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Comporiar’ Wc Plamen Ort-1 > Business laws: Business law, also calted Covnmencrat law on mencantile la, 1Pe body» ples. cohethen by Convention, agacement, 99 gt oo vontennattonal _ legislation. go tneng the dealing? betwee @ persons in sorrnnwondl sd rnatlens + Types i- ) | “Contract la® - &m loyenent law - labor lao - Tntellectvad propen ties - Secustt?es faw - Tat law. > Business laws §n Indias- - Indian ContvactadI872 - as tnenship ack, 1932 ~ ‘Companies Ack» 1956 and Lalest amendment: Qoi3 - Sale of Gores act 1930 - Consomer nolecdton act, 1986 - Umiled frobiit parénenskip act, Qoog - Negotiable instsoment ack, (9g) 7 Sige Preancet- . Haintepane of eg uilibriorn «Less Ponce Fraods o presence of chs Conduct A protect ne 3 of both cnsumen and busine + & universe” Sel of Standards. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner E ran contvact, 1872 t- A.A agreement enfos. > aan Jao $5 @ Contract. a Coabl9) The Indian Contract ct brings cufin %5 ambit Ufo Contsa Ctual nih, Fave been granted to t GE Zens op dea ; athe Indian Conlvact acl, (879 oa’ enacted on Asth ppmil, 1839 C act q of 13929 ard Subseoventh Came into fomce on 4 Piast doy of Sep iad > Contyacts- 9 conteact tsa voluntar Hw {wo on mone anties {hat ; *s by Jaw asa binary egal. amen ee eld « Essenteals of valed. Contract y- ~ offesr - Heeptance ~ Consent - lowfut Object - Constdesatton - Capacty of Pasties ~ legad “elation sh: p. * Tyee’ of contyacts- > Fon cHeatior ~ €xpsess * Impated ~ Quast > Fon execution ~ CxeCoted. - pasely executed. 2 For enfonabr lie - Vanies contyact - Void contract - Vordable contsact > Inkegnad Contract - ongrfoned S legal Q3 xan, 1 ney @ scanned with OKEN Scanner rs, pis chop. ob cont acl 3- 7 - By perfomroance 8 molval Consent - fovation q Bie (q of, beach - tak op time = Recession. 2 penfommence of 0 contyact the team ‘per- apna Of contvact” Means (Rot both , ufo 2 oen'50 and tke pnomisee Rave foifitied Pose espective obtgat? on » cohscB ife' Conteact placed Upon thern. + Types * - Octvat ~ Zupstantial = pamtial > Remedees for bseadh of contract :- Damages: Groce, § Ni ‘vindicl - Damages: Generals $ eaCic, Nominal, v?ndiclive, ao porte Cqutdace daroages - specgic pesfosmance - Tnjonction - RexessioN - Quantom mest x geonding to Section lo of tke conlyact act (872, “ Au poner ane eortrach °f - made by pie consent OG the part tes, compe - teat “to contract, fin @ lawfol considesation and otth a laupel object and ‘not Rese by Abo! to be vord” ; j Hisnepeseniation EN Bo false on mis leads, Staternent on a matenial omission obec g Jendess othen skatemens mnfffead: Ble In cloce%ue ading, GER intent: @ scanned with OKEN Scanner void and vordable Contracts ?- ' TR vord Contact PS considened to hea Lagat coptaatt that 25 Prualid-Gtarttog Sion of cntny voidable contsacl 45 also a Deged Contiacd cksch $5 dedored enalid by one of the boo antics, for cesta I Neasons. i vod voidabic- . Defined gn Seclton 2G) GeclgonreC) = Natome vated © valid Unbil Pasty certs, | + Reasons Sobsequont illegality Pankies 14 ole Indepering = Re hu to posts No ge 2 Bust for damages > Aeceplane > Aecepkance mnefess to one pesson’s Compliance wxth fe berms of 29 offesr made by another. gceptane Ps gudged objectively, but con exlben be expsessly staxted on Pmphced by te offeree’s conduct: Lath ust Tyee w- Empwess aceptane , een a acceptance ~ Cordittonad ace ptone > Qoantum Menvit :- Qvantum menuit means '"' iferamoont one desenves” om Cas muck as one has earned”. Tn most Cases te denotes A Claim fo, a yeaLn kta contiact, ABe seule tsansfens O7 apuees to trans er the property 2n goods the boyen for a price. > Essential elements of a Contract of Saber Sa tie wee * Goods - price + ‘Teo Pasta + Transfer of ownenshy © pul essentials °§ 4 vated Contract of Babe © Drpfemences blo Sale and agement to selle- ~ oconenSht ~ price \ = goss ane destroyed ~ “ Resale - Reo > condittors *- certain tewms, oblUteations, and Provistons ame . °mposed by the oye and Sellen ize CnkeNing Snto a pth of ede. chk needs © be CG) gaeispied, aRtch and Cernmenty Known a) condition’. Oe eprsted Conditions L Fmplied Conditions — Toph" @ scanned with OKEN Scanner > Wassantys- 9 Wasyanty *$ a gvayaniee gun en by. 4, sctien to ife buyer” aboot the pay Prtness and performance of bBo pe Des f ; “Exp sess _ affisenative premiseog quobtey - im phied a Gonrapie made » does not make pro ° erloden mex cl Ron bable- omdinaxy pospete en © pardantics of frlness - frtness fon Paste , > perp Txansfen of Property act, (88a 5, ‘ ta Tndtan Ig Sslalion heck Begulates te sang of prepen m India. zt are. Ft fox on Bee Jey [88Q- Accosding to the ads ' teansfen & Propenty? means an act by hick a peeson® conve Ss Properly to one 0% mone pessonS, 0 celf and ard one on moe othes pezsons. : Cate! see, t- 4) Trarnevable Property Cexctuding standing been pro Crop $. age | Geass 2, Movable prpenty. Sate a. ckeonable 7. toa Neuaion « pare sty 7% ose Transfer — eabanse ho > lease Gift Peformance of a Contvact of Salet-ting be dep ned as U penforrrnance of Be Nespecti ve dolies of the setlen and” by 37S pen th 4ecms of the conlsack. Tt Sos tuo posts, Team + Seltents duty to “delsven (Be goods A Bogen’ S) duly aC) accepe tBe ‘Goes 2 i @ scanned with OKEN Scanner ay ampontant aspects I 0 of goods , mcluey P FP ; . ple of the dels very 0 moent: ynpad sellem #9 Sellen aaho Bos not Received 7 pout price of Re goods sold ty termed os the fl getter Sale of oods act, 1930 Sectron vlhe st yead abovt ¢. Nigh4 of unpaid Sellen. wie sights can be two grees TRey ane of fio Bes against Good W she Agoinst Bogen Raph to jonpaid Sellen Fon 9d0ds Fon Boyer ~ Right to Ler = feo, bo Sue ° — st page in transit | fan For price 7 Reght to Resell ~ Compensation ~ Ane Pate: @ntsact ~Negottable FrstuTEMEt- Negotiable enstyvmené ant 1881 GRtch govenns the —opesattons dees So catthovt a Stout definition oF Negotiable Fnsty- -ument but States ¢@n' Secon 13 tbat Notes, bls of exchange and c g vet 2, Premitlory to ondun 0% to heaven ane ne ottable ~ CBosactontsttcs able esther ns bsoments “Eypes * Freel Tran sfemable JI promissory Note | a Recher of folden 2% Bull of F Bellen tetle 3 4) Promese ox oxide . exchange ud. @ scanned with OKEN Scanner > Tnsolvent In Contyack:- Tool apes Neen bo Stloaltons cene a debeom Cantor pay the debts they owe. fon “4nstante, & bxoubled. Compal q $& FS Unable beaghe insolent Gken ie able ne me gneditons money owned on time, ofeed ing 0a banknopl Piling. : > Revocation of a contsacti- Cock Nos Ix of 1842 9 Proposal moy be Revoked al. any b?me before the Commu nicatton of $F aceptance #5 comple as against the pmoposem, but not aften wands- nib: OE > athe Indian pastnenship Het 1932 t~ A Pastne -shep Ss an axsangement en ahicR two 03 mone enidivideals sare” the profi and Stabr Mreies of a Business venture. thos, ta effect. a pastnerskep sm cannot fave’ mone than So membens - ESSentialS / Bosactenisttcs + - 7 - Joo om mone pessons - Ogmeement ~ (awfod — bustness - shastng of profits - Melvasd Agenc na Utmost Fe psu - unlimited Stability. —> Regrstration of a pastnenship :- fro. pane _shep anegistvation, tRe two on mone people mut Come logethen aS pastness , agxee on @ fism ame Yad enlen %nlo a partnenskip. - passers 4, seleckton of Name of partneaship fison 3 pppy for Registration 3 Doafeiny of paxtnenship Dad 1 @ scanned with OKEN Scanner 4, Sobeotl the’ document

‘s, apply for pam é Tan of fivm G ‘ open Curent account in name Pym 7 - Qdvan lages t- * Eas of formation » plextbil fr opesatton + Epfectsve mgmt paxtnens hove cpu mught « €asy to Raise fonda. > ends of Paziness t - Active asi nen ~ Sleepio Pastnen - Nominal Pastren \ — Parknen ino proged ondy - Hinon Qs Q pastnen - Bolden paxtnen. > ReePis and Liabilities of Pastness :- - R Res t- ‘ Right to Collect debts Right to ack as agent Biches of selisernent * Rigby of competing bostness - Wabilities nf a pastnen to thesd Paxétes :- + Uabi lity of a pasknen fon acts of the fem . Labiuty of the fism fox covono Re act of & Paxtn oy + Lability oP the firm fon cordate by Pastnerss + Cabtlty of an Fncorntne pase ven « Leabrtity of a eli xing Pastner @ scanned with OKEN Scanner > Relattons of PasineHs to thisd past I thend past pastness — means any Cnurty, Company, on —FndéufdvolS tBat acts fon ar on bhat of (Re Company 9s pen Seckion 18 °O Ppastnenshipac ey 9 past nexship 85a nelattonshep blo Pastnen(?32 coho agnee bo shase the profits of the busine. n agent sepsesents Res prrnepal fo the tResd parites.” 95 pen Sections 222 and a23, an agent has a night to be ?édermet Indemnified | by Reo pninapal “fon alt chasges, expenses, Cg deqbtuttes that Be encvss dusiny, the Covsse of agony: tRe sdk posts = A \ Qgent < prin pal ° 5 tapes of agent i ili Se ee AOS YO cpTgaa ter ag - General agent . - Speco agent - Subagent i -~ agency Coupled with an gnterest - “senvantC ot Eroployee). Scope: e To Inkmoduce, Concdede, cox) otheraise deal “cotB contract? , ble the pmnapd and Costamey = issoleliont- Dissolving a pastnenship firm creans disconti ruting the bustness unden name ob the Sard paxtnenskip fism. ° Negotiable pastes chpapbor Jwo Woxys ike . By onden of . swrthoot Pntesuentio the Cousk of the wost © Scanned with OKEN Scanner 4 lawful considesation i-~ Defined as tke oid by one pasty fon the proce te mete [ 0 a’, oe of the ote > tty OD | Lon idan (ex) > effect of coenezont- » yoidable al tke eplion of aggrieved poxty ~ Memand of Restitolton- ¢o 9: med. on Laken to ge back benegts - Burden of prc Dies on aggrieved. posty -> Endonsement t- Endonsement means $%qnatow of the foiden CAN indtvtduas coho Bas ladpen gnece’ ved. posse Ssion) made with obtect of Lsansfeasin of docornent d - Blank @%) Genesad = Follor) sped - Condztroned - ‘Rest mictive. ont-m Une-D | —> he consommenn protedion Act, 1936 2- CBof Iei6) aul Gecemben; 1986. An ack lo provide fos betten protection of the Pntexests of consumers and for Rat Prspose to make provision fs the estobuish ment of consonen Coonald and othe, authonilids fon the Settlement of Consomers dsspoles and fon matters coneected Rone arth, | > consoment- 9 pesson ho prafase goods and | Services for personal vse. 3 - Righes to Convmen t- - fee Ae@ Lo Consurnen education ~ Right ho protected, ggosnst masfet én Ponds hich are dangerovt to &sfe § prspety @ scanned with OKEN Scanner oh the Re Be fo be Sn fosmed about’ te quality quant , pre eke. , > ‘the Right to be assvsed. coeseven Posstble, acess ~to vancely of goods at Commpelitive NECES - : ! : > unfain dsade practices *- mn unfaty trade mackice consists of osing vaniovs deceptive , fraudutent on onetRicaa ” methods to obtarn bustness. GF Ynclodes’ mis sep resentation, false’ advertising, tied selling and othon acd that ane dedared unlawfol by Statute, Tt can alse be TefPemed fo aS, deceptive tyade practic: (> Hacktneny fon medsessal of gatevances:- - Distmick Posum 138 ~ State Commission = poral Commision —) powens of Bedsessol fosoms te ab Eoumtniy {Pe Cases A, Discoverting and Preducting any material 3 Receiving evidence @ on afpeda eu tence 4, Requesting fos report on Lest analysis Péorn {Pe Concedned authorities and 1ibssatonas S Issuing commission foo CLaming Ke witnus > Essent?ad Remedies to conSum ers t- _ @, Removal of Defects Replacement of goods | ; Refund on parece » possd Of compen Satin Removal of Depicency tp Servite Poymer’ of Adequate Cost. 2 a @ scanned with OKEN Scanner — oe Pease | 4 movision fon belles pnolecttow 2 Frabtss@ment of ConSumen councils ee promotion of Tt hy 2 i, 5 ce dy sedsessoa Machi ney re movid effective safe guards. Ort hl 2 he Companies acl Bola t-7 pers means 4 Compan incoxporated onden this Yack 0% onder any Ghee Company Jaw”. = Hoxtmom No.of shase Poidess eo C prev. ©) - concept of o one- pesson Company ~ Company law Appellate Tribunol & Com pany law) zarfbundl - CSR made mandalsy: => Regis of Qfzedows t- Cpoeaess and poitéss” - Teansfen o shaxes — Peght to Clect a chais man — fight fo appefot a managing Directoy - REE fo snecommended divedend. > kands o Shaxest- = oxdinaxy shares sha - epfeoc ondinax shaxes - Non Votin ondinary shares - Reedeemable Shares : ~ paefere nce Shares - ‘comolative pEcfexene soxe) - Redeemable prrabeserce Shares > Mogi - Name claose -. Dye ckive clause E. Regi stened opfice clause - Leabiaey clavse = ohjeckve Clause = caprtad™ Clavse a4 ie = Asse catton Cary @ scanned with OKEN Scanner © A Feadunes 26 Consymen protectton Act :- | > Natone of Companies #-CKends) A, volon tary Assocation | 23, INGxposation 4. iif cl esson A Sepasate entre 5s pempetuod éxistene 6, Common geal J, Tans fena bitty of sfeses | 8 teeiled Liabtity 9, DePposed otaney Sp | d Sepaxation of ocaneas :p from Mngt. * 909 3- 4) fosom a docoment tBoe Specefies Re Megulations fon a company's operations and, defies tRe compahy’s pv¥ pase. | © Contents ¢ S sectors oo SBare copital | Genexal meeting’ Lien of shares Sases Pnto, Stock Conversion voting night winding op of the Company 2 Gondin OP inden Up NePers to, closing the opesations of a “business, Selling off assets, Poging off Cxeditess, and drei any nemaining assets to the ownerse owe 4 Pe cotncy - UP Pnocers 59 com plate ; the disoluion F Sep Comes snto fueg a . Compbisosy winding op : | voluntasy oe Pa @ scanned with OKEN Scanner

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