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State of Alaska

Sale of Alaska An agreement

between one of the countries and
the United States of America,
which took place in 1867.
Sometimes people create stories about
giant polar bears that live in remote and
inaccessible areas where they are almost
impossible to find
The production of oil, gas, ores and
other natural resources in Alaska is
an important component of the
region's economy
The Alaska Gold Rush is a period in
history when thousands of people
came to this land in search of
wealth, discovering large gold
deposits in the second half of the
19th century.
Denali National Park. Located in the central part of the
state, this park is famous for its unsurpassed nature,
including the highest peak in North America - Mount Denali
In 2024, Alaska remains a unique region with rich
nature and great potential for development. The
state continues to attract the attention of both
tourists and investors due to its vast spatial
diversity, natural resources, and opportunities

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