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Robber with no Chains

Dan and muroki are best friends,

Muroki has got his only mother left while Dan has no one left,
Dan is planning a heist to steal from the bank.
Dan asks muroki if they can go and steal the money as they take
money to the bank but muroki is a good man, he denies.
Muroki is grieved when he finds out his mother is sick, but what
made muroki’s mother sick..
Earlier on Dan meets muroki’s mother when muroki is not
there, then he asks for water, then distracts muroki’s mother
for a beverage and he refuses immediately after when he
swipes and poisons muroki’s mother cup of water with a drug,
class D of anti-amphetamines the scopolamine.
Dan leaves the scene quickly and pretends like he was never
anywhere around there,
Muroki comes back and finds his mom, sleeping on the coach,
he tries to wake her up but she doesn’t respond and he
immediately takes her to the hospital,
Later on, the next scene we find Muroki being so sad, over his
mother’s illness and he goes to meet up with dan to ask for
He asks for some money to pay for his mothers illness but Dan
reminds him of the Job, and then he agrees to do it.
They go and meet up with derex, loyd and max,
And they immediately start planning the heist, they plan it like
Muroki says that max is to take care of the money on getting it,
Loyd will get rid of the bodies when they start getting violent,
Derex is driving.
They leave soon after, with fake wells fargo cargo uniforms
pretending to be transporting money into the bank, they pass
over quickmart and dan disrupts the traffic lights to give them a
distraction of a traffic jam,
They drive safely and on reaching the gates of the bank, on
opening the window, Dan shoots the armed guard with a
silenced 32 inch caliber MG-5 magazine.
Loyd quickly, wears his mask and gets rid of the body.
They silently enter from the depository gate, where money is
chaffed off to the wind,
They take off their phones and any tracable machine they had
on them and it was given to derek so that on entering the heist,
the one monitoring their movements wouldn’t know where
they were.
(They enter past the gate and enter the bank where they would
rob the money in the bank)
(Shouting)I want everyone on the ground now! And then he
shoots the ceiling floor.
They are all wearing ghostly scary masks, that will stop your
heart in a hush of a second,
The secretary
(On the cashier floor, pressed down is a button of alarm directly
to the town’s p.d)
Muroki, sees the move and runs toward her, nearly shooting
her, there is a brief moment of silence and a song of lost hope
is sung in ambience as the scene ends,
Then we go back to the hospital, Muroki’s mother needs
medicine and a surgery is to be performed to remove the toxins
from when dan poisoned his mother,
A call is received by muroki, in the moment of nearly killing the
secretary, from the hospital,
He receives it, and it was his mother, she was getting better
even, it is just that she had missed his son.
Dan to Muroki
(let’s get the money and go, we already have what we came
There is brief silence there and muroki cuts his phone he gives
back to derek and they leave the scene with 10 million shillings.
Max is given the money and goes into hiding with it,
Loyd is left to take care of the bodies,
Dan and Muroki, drug themselves so they are found
They wake up in an interrogation room, A lawyer who also
happens to be Dan’s uncle precedes from them, and who
knows about the heist and had a cut in it interrogates them and
they are given dismissal as innocent.
Loyd, max and derex are given their share and now they are out
of the picture.
Murokis mother undergoes surgery, and is waiting in the
hospital to be discharged.
Derex, is not satisfied with the cut, and he usually has anger
Dan’s uncle, Alex, is the boss and does what he pleases, they
only have 7 million left since they had given max, derex and
loyd them one million each.
Alex wants the seven million for himself, most of the millions
for himself,
The three of them Alex, Dan and muroki plan to share the
money in an abandoned house that used to be a warehouse.
The first scene we see dan and muroki arguing that dan had
poisoned his mother,
Ealier on we find out that Alex had a conversation with muroki
when he was at the hospital.
Since Alex is greedy, he want all the millions for himself, he lies
to muroki that dan had poisoned his mother, and the two hate
each other.
As they are there together where they first meet as kids,
Muroki’s Flashback
(eh I remember when we first met, it was around this area
when we were kids)
Alex follows behind them closely.
They are so mad at each other, when murokis suddenly pulls his
gun, and dan too, pulls back.
Dan first shouts
(I remember you, when we were kids men, what the hell men,
we are been set-up men)
Muroki with tears on his eyes, silently grieving but firmly
crutching on his gun, still silent.
Then muroki says
They argue a bit, a minute even and because of the raise
tensions, Dan manages to pull the trigger first but muroki
engages back.
They are now lying seemless on the floor.
Alex arrives on scene and grabs the money first,
He nearly gets out to leave but lingers on a bit and starts
(I am the one who made your wife muroki to rot in the
hangman’s house)
He continues laughing even more awkwardly this time,
(ha ha h…)
I clear shot to the head he got, because muroki had not totally
died, it was not his time to die yet but his time to kill.
Muroki luckily doesn’t die as the bullet hits his chain.
He takes the money and first goes home to see his mother,
He reaches there, arms reach they hug each other, and are
sobbing towards one another showing emotional love.
His mother asks him what is in the bag, and he says nothing and
goes out to his house,
He says sorry to his mother then he quickly leaves his home and
goes to the airport,
He knows he killed an arm of the law, but never thought he
killed his best friend’s uncle,
He never wanted to reach this limit or at this point he had
never dreamt of,
Words lost and gave birth to shouts in his mind, he doesn’t
know where to go even, but he has all the money in the world,
On reaching the airport, suddenly he sees a homeless person
with a sign written, even a little man can make a Big difference
He realizes that he had nearly lost his mother to poison, he
nearly lost his life for nothing, his wife imprisoned for nothing
yet he had everything everybody needs, and he can’t give a
He halts suddenly and stops at that guy with unimpressive
looks, and give him a bowl of cash, the guy gags on his lips and
thanks Muroki and leaves the scene with muroki to buy him
some good clothes.
Then later on muroki visits the orphanage and donates part of
the money to the school to buy more food and child items to
He then goes back to his mother and leaves her with one
million shillings, and then she is shocked and asks him where he
got the money from, and he tells her not to worry.
Muroki then disappears to go and bail his wife out of prison,
with a happy smile on his face for he had finally done it but on
the way he is caught trying to enter the women’s prison for he
was a suspect of hindering the law.
He is first put with his wife, and they conjugate to relieve of the
suffering and then he is taken to the men prison.
There he finds great characters, but first his roommate, John,
he is called is the leader of their cell block gang.
The others were, brian, kamah and deno.
These four were ruthless killers held for murder, rape and
running drug and criminal gangs.
They used to sell the best cocaine in the city of Nairobi, but had
to flee to Mombasa because of the drug cartels were even after
him not only the police.
John introduced himself to Muroki, then brian, kamah and
John used to be a drug dealer.
Brian was a drug peddler.
Kamah was a high rank criminal mastermind.
When deno was usually found dealing with weed.
They were all in for a penalty of a dozen of years, but allah held
their arm to this point in life to continue the pursuit of life and
never stop breathing life.
He would say this at times.
(The only sin in this world is not completely living truly, if you
need to do something no matter how dangerous or risky just do
it, who else in the world cares about you other than your
breaking points.)
He would at times also be very wise about making decisions
and running the gang affair for he was a good boss.
Muroki was happy even though locked up, he was happy there.
One day they are planning to escape the place and they are
starting to drawing blue prints on how they were going to
But muroki, previously had refused the offer because he is not
into crime anymore.
One lunch session, another gang was seeking to break the face
of muroki since he was fresh meat in the prison,
They are approaching where john’s gang is and started picking
on muroki, they are there for quite sometimes and then leaves
creating a big impression of themselves but no scene is created.
Afterward in the courtyard, there is a fight between one of the
other gang members, musyoka and John’s gang, kamah.
Kamah is injured and is taken to the infirmary and the prisoners
are driven back to their respective cells.
(We could have had them men)
(This is not our fight)
(So relax man)
The next day muroki is visited by his wife, she tell him of how
she was released that morning, and came directly to see him,
they romance in words a bit, and exchange love glances and
she exits the scene.
That day, muroki did not sleep, because of how happy he was,
he had exchanged his own freedom for his wife, and that made
everyone happy even his mother.
We see muroki’s wife, Diana leave the prison and goes to visits
muroki’s mother and they grieve happily together and brings
her news of how muroki is doing.
Muroki’s mother, asks if she can come with her the next day to
see muroki and they both agree to go and visit him the next
time they go there.
John’s crew is planning to escape and they agree to involve
muroki even though he doesn’t want to go.
It’s been three years in prison and muroki was energetic to
serve seven more,
Brian is sent to steal the prison’s map, and the blue print of
when it was built, and find it in the Map room.
To be Continued..
Synopsis of Heist

-This is a story about

Muriuki and his other
frIends who take their way
against the law and steals Join us in this
from the Bank in town, it's a
crime thriller episode of
amazing people who by the
Grace of God get through
difficult situations like
Muriuki's mother.

-How they get through It all

nobody knows, Everything
revolves around Muriuki and
his best friend Dan who also
happens to betray him, he
also has problems of his
own, Alex is there as their
co-Star and they together
will form a team that will
change the view of the
cinema to another whole
wide angle.

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