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Name : Rahmat Juliadi Class : TBI - B Lecture : Hendra Ekaputra. M.Pd VOCABULARY JURUSAN TADRIS BAHASA INGGRIS FAKULTAS TARBIYAH DAN ILMU KEGURUAN IAIN BATUSANGKAR 2021/2022 Exercise 1 Master the following words by knowing its root word! 1. Recruitment Recruits (V=Merekrut) +- ment (N=Peng-) 's unit eg: a. The company recruits some employees to place many position in b. The recruitment of new staffs is done in IAIN Batusangkar. Transformer ‘Transform (V=Mengubah) + -er (N=Peng-) e.g: a. If you're prepared to adaptto learn, you can transform. b, Have you checked the transformer room? 3. Appearance Appear (V=muncuV/hadir) + -ance (N=Ke-an) e.g: a. You appear at the right time. b. This was my appearance one year ago. 4, Demonstration Demonstrate (V=mendemonstrasikan) + -ion (N= demonstrasi) e.g: a Demonstrate one of the values of life learned in short story texts »b. The chairman of BEM UGM held a demonstration in front of the DPR office 5. Lecturer Lecture (N= perkuliahan) + -er (N=Dosen) e.g: a. Lecture are very necessary for every student b. Mr. Hendra, the lecturer in charge of my assignments in the course vocabulary. 6. Careless Care (N= kepedulian + V=peduli) + -less (Adj= peduli) e.g: a Take good are of yourself. b. You think I careless? 7. Careful Care (N= kepedulian + V= peduli) + ful (Adj= peduli) €.g: a. Leare what happens to you even if you don't b. Be careful with your words 8. Instructor Instruct (V= menginstruksikan) + -or (N= pembina) eg: 2 a. instruct you to surrender at once. b. I will be your instructor today 9, Fashionable Fashion (N= mode) + -able (Adj= modi) ex a. Its this year's latest fashion! b. Dress is also very fashionable. 10. Capitalization Capital (V= menggunakan huruf besar) + -ion (N= pen-) eg: a. Make it must use capital letters b. The company has a large capitalization 11. Slowly Slow (Adi= lambat) + -ly (Adv= perlahan-lahan) ew a. Hey, you think you can slow downa little bit,? b. The snail is walking slowly 12. Purify Pure (Adj= murni) + -fy (N= memurnikan) eg: a. The result is so pure b, Only ablution water will purify you. 13. National Negara/bangsa) + al (Adj= Kebangsaan) eg a Its a very young nation Jed by young people b. The national police 14. Nationality National (Adj= ) + -ty (N= kebangsaan) eg: a, The national police AGENCY b, Indonesia is my nationality 15, Competition Compete (V=bersaing) + -ion (N= kompetisi) eg a, Compete well and honestly b, Yourcompetition makes the audience entertained 16. Competitor Compete (V= bersaing) + -or (N= saingan) ew a. No one can competewith it b, He just got a promotion. 17. Imaginable Imagine (V=membayangkan) + -able (Ad dibayangkan) eg: a. Talways imagine how beautifil life is with you b. This is the man most peaceful imaginable, 18. Unbearable Bear (N=tahan) + un-able (Adj=tak tertahankan) eg: a. It’s better to bear a waterproof jacket in the rainly season b. The every day burdens that we live with but amplified to a level unbearable by most people, 19, Reluctantly Reluctant (Adj=enggan) + -ly (Adj=dengan enggan) eg: a And you're reluctant to tell me. b, Reluctant he accepted. 20. Bitterly Bitter (Adj=pahit) + -ly (Adj=dengan pahit) e.g: a. This coffe will taste bitter if you are not by my side. bl 21, Statement erly regret that State (N=menyatakan) + ment (N=pemyataan) e.g: a. The school has already state that he will be expelled from school b, Statement sentences are sentences that contain information and do not expect a response or reciprocity from others. 22. Indelible Indelible (Adj=Tidak terhapuskan) eg a. Rahmad is on indelible Nanda’s mind 23. Unconditionally Conditional (Adj=bersyarat) + Unsly (Adj=tanpa syarat) e.g: a. Make a type | conditional sentence using the word finish. b, Can be characterized by unreserved and unconditionally generosity, giving and letting go. 24. Uncountable Countable (Adj=Dapat dihitung) (Adj=tak terhitung) eg: a.Note legth can be countable. b. Nanda love for Rahmad uncontable. 25. Eventually Event (N=Peristiwa) + ly (Adv=pada akhirnya) e.g: a. The G30//S PKI event is history for Indonesia. b. Nanda is diligent in saving, eventually able to go to Korea, 26. Unidentified Identify (V= Mengenali) + Un-ed ( =Tak dikenal) eg: a. We need to identify this lesson b. The prepetrator is unidentified. 27. Dangerous Danger (N=bahaya) + ous (Adj=berbahaya) e.g: a. How to deal with the danger of smog? b. Learning without thinking is useless, but thinking without learning is very dangerous! 28. Indirect Direct (Adv=Langsung) + in (Adj=Tidak langsung) a. If we do something wrong, then we should direct apologize. b, Why don’t you indirect apologize to him? 29, Inaudible Audible (Adj=terdengar) + in (Adj e.g: a. How could it not audible? j=tak terdengar) b. Inaudible over music 30. Supremacy Supreme (Adj= Tertinggi) + -cy (N= Keunggulan) eg: a. Nadia got the supreme score this semester. b, We each have supremacy in various ways. Exercise2 Master the following words by knowing its root word! 1, Unpredictable Predict (V=Meramalkan) + un-able (Adj=tidak mampu) eg: a. No one can predict the future. b. How are we gonna make the future unpredictable? 2. Fearless Fear (V=Takut) + less (adj=tidak takut) eg: a. But do not fear for them or yourself. b. He needs to be smart, fearless, and loyal. 3. Rudeness Rude (adj=Kasar) + -ness (N=kekerasan) eg: a. He looks rude. b. Will you forgive my rudeness? 4. Communication Communicate (V=Menyampaikan) + -ion (N=komunikasi) e.g: a. Indri communicate the happy news to Nanda. b. This will be my only communication. Unforgettable Forget (V=Lupa) + un-able (adj=tak terlupakan) eg: a. Sometimes I forget what I’m doing, b, You are someone who is unforgettable for me. 6. Improvement Improve (V=Memperbaiki) + ment (N=Perbaikan) eg: a. You learn from your mistakes, and you continously improve. b. That’s not bad, that’s a good improvement. 7. Immortal Mortal (N=Makhluk hidup) + im (Adj=abadi) eg: a, Mortal consists of humans, animals, and plants b, Death is only the end of the cycle of immortal for a new chapter of eternal life. 8, Capability Ability (N: pandaian) + -ca ‘Kemampuan) e.g: a. Ability must be used as well as possible so as not to harm yourself or others. b, How many capability do you have? 9. Neighbourhood Neighbour (N=tetangga) + hood (N=Lingkungan) eg: a, [havea new neighbour. b. Like my new neighbourhood. 10. Answerable Answer (V=Menjawab) + able (Ad awab) eg: a. Nanda can answer all the questions given by the lecturer. b. Only 4 of 5 questions can be answerable by Nanda. 11. Unstable Stable (Adj=Stabil) + un (adj=Tidak stabil) eg: a, His conditoin has been stable since last night b. The economy in Indonesi 12, Heartly Heart (N=Hati) + -Ly (Adv=sepenuh hati) currently unstable. eg: a. He has.a good heart. b. love my Mom with heartly. 13, Throughout Through (Pre=Melalui) + out (Pre=selama) eg: a. You can definitely go through all this trouble. b. I’ve been lying to myself throughout this time. 14. Controversial Controversy (N=perdebatan) + -al (Adj=yang sedang diperdebatkan) eg: a. Very satisfying controversy. b, When this result was firts published, it was highly controversial, 15. Uncouncious Councious (Adj eg: a I couneious that my parents really love me. b. The patient is unconscious. 16. Promotion Promote (V=memajukan) + ion (N=kemajuan) eg: a, Please promote the item. b. My maineompetitor are not friends but the age of my parents 17, Actualization Actually (Adv=sebenarnya) + -ion (N= aktualisasi) e.g: a. Actually this film is titled “Temple Gradin” not “Thinking Ficture”. b, Making the nation a place of actualization or self-evident towards progress. 18. Faithful Faith (N=iman) + ful (Adj=keimanan) eg: a. A person’s faith will be tested when he is in trouble. b. The ability to feel the pleasure of patience depends on the extent of our faithful in the destiny that Allah has set. 19. Politeness Polite (Adj= sopan) + -ness (N= kesopanan) eg: a. He was really polite b. Politeness must be instilled in a person 20. Politely Polite (Adj= sopan) + -ly( Adv= dengan sopan) e a, Please be polite in speaking b. 1 was treated politely

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