so addicting.

 Facebook has given rise to gossip as well as people have found an easy way to get updates
about others personal live.Example : our friend have problems in their life. If they post status
about their problems their problems become a gossip in school.

 People become lazy to comunicate in the real world. There many people said facebook
makes the far one becomes close and the close one becomes far. Yes i think facebook makes
us like that. We chat with friend in other country or the far location from us. But how the
close one? We become far with te close one. When we’re too fun with facebook everything
will forgetten. Start from our activity like study, and also our close people like our parents
maybe, we’ll forget evrything!
 Social networking site will make children and adolescents more selfish. When we’re too fun
about something we’ll dont care of everything and we will be selfish. Example :

good morning ladies and gantle man , here we’re from tangerang 28 senior high school. i’m the first
speaker. my name is sevi meilinda. and our second speaker is yeni ,and the last one is anwar sadat.
now we are going to discuss about the house believe that THBT high school students need sex

 Many High school students choose stopped after their experience in the program. Maybe in
this era many adolescents have free sex, they need information of the dangerous things about
free sex. And when they know, they will stop automatically. Example : if they know if free
sex has a lot of negatively they will think again if they wanna do that again, and of course
they will not do that again.

 They’ll know the dangerous free sex is. Like an incureable desease is HIV and other venereal
diseases.Example : when they know about free sex is dangerous. Thei’ll not try free sex and
will tell about the dangerous desease to their friend. So there will not more free sex.

 Reduced amount of free sex without condom.Example : they’re afraid

 Used to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and lower preganancy riks. Example : if
someone knows how the preganancy happens, they wil not do something like that and if they
know there’s so many of disease caused from free sex and many of that disease has no cure,
like HIV/AIDS. They will try to not to do that again and even never ever do that again
because that diease are deadly. Of course they don’t wanna do that.


 Sex education will trigger curiousity among students to find out about sex and eventually they
will invlove in free sex. Adolescents is a peroid that there’re some feeling which really really
want to know or really really curious about something like free sex. When they know about
free sex. They curious how to have free sex and they’ll try it although they know the
dangerous things becouse of they’re really curiously.
 It is afraid that is there teenagers gut pregnant out of wedlock so theres a possibility they’ll
dump the baby right after they gives birth or also abortion.

 Apart from that, sex education could be offensive due to religion and custom . It’s because
sex is considered something personal and yet not to be talked about in the publicy

 Altough sex education is consider against our culture & Religin but I think we should change
our mind set and we can change the subject according to our culture and religion so we don’t
have to copy Western sex education style.

THBT Indonesian students neglect traditional culture

 They will know about others culture. When we open others country culture in indonesia, we
can know even we can lear n others country culture.

 Limit the influence of bad culture to a next generation. In indonesia there’re many bad culture
s like trust to myth and trust to black magition. So it’s a bad thing of indonesia culture, trust to
devil or everything. They praise something like stoone, big tree or something strange. We
must limit this bad indonesia culture.

 we outdate the others country. Sometimes when we still too addicted to our culture we not up
to date in new tehcnology and sciences. In others country they have a high tehcnology to help
their probelms in their usual activities. If we’re not open others country culture we still use a
manual machine or a poor tehcnology. Like a washing machine. It help us to much. It can
save our time and also our energy.
 For the students who really want to study in abroad, while they are still study in abroad they
must get used to the culture in the country they live.


 decrease our rich traditional culture. Because our culture is so many, and of course if the
student neglect their culture it will decrease it too. Because the culture is not done anymore.
And time in time the culture will be lost.

 Our traditional culture taken by others country. If the teenegers of Indonesian ignore their
own culture, of course they are not know that culture, if they don’t know the culture it will be
a chance for other coutry to take our culture. This is bad if our culure taken by other country
that exactly dosen’t know what,where, and why the culture was born or happen.

 Make students don't appreciate our culture and they prefer to follow other country culture.
This is the worst things that can be happen if the students not appreciate they culture. Because
if it happen the next of students generation will never know their culture, if the next
generation don’t know the culture of course that culture will be extinct.

THBT Goverment ignores street children

 Yes, because there’s still many of street children that have to work for their live.

 They like it because their parents don’t care about the importance of education. So it’s their parents fault.

Negative :

 The government should take action to eliminate a street child. Why? Because, street children should live
well, and they get a good education. that should be funded by the government and it is contained in the
legislation of Article 34, paragraph 1.

 The number of street children have sprung up since the government does not take the act that is strictly
enforced, many cases of parents who accidentally leave their children because of the demands of the
economy and there are indeed due to his parents who live on the streets as well.

That education is the responsibility of government

 Education is the responsibility of the government, especially for those who are not able to, and people who
have achievement but can't continue their education because don't have much costs.
 And advance the standards of higher education in Indonesia. So there's a possibility indonesia have a lot of
professional labor.

 Contained in the legislation in article 31, paragraph 1.

Negative (Kontra):

 If education is the responsibility of government so There's much money to spend for all of people's
education. And for the impact the state financial will decrease.

 So the government only take a responsibility for the particular person who have financial problems.

That the press violates public figures privacy


 The public figures is human too. They supposed to have a peace for their life.

 Everybody has a secret who doesn't want anybody knows. Public figures too, there's a secret they don't want
to share.
 And everybody has a right for what they want.

Negative (Kontra) :

 The advantage is, if the public figure have a interesting secret. It can make so many rumors created by the
media can make public figures rise to fame.

 Their fans can know well their public figures.

 Makes public figure to be careful with their act. And don't do anything what can make their reputation

That this house regrets the cutting of bbm subsidy

Affirmative :

 Our people can create an alternative fuel. Like solar systems, hybird fuel, wind power, etc. If the subsidy of
BBM are cutted the people will find the alternative fuel, because they can’t buy the BBM. because the cost
of the BBM is too expensive to bought.

 Our benefit or our income per capita, can be raised. If the BBM subsidy are cutted of course the government
wil not pay more for the fuel, so the government development can be faster and better. Because government
has a lot of money to do that.

 Because our income rising of course our economy development can be growth faster.
If the government development faster of course the economy will be increased. Because the economy are
depend on government development so the if the government development is good of course the income of
our economy also increased and it also happen in opposite case.

Negative (kontra)
 The public transportation cost will be rising. The public transportation usually use the BBM subsidy. So if
the BBM subsidy are cutted the cost of the public transportation is also rising, because they will do this to
cover their loss.

 All of the grociries cost are also rising too. It can incriminating the poor people. BBM is the main case in
entire economy. So included the grociries, if the BBM subsidy cutted of course the BBM cost will be rising
up, and if the BBM cost is rising up it also happen to the grociries because in production of grociries use a
lot of BBM. And it will incriminating the poor people because they have pay much more for the grociries
that they have to buy.

 It will enrich the mafia of oil and gas and harder our people. Because there’s too much of region intervension
in our oil and gas, so we can’t control our oil and gas cost by our self and by our condition. Because them
our oil cost are too high, but our people can’t buy it. This is so bad Indonesia has a lot of Oil and gas that
spread to every inch of our land. Why don’t we have our own refinery?? It will easier for us to control our oil
and gas cost and we will not depend to another region to use it.

That we should stop sending immigrant labors

 Because if we not stop it there wil many of illegal immgrant. Without coming back to their country.

 If there too much of immigrant that come to our country, so we have to pay their life too.

 It will increase the number of citizen in a town that full of imigrant that usually lived by our people.

 It will increase the number of crime that caused by the imgrant that don’t have a job in our country.
 Theres no income from immigrant labors again.

 So, income from the country will be decrease

 We should stop sending immigarant labor like household or gardener . But We should increase a profesional
labor to work in a better place.

That small economic business scales should get easier bank loan procedures from both government and
private banks


 It have to do, because a small economic is one of the people economic driver. If people economic already
fuction with a good drives so the country economic can be stable.

 People will more creative to develop their business.

 The number of unemployment can be decreased.

Negative (kontra):
 Many crimes of loan by irresponsible parties. As borrowing with a reason to increase its business turned out
to be used for other purposes. If the control of it are less then ussualy needed it will be
 Many bank may get loss. Because not all of small business scale is success. So their money can’t be get

 That we should ban the possession of fire weapons to civilians


 Increase the crime case, by using a fire weapon. If the law isn’t strong to judge the people who use the fire
weapon it will make the owner of the fire weapon in the civilians do a crime. Because they not scared to the
law that will hit to them if they use it for crime. And if the owner of the fire weapon can’t control their act to
do something that really dangerous, it will increase the crime at civilians.

 They can use it for underground movement (illegal movement for crime). If they have a fire weopon, they
may use it for fight to the government that they don’t like to the law or wisdom from them. It will very
dangerous for our country because if they use it to fight into government it mean they fight against the

Negative : (kontra)

 We can use it for self defense from a bad people. We don’t know what will happen to us, which it good or
bad situation. But if we have a fire weapon we can protect our self from the evil. If we are at the bad
situation we may have to use it for protect our self. For example if someone house are robered by rober, we
can use it to protect our self from bad situation and from them. So we can protect our self more better, then
less fire weapon.

 Self prepare for the worst situation. If the situation is very worst we may can use it too. For example if
there’s any a big demonstration until there’s happen a pillage between home or store we can use it to protect
our home or our store. And if there’s any zombie attack we can survives from their bites.
That we would make the military service compulsory for citizen

 We can have a secondary power if we’re in a conflict. To protect our country we have the main power and
secondary power of military. The main power are used too protect the country when it stable or not. So the
secondary power are used for when the country is in conflict. If we have the secondary power we don’t have
to worry so much if we are under attack because there’s any secondary power. Beside it will make and gain
the pratiotic soul in every people that live in there.

 We can gain our solider amount, whitout training anymore at the war. In war speed is very important
because we wanna attack something we can do it more effective. And also at gaining soldier, if we just only
depend to the main soldier we will overwhelmed because we may engaged to big power that really need
many soldier. But if we use the military compulsory system we don’t have to worry about that, because the
people that will be dropped to the already has a main training of military. So we will not have to wait too
long to get a new soldier.

 It’s also can increase a decipline of our people. In military they will teach people to more decipline to do
something. If we apply it at daily live, it will make people to work better, because they have a big decipline
to what have to do in their job, and do it very maximum.


 If the conditions of our country is stable, it will make the time of people to working are wasted. Time is
money many of people talk about this, and this is true when the situation of our country is stable. If our
situation is stable many of time of people are wasted. So they can’t working in effective, so it will decrease
our economy that should be get more.

 Beside is not just all of people like something about military. We know there’s any human right, we can’t
impose people to do something. All of the human right must be respected, included to not impose somenone
to join into military.

 There’s some people have disease who can’t be join to the military service. The military services just only
lookd to the age that must to join in them, but not looking into their healthy. If someone have a disease that
can be to do something very hard, they can’t join in. because if they keep also join in it just like waste our

 And it will waste our money to do something like that. Usually not to needed. Our money doesn’t down
from the sky. So we have to use that money to do something more usefull for the citizen of Indonesia. Not to
waste the money that really helpful to our country.

 There’s no legal basis/UU for the military services for the citizen. So we all know if Indonesia is the country
of law. We know if there’s no a strong basis of law we can’t do it. If we impose to do this and contradict to
our UUD/ main of law, it will be contrast to our constitution.

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