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The Aligned Life YEAR IN REVIEW YEAR TO COME honoring rnin celebrating enon ant visioning clarifying Yrenrnts Teta aacanateg created and offered by LUNA GRACE ISBELL-LOVE DEDICATION This book is dedicated to those with eyes to see, and those with ears to hear. In loving devotion to this journey of being human, welcoming the full-spectrum, the agony and the ecstacy with open arms. May we remember ourselves as the vessel, as the bridge between worlds, welcoming the wisdom here to lead and guide us all. May this book serve as an invitation into deeper alignment and remembrance. luna Luna is a ruth-telling, shadow-walking, trauma-informed, nervous system exploring, woman of devotion. She holds a Masters Degree in Spiritual Psychology and is certified in various interdisciplinary healing arts and mystery school trainings Luna believes that leadership is our greatest act of love - to mature and initiate ourselves from the wounded child to the mature elders-in-training we are here to b: Luna's work lies a the intersection of exploring what it means to be both human + holy, welcoming the full spectrum of life: the agony, the ecstasy, and everything in between. She primarily serves women entrepreneurs in stepping more deeply into aligned leadership. Luna is devoted to social justice advocacy, working primarily with the addiction recovery and incarcerated communities, through the integration of council work, spiritual psychology principles, and restorative justice practices. You can find more about her and her contributions at Siete Ones A LOVENOTE BEFORE WE BEGIN Welcome Beloved, This is more than a recrospective workbook. “This is a sacred text, and you, my friend, are the devoted scribe ‘This came to be though many requests from many friends and clients. With my birthday falling at the beginning of December, | created a ritual in 2008 that has lasted over a decade that I'm now sharing with you. I’ve tried other journals, planners, and organized rituals, and for me, nothing beats this self-made reflective process that I'm about to share with you. Each year around my birthday I go to the store and rake my sweet time finding the perfect, classic, leather-bound, lined Moleskine. I take a whole month, sometimes two, to reflect on and transition out of the past year’s notebook and into the new notebook that will soon receive my poems, teachings, inspiration, prayers, projects, notes, shopping lists and so much more. It comes with me everywhere, and throughout December and January, you may catch me with two. In 2008, I began a retrospective reflection on the year that had past in order to support and prepare me to meet the year ahead, I wanted to honor the lessons learned, the failures, joys, successes, and disappointments as a way to glean their wisdom and make a point to carry it forward. My favorite part is visioning, sensing, and welcoming the year ahead. Feeling into the goals, dreams, intentions, desires, places I want to go, and things I'm magnetizing my way, THIS... this is my jam! And ie’s not just written down and forgotten, it’s reflected upon monthly. Each moment can honor what I wish to embody, remember, and become in order to receive the life I desire. The Aligned Life Year End E-book is a little piece of all that to get you started On the next page you'll find suggestions on how to get the most out of this e-book. ‘These are imporcant Td love to hear about your experience, your goals, your visions, your lessons learned. You can find me at, on Instagram at @lunagraceisbelllove, or send me a lovenote at anytime. Enjoy, Lene Grace HOW TO GET THE MOST OF THIS If you've followed my work, you know how much I value the marking of a threshold. A threshold is a gate, a line in the sand, a portal that one steps through and becomes someone new on the other side. Not all we've carried up until this threshold will fit through, so discerning what needs to be let go of, or what won't align with the embodiment you're stepping into is important. That which we are stepping out of needs dignity, it needs a space to be honored. With it’s joys, pains, and lessons, through the tears and the squeals of joy, it deserves a moment to be appreciated for all the ways it has shaped you and brought you to this exact moment. This, this is closure. It's respect. It’s death... This is fertile ground for what is to come. That which is being stepped into needs to be clarified, but most of all, it needs to be prepared for. Thresholds that are rushed, those that you hop over before you're really ready lack the fortitude that comes from the intimacy of being with what is calling you forward. Massage your vision. Feel into it. Reflect and refine, not just now, but throughout the year. Ics about doing what feels necessary for you to be ready to cross over the threshold. In this case, that’s the space between 2020 and 2021. But, if you're not ready until January 11th or February, heck... that’s quite alright. ‘This is about honoring your pace. How you go about this is going to determine the results more than anything, Stay away from over-thinking. Don’t rush, yet trust the first things that come to mind. Take time to get rooted within yourself and give it your full actention. Rituals only have power by the meaning we attribute to them. So if you want a potent, radical, life-changing ritual through this book, only you and you alone can create that. If words aren't your thing, give yourself full permission to sing, dance, draw, sculpt, collage, you could even whistle your responses! Be sure to clear a time and space for yourself to be undistracted and intentional. Give yourself to this fully. Get clear in your mind, your environment, and your schedule so that you can arrive to this and honor it as important, not just for this exercise, but as a way of being that you can close the year with and carry forward with you. Approach this with presence, not productivity. Approach this with pleasure, not productivity. We have been conditioned to doing as much as possible in as short a period of time in order to feel efficient. You taking the time to luxuriate in a pleasurable, intimate ritual with yourself to close the year and open yourself to the year ahead can be a revolutionary act that reclaims your inherent worthiness to experience life fully. HOW TO GET THE MOST OF THIS Be honest. Lying here only effects one person... you guessed it, you. Should that occur, it would be valuable to question your motivation for withholding the cruth. Take breaks. Be gentle with yourself. Breathe deeply, and listen to the wisdom of your body as it informs you throughout the process of what it needs. You have it within yourself to meet your needs Go deep, but be light Do one thing, or thirty, to mark this as a ritual. (My favorite is lighting a candle and connecting with my intention, but you do you). You will find guidance, prayers, rituals, exercises, and magic woven throughout to support you on this journey. And more than anything, trust your own words, prayers, and invocations as they come up before, during, and after to amplify your intentions. Lastly... have fun! photo by: Evie Shaffer honoring refining celebrating remembering Rial Sussoquiowios Surseaqo99 Suruyas Sutroucy 2020 honoring || refining || celebrating || remembering YOU This past yeas, when did you feel most aligned, most you, most on purpose? Why? Which aspects of yourself did you remember, embody more, and/or realize? How did chey show themselves? Which aspects of yourself were ignored, challenging to be with, or judged negatively by you? Why? How do you want to relate to these parts of yourself moving forward? Which aspects of you needed the most loving attention? How did you show up for chem? How are they feeling now? 2020 honoring || refining || celebrating || remembering ALL THE THINGS What did you prioritize this year? Look at the actions you made and what they reflect vs. any beliefs about what your ideal priorities might have been. What did you intend to give your attention co this year, but didn't ger it? Why? What received the most attention this year? Why? What does your answer inform you of? ‘What happened this year that excited you, inspired you, or moved you? Why? In what ways can you carry these energies forward? 2020 honoring || refining || celebrating || remembering LESSONS ‘What happened this year that hurt? What felt like a let down? From yourself, or others/situations? No explanations. Just name it and sit with it for a little while. ‘What feelings of yours are maybe still seeking to be acknowledged from these experiences? Remember, feclings and ideas/judgements are different. Did you have any A-Ha! moments this year that stuck with you? Wisdom gleaned from this year’s experiences that you will take with you into the fucure: 2020 honoring || refining || celebrating || remembering RELATING Who showed up for/with you the most this year? Whose presence really impacted you and why? Who did you want ro make time for thac you didn’? Why? Look deep for the why... do you feel you “should” spend more time, do you make excuses, is there something unaddressed that needs acknowledgement? ‘What relationships feel draining? Why? Is there a communication, boundary, or choice you can make to shife this? If no, does it feel congruent to continue relating? Why or why not? ‘What do your relationships with others, this year, inform you about your relationship with yourself moving forward? see 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW honoring || refining | celebrating || remembering Do this quickly without thinking too much and see what arises, it may surprise you. 3 things I'm just so delighted with 2 courageous acts I took myself about 1 thing that continues to annoy the buhjesus out of me 2 things that were unexpected A blessings I received 1 hing 1 am so done with 3 words that describe this year MDTop Net -atcem tre 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW ring || refining || celebrating || List 2019 goals from beginning of year: Completed Why or why nor? The Aligned Life 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW honoring || refining |] celebrating || remembering GOALS ‘Whar did the previous page inform you of What feelings/emotions did it evoke? Did your intended goals overwhelm, challenge, inspire and/or motivate you this year? What goals didn’t get completed, and when you get really real, they're no longer aligned with who you are now? Why? When you're done, go back to the previous page and cross them off, and say outloud, “Done!” Which goals from this year are you carrying forward or continuing with in 2020? Why? In which ways do you intend to approach them differently or similarly? COMPLETING THE INCOMPLETE ‘When we make commitments, we subconsciously reserve a portion of our energy as a placeholder ready to step into action anytime. Sometimes these com nents go forgotten, or we may just lose interest, or we never really wanted to do the task in the first place. These commitments can become Incomplete Cycles of Action (ICAs). When we have too many ICAs our energy reserves can become depleted. Here's a simple exercise to help you reclaim that energy. ICAs are things like buying books and nor reading them, saying your going to clean out the closet, garage ete. but it stays asis, It can be thoughts like, I want to write that person a letter. Things that have been lingering for some time. Not: new inspirations and ideas that are still in active process. Just as it’s been a process to give all this unreciprocated energy away, it will take time to regain it. Please be gentle with yourself. ‘The brain responds best to small steps that do nor overwhelm, so list steps you feel confident in your ability to complete in a certain timeframe. ONE RULE: No self-judgment for nor completing. TRICK: it as done. Nor aligned anymore, don't feel like it, want it off the list but don’t want to do it? Simply cross ic off and say out loud, “Ic is complete.” But you have to mean it, if you're energetically keeping it on the list, i still holds that energy. List and number your Incomplete Cycles of Action: ‘After crossing off easy-completions and no-longer interested, prioritize your remaining top 5 and list one action step, for each ICA, that you can take towards completion this week. Continue to look at, update the list, and take actions toward completion chroughout the year STOP IT! Something that happened in 2019, that you have conttol over, that you will be sure not to repeat. How will you honor this? List che energy-inefficiencies (things in your life that drain you): Name and acknowledge the visions you have about your life being different. What does this inform you of What choices can you make to create alignment for yourself? Note, having boundaries with your own thoughts may be necessary. Honoring needs may be another. ‘What do you complain about most?) | What emotion are you just so damn |_| Bad habits: Why? tired of feeling? Why? Instigarors? 2020 YEAR IN REVIEW honoring || refining |] celebrating || remembering STOP IT! ‘Whar did the previous page inform you of” What feelings/emotions did it evoke? Just pause when you're done and sit with it, Really. Notice the desire to not feel and tune more deeply back into yourself. ‘What personal responaibility can you take from looking ar the previous page ‘What choices do these awareness and feelings inspire you to make moving forward? MDTop Net -atcem tre \A INTENT. LON Why do.a retrospect look at this year if not to glean the wisdom to support you in magnetizing the most aligned upcoming year. As you look back and feel into (listening to your body) the 2020 review, look at the threads you were weaving with and ‘complete the prompts below: ‘What threads of alignment do you see being woven throughout the year? Where are they most present? What does this inform you of What threads of misalignment do you see being woven throughout the year? Where are they most present? What does this inform you of PRAYER As we reflect on this past year May we meet our reflections with gratitude and Pee one eR Seem Tree tse ene este blessed, and prepared us for what awaits us. As we sit with the feelings and energy of this past year May we mark it as perfect in it’s completion and our fortitude in making it through. Pee ee aca NR een en aera ase eT eC ena parts of ourselves that will contribute to the most eae tee nt ence enti erect as highest good. en ee ene eee eee te May we do so feeling a deep trust in ourselves, and the eer eata ie Snr cena ene eee) Peete May it all unfold with Grace. PG ena ST RITUAL COMPLETE + CLOSE rHE ENERGY In your own time. I repeat, in your own time. You will know when the first half OR TCM ered oa PAPA RE Tem cM cc A OCMC ba CURIS ece i (eC RC em oe Coe eC Sas Bs oe February 5th, or next year, you'll know when you're done. Take the time to Cod nT) ACS CY ae eC NL) Se COLTER When you feel you're ready to leave 2020 and cross over: take pages 7-10, 12-14, 16-18 and BURN THEM! (mindfully, intentionally, and safely). SUE wat em te ct meee Te emer e See ee ome CDA ae it all deeply, everything you need is within you, felt fully and the wisdom will SNe T eR Cm ee ae Cm aL Ota eT CO Cea Ce co Co eo CCC Lc or don't feel ready, it may be a signification that maybe there’s something in To acme Care| nlc Celt ar Teccrnne Coo Also, don’t rush to try to get somewhere. Honor your pacing. You my dear are more expansive than 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. CONTR com RCTS Lela eee Perr eer erate ey attics cathy Danae to them. So this could be the most impactful, potent, and meaningful act you've ever taken yet so far, or it could be as mundane gndeafipular as brushing your teeth, it’s up to you. 66 Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” - Victor Frankl (maybe, or Rollo May, it's up for debate.) Every year I write this quote on the first page of my notebook as a reminder. ‘Then I write it on a random page in the middle so I can stumble across it at the perfect moment. ee teat ais YEAR TO COME 2021 visioning || clarifying || aligning || magnetizing Tam committed to carrying “x” into this year, by... because... This year, I would like co make manifest... ‘This year 1 am deepening my... I can feel a part of myself asking for attention this year, itis “the one who...” I'm committed to relating to this aspect of myself... (how?), so that. ee teat ais YEAR TO COME 2021 visioning || clarifying || aligning || magnetizing This year, I am calling in., I can honor myself this year by.. 1am feeling moved to express... what, where, when, how, to whom? ‘his year I am intending to explore... ee teat ais YEAR TO COME 2021 visioning || clarifying || aligning || magnetizing One thing I've been avoiding that I'm ready to be with this year is... My heartfelt intention for this year is... My three words for this year are... because... and I can honor them by... My biggest goal for the year, that feels both exciting and a little scary ac the same time is... MY OPTIMAL "VISION visioning || clarifying || aligning || magnetizing inspired, use first person pres NZ ‘This year... May my life be of service. May my life be a contribution to the world I wish to see. May my life be of use to the amplification of goodness. May my skills be used. May my talents go unwasted. May my knowledge support creation. May my wisdom benefit others. May my generosity received by chose who need it most. May my cup be full, and my gratitude for it’s fullness be expressed by my willingness co give from that which I have. May my crust be unbroken. May I remain focused and aligned with my heartfelt prayers for myself and all beings. May I not be swayed from my path. May I serve my a deep place of knowing within me. May I trust in that which is ro come to me. May I trust in its enoughness. May I trust in my inherent worthiness and deservability to receive goodness and blessings this year and in all the years ahead. May I be a vessel for grace and harmony on the planet. And so i It is so. Enter for a chance to win a free 60min Soul Session’ with Luna 1, Take a picture of your favorite page of the e-book, filled out, and post it on Instagram 2. Tag @lunagraceisbelllove #thealignedlife2021 in your 4, Tag 3 friends you think wo y The Aligned Life Year in Review e-book. 5. Share what you learned about your- self throughout the process. All submissions will be collected up until January 31st. On 2/1/21 a random winner will be selected and sent instructions on how to sign up for their free Soul Session. CONNECT WITH ME If you're not on Ins gram and you want to share your experience with me please don’t hesitate to reach out to me by email at There's also a ton of free resources able to you on the ‘Library’ page of re

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