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Sure, I can help you with that!

Here's a 5E's lesson plan for teaching triangle congruence with

some suggested activities:

*Engage:** In this stage, you want to capture your students' attention and stimulate their
thinking about the topic. You could start by asking students if they know what triangle
congruence means. You could also show them some pictures of triangles and ask them to
identify any that look the same.
*Explore:** In this stage, you want to provide opportunities for students to explore the
concept of triangle congruence on their own. You could give each student a set of
triangle cutouts and ask them to see if they can find any pairs of triangles that are
congruent. You could also have them work in groups to come up with a list of criteria that
two triangles must meet in order to be congruent.
*Explain:** In this stage, you want to provide students with a clear explanation of the
concept of triangle congruence. You could use a visual aid, such as a PowerPoint
presentation, to explain the different ways that triangles can be congruent (e.g. SSS, SAS,
ASA, etc.). You could also have students create their own visual aids (e.g. posters,
infographics) to demonstrate their understanding of the concept.
*Elaborate:** In this stage, you want to provide students with opportunities to apply their
understanding of triangle congruence to new situations. You could give them a set of
triangles and ask them to use the different congruence criteria to determine which pairs
of triangles are congruent. You could also have them work in pairs to create a set of
triangle cutouts with different measurements and challenge other pairs to find any pairs
of congruent triangles.
*Evaluate:** In this stage, you want to assess students' understanding of the concept of
triangle congruence. You could give them a quiz or test that includes problems involving
triangle congruence. You could also have them create their own problems involving
triangle congruence and exchange them with their classmates to solve.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any other questions or if you need any further

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