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Test 1
Career Choices
Câu hỏi : which transferable skills and personal qualities are the most valued by
employers .
You should say :
- What skill and personal qualities are valued by employers
-What skills and personal qualities you currently have or need to learn
-How you can improve or develop them
-... And explain the reason why you think these skills and personalities are important
(The skills that I think employers need the most are communication skills, leadership
skills, teamwork skills, creativity and dynamism. Those are the five skills and qualities
that I consider very important. Because, with them, you can survive, learn and
develop in today's easy-to-reject society.
Currently, I am very confident in my teamwork skills and dynamism. I have been
learning how to work in groups since my high school years through presentations at
that time. As for leadership and communication skills, I'm still improving day by day
because I'm an introvert and rather shy. In order to do that, I'm trying to get involved
a lot. activities that are suitable for my profession, it not only helps me to increase my
communication skills, but also expands my creativity, and even, if possible, helps me
develop more leadership skills. his religion. I think I'll catch them soon)
Imagine that you are attending a year-end meeting with your teacher and other
classmates. Every participant will share their experiences or achievements. Tell
everyone about a project you worked on in this year in education or in your job, as a
volunteer or as a hobby.
You should say:
-Projects What the project was
- Who you worked with on the project
-What went well with the Project
- What the project's biggest challenge was and discuss
-what you may do differently next time.
(The project that I did last year was to open a classroom for poor children who do not
have enough schooling. I did it with some of my friends in Saigon. It can be said that
the project went very well with many children being able to read and write. It really
made a huge joy for us. However, there is still a real problem that has caused a lot of
difficulties for us. That is calling for benefactors for the project. It was really difficult
as it took us months to find enough donors to make it happen. In the end, luckily, it
ended up going well.
This is my very enthusiastic project to support the children, but there are still many
shortcomings, such as lack of support people, lack of supporting equipment, not really
good plans,... However, really it helped me gain experience to prepare for next

Your company would like to introduce a store or product to a new international
market. As a marketing manager, give a short presentation on your plan to the
management board.
Global Markets
You can use one of the ideas below or your own.
A national or local fast-food chain A regional drink or dish A clothes store
You should say:
Where you want to place this new store or product
What customers in the target market want
Why the standard store or product may not do well in the new market and present the
way how you can customize your products to the new market.
(Today, I am here to present our plan to introduce our clothing store to a new
international market. After careful market research and analysis, we have identified a
promising location for expansion – Tokyo, Japan. Japanese customers are known for
being meticulous others, they always choose The clothes are simple but very
sophisticated. With this in mind, I propose to build a clothing store of our brand here
as a first step towards the international market. However, selling casual clothes would
not be welcome here. Instead, we will slightly change the design and material of the
clothes to suit Japanese culture such as using fabrics that are loved by the Japanese.
In short, My plan is to open one of our clothing stores in Japan and change it up a bit
to fit the culture here.
Thank you for your attention, and I am open to any questions or suggestions you may
Nowadays, more and more people have been successful in online markets. Imagine
you also want to be a sofa preneur and talk about you plan.
You should say:
What products you could make and sell online or what services you could offer
What e-commerce site you will choose
What are potential benefits and disadvantages of online marketplaces. and explain the
reasons why you want to sell products online.
(Aspiring to become an online entrepreneur, I have developed a plan to offer
handmade artisanal home decor products through an e-commerce platform. My
products would include beautifully crafted decorative cushions, unique wall art, and
customized home accessories. To reach a wide customer base and leverage the
convenience and reach of an established online marketplace, I have chosen to sell my
products on a popular e-commerce platform like Etsy.

The potential benefits of selling products online are abundant. Firstly, online
marketplaces provide access to a vast customer base, allowing me to reach customers
globally, transcending geographical boundaries. Additionally, these platforms offer
built-in marketing and promotional tools, which can help increase visibility and drive
sales. Furthermore, the ease of setting up an online store and managing inventory and
orders provides flexibility and convenience for me as a seller.

However, there are also potential disadvantages to consider. Increased competition is

a challenge in the online marketplace, as numerous sellers offer similar products.
Maintaining a strong brand presence and differentiating my products will be crucial
to stand out amidst the competition. Additionally, relying on a third-party platform
means being subject to their rules and policies, which may limit certain aspects of
customization or control over the online store.

The reason behind my decision to sell products online is the immense growth and
potential of the e-commerce industry. Online shopping has become a preferred choice
for consumers due to its convenience, variety, and competitive pricing. By entering
this market, I can tap into the growing trend of online shopping and cater to the needs
and preferences of modern consumers. Moreover, as an online entrepreneur, I can
operate my business from anywhere, allowing for flexibility and a better work-life

In conclusion, my plan as an online entrepreneur is to sell handmade artisanal home

decor products through an e-commerce platform like Etsy. The potential benefits of
reaching a global customer base, leveraging marketing tools, and the flexibility of
managing an online store outweigh the challenges presented by competition and
platform policies. With the growing popularity of online shopping, I am excited to
embrace this digital marketplace and offer unique and high-quality products to
customers worldwide.)
Think of a business you visit often - a supermarket, clothing shop, car mechanic's....
Imagine this business is conducting a survey to find out what customers think of their
services (or products). As a loyal customer, tell your opinion on the services (or
products) and suggest some possible innovation ideas.
You should say:
What happened when you go there
How you felt what it happened How the business can improve their services or
products (Could any of the steps I be done in a different way, perhaps using different
technology?) and explain the possible results if the business applies this innovation.
(As a loyal customer of a clothing shop, I often visit the store to purchase new clothes.
During my visits, I've noticed that the store has a wide selection of products, and the
staff is generally friendly and helpful. However, one area where I believe the business
can improve is the checkout process. Often, there are long queues at the cash
registers, resulting in a lengthy wait time. This can be frustrating, especially during
busy hours. To address this issue, the store could consider implementing self-checkout
systems or mobile payment options. By allowing customers to scan and pay for their
items themselves or using their smartphones, the checkout process would be faster
and more efficient. Additionally, the store could invest in a mobile app that allows
customers to browse and purchase items online, providing the convenience of
shopping from anywhere. By incorporating these technological innovations, the
clothing shop would enhance the overall customer experience, reduce waiting times,
and potentially attract more tech-savvy customers.)
Describe a premium service that you know or have experienced.
You should say:
What the type of business is (transportation, catering, tourism...)
What type of premium services you know/ have experienced
What you are satisfied most and explain the reasons why you may or would like to
pay more to be a premium customer of this business.
(One premium service that I have experienced is a luxury hotel stay. The type of
business is hospitality and tourism. The premium services offered by these hotels
include personalized check-in and concierge services, exclusive access to executive
lounges, upgraded room amenities, and dedicated customer support. What I am most
satisfied with is the level of personalized attention and exceptional customer service
provided by the hotel staff. They go above and beyond to ensure that every aspect of
my stay is comfortable and enjoyable. The attention to detail, the luxurious amenities,
and the exclusive perks create a memorable experience. I would be willing to pay
more to be a premium customer of this business because the elevated level of service
and the luxurious offerings make me feel valued and indulged. It enhances my overall
travel experience and leaves a lasting impression, making it worth the additional
Think of a business you visit often (E.g.: a supermarket, clothing shop, car
mechanic's...). Imagine this business is conducting a survey to find out one contact
channel that customers find it the most convenient.
You have five options: email, chatbot, live chat, social media forum, telephone. As a
customer, which ways do you prefer when you want to communicate with the
business's customer service department? Why??
You should say:
What the type of business is
What the most effective ways to communicate with customer service department
Why do you think it is the best customer contact channel for this business and
describe how that contact channel works..
(The type of business I visit often is a clothing shop. When it comes to communicating
with the customer service department of this clothing shop, I find that the most
effective way is through live chat. Live chat allows for real-time interaction with a
customer service representative, offering convenience and efficiency. I believe it is the
best customer contact channel for this business because it provides immediate
assistance and resolves queries or concerns promptly. With live chat, customers can
easily communicate their issues, ask questions about products or services, and receive
instant responses. The contact channel works by having a chat window on the clothing
shop's website or mobile app, where customers can initiate a conversation with a
representative who can provide personalized assistance. Live chat offers the
advantage of convenience, as customers can communicate from anywhere, anytime,
without the need for a phone call or waiting for an email response. It allows for quick
problem-solving and enhances the overall customer experience.)
Describe two most effective methods of communication.
You should say:
What you like or dislike about using each way
When each way of communication is best used and explain the reasons why you think
these methods of communication is the most effective.
(Two of the most effective methods of communication are email and face-to-face
meetings. When it comes to email, one thing I appreciate is its convenience. I can
compose and send messages at any time, allowing for flexibility in communication.
However, a drawback is the potential for misinterpretation since tone and intent can
be difficult to convey through text alone. Email is best used for formal or detailed
communication, such as sharing important documents, providing comprehensive
information, or following up on discussions. On the other hand, face-to-face meetings
offer the advantage of immediate feedback and non-verbal cues. I find them
particularly useful for building relationships, brainstorming ideas, and addressing
complex issues. The ability to see and hear the other person helps in understanding
their perspective and building trust. However, face-to-face meetings can be time-
consuming and may require coordinating schedules. Overall, these two methods of
communication are effective because email provides convenience and documentation,
while face-to-face meetings enable real-time interaction and deeper understanding.
The choice between them depends on the nature of the communication and the desired
level of personal interaction.)

Choose ONE of two written requests below to write an email about 100-150 words.
Written request 1 .
Situation :You are a new Software Development Manager .Write a short email
introducing yourself to your new colleagues: .
Directions: Begin and end appropriately
• Introduce yourself . Say what you were doing previously
Offer the chance to meet people
(Dear Team,
I hope this email finds you all in good health and high spirits. My name is [Your
Name], and I am delighted to join the team as the new Software Development

Before joining this esteemed organization, I had the privilege of working as a

Software Engineer at [Previous Company/Organization]. In that role, I gained
valuable experience in software development methodologies and project
management, which I believe will contribute positively to our team's goals and

I am truly excited to be part of this talented group of professionals and look

forward to working closely with each and every one of you. Building strong
relationships and fostering a collaborative environment are among my top
priorities. I firmly believe that by working together as a cohesive team, we can
achieve remarkable results.

To kickstart our journey, I would like to extend an invitation to all of you for a
virtual meeting or one-on-one coffee chats, where we can get to know each other
better and discuss our aspirations for the team. I am eager to learn about your
individual expertise, experiences, and expectations, as well as share my vision for
the future.

Please feel free to reach out to me at [your email address] or [your phone
number] to schedule a convenient time to connect. I encourage open
communication and value your input and insights.

Once again, I am thrilled to be part of this organization, and I am confident that,

together, we will accomplish great things. I eagerly look forward to meeting each
of you and embarking on this exciting journey together.

Best regards,

[Your Name]
Software Development Manager)
.Written request 2
Situation: You are a project manager Email to James to ask for updates on China
Use the notes below need help with presentation to HR next week Is third phase
complete? (if no-completion date?)
Is Jane working? (starting date?)
-send latest schedule
- tomorrow if possible! arrange meeting with customer in January ,,....
Begin and end the email appropriately
Use a variety of statements and questions in your email to get the information you
Make sure you include all the items in the notes and present the way how you can
customize your products to the new market.

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