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Alexandria University

Specialized Scientific Programs

Gas and Petrochemical Engineering Program

GPE 201/CHE 146 Principles of Material Science and Engineering


Submitted to :DR-Yahia ELshazly

Name : Aya allah mahmoud


Graphene is a material consisting of a two-dimensional array of carbon atoms. The atoms are
arranged in a hexagonal lattice, which resembles a honeycomb structure. Graphene can be
considered as an infinitely large aromatic molecule and a single layer of the carbon graphite

The hexagonal structure of graphene.

Graphene was predicted to exist as early as the 1940s, however, it was not until 2004 that
monolayer graphene sheets were first synthesised. This was achieved by Andre Geim and
Konstantin Novoselov, who in 2010 received the Nobel prize in physics for their discovery. Their
synthesis method, termed the ‘Scotch tape method,’ was astonishingly simple. Graphene
monolayers could be isolated merely by mechanical exfoliation of graphite: pulling one layer
away from the bulk using adhesive tape.
In the meantime, other methods for producing graphene have been developed. These include
sonication and centrifugation of graphite in a liquid to create a graphene dispersion, synthesis
from sugar, called the ‘Tang-Lau method,’ reduction of silicon carbide and epitaxial growth by
chemical vapour deposition (CVD).
Graphene has become a highly researched material not only for discovery of synthesis methods,
but also for its impressive properties. The scientific interest in the material has grown
significantly since its first isolation in 2004 and continues to do so Graphene is usually handled
either in a dispersion, on a substrate, or as a powder of graphene oxide. Irrespective of the
delivery form, the material itself has many outstanding properties including electronic, optical,
thermal and mechanical properties. Many of the extraordinary properties of graphene arise from
the fact that it is only one atomic layer thick.

What characteristics and properties of graphene?

Among the diverse properties of graphene, the ones that stand out most are its high thermal and
electrical conductivity, elasticity, toughness, lightness, and resistance. These characteristics
could be of great use for innovation in different sectors and represent a real revolution. Let’s see
some examples
High conductivity

Through the use of graphene, the useful life of batteries could be increased by 10, as well as
charging in less time, which translates into an autonomy improvement. It's only a matter of time
before graphene replaces a large part of the lithium batteries currently in use.


Graphene is also suitable for manufacturing batteries for drones, as these would be lighter and
tougher. Let’s remember that these pieces that accumulate energy are some of the heaviest in
technology and reducing their weight could be a great innovation. With the application of
graphene, one of the greatest limitations that drones present today is minimized.

Transparency and flexibility

Graphene is a transparent material and absorbs very little light (only 2%). Thanks to that and its
flexibility, flexible screens could be manufactured for all types of devices. Furthermore,
graphene can be folded like cling film, so the chances of breakage are much lower. It could be
applied in the manufacturing of cellphones, televisions, vehicles, etc.

High resistance

As well as being an excellent electric conductor, graphene is a very resistant material, so big
advances in the lighting sector are expected. For example, graphene light bulbs could increase
the useful life of each globe and consume less energy than the LED lights that we currently have.

Mechanical properties
Graphene is an extremely light material, having a planar density of 0.77 mg/m2. It also has the
toughest and hardest crystal structure of all known materials. It has a tensile strength of
125 GPa and an elastic modulus of 1.1 TPa, compared to an elastic modulus of 200 GPa for the
most common steel. Its breaking strength is 42 N/m; thus graphene has 100 times better
mechanical strength than steel.

Optical properties
Graphene is highly transparent to visible light, with a transparency of 97.7 %. This is taken
advantage of when determining the number of graphene layers, as each layer absorbs 2.3 % of
Electrical properties
Graphene has a very high electron mobility (2 × 105 cm2/Vs), making it the most highly
conductive material at room temperature, with a conductivity of 106 S/m and a sheet resistance
of 31 Ω/sq.
Graphene has a small overlap between the valence and conduction bands. Because of this, it is
classed both as a semimetal and as a zero-bandgap semiconductor. The presence of a certain
concentration of electrons in the conduction band and of holes in the valence band, even at
absolute zero temperature (while taking into consideration its gapless electronic structure, which
means that electrons can swoop through the conduction band) is the reason graphene is
classified as a semi-metallic material and is the origin of its high electrical conductivity.
A single layer of graphene shows 10,000 times higher electrical conductivity than few layers

Thermal properties
Graphene has a thermal conductivity of 5300 W/mK, which is ten times the thermal conductivity
of copper. When supported in an amorphous material, however, its thermal conductivity drops to
around 500–600 W/mK.

Tuning of properties through functionalisation

The properties of graphene can be modified through surface functionalisation. This involves the
addition of oxygen or other chemical functional groups to the monolayer. Functionalisation of
graphene allows for the tuning of properties including the electrical conductivity, thermal
conductivity and the ability of the monolayers to be processed in solution and prevent
agglomeration. Many applications of graphene require it to be functionalised. One of the most
common chemically modified types of graphene is the graphene oxide.

Properties of graphene inks, layers and powders

Due to its two-dimensional nature, graphene can be offered either as layers on a substrate, as a
dispersion (or ink) and in the form of a graphene oxide powder.
Graphene ink, when applied to a surface results in an electrically conductive film with a sheet
resistance of 15 W/sq.
Monolayer graphene can also be added to another desired substrate by transferring it from a
removable polymer substrate. Monolayer graphene is fabricated via chemical vapour deposition

Graphene on PET films are also available. In this case, exceptionally high-quality monolayer
graphene is grown via CVD on a 188 μm-thick PET substrate with dimensions of up to 600 mm
× 500 mm. This can then also be transferred onto a new substrate.

Finally, graphene can also be delivered in the form of graphene oxide powder. In this case, the
powder is present in an aqueous dispersion and exhibits a mean particle size of 285 μm, a
concentration of 4.0 mg/ml and a pH value of 2.20—2.50.

Graphene production

High-quality graphene is usually grown via chemical vapour deposition (CVD). This is one of
the most common methods of producing high-quality graphene. In this process, gaseous
reactants are introduced in a reaction chamber before reacting to form a film of the desired
material on the surface of a substrate.
In the formation of graphene via CVD, this proceeds in two steps: the creation of carbon and the
formation of the graphene structure.
In the first step, carbon atoms are created via pyrolysis (thermal decomposition in an inert
atmosphere). This is carried out on the substrate surface to prevent the formation of carbon
clusters, or soot. The substrate used is often a metal catalyst.
In the second step, a reaction occurs between the carbon atoms and the catalyst substrate which
results in the formation of graphene.
Uses and applications of graphene

The scientific community is keeping its 'eyes' on graphene, as it could completely change the way
we relate to technology. And not just that, it could also represent significant advances in
different sectors.

Graphene in the energy sector

The use of graphene in the manufacturing of rechargeable batteries could be a great leap
towards energy efficiency. This material would prevent devices overheating, so they would be
tougher and lighter.

Applied to different materials in our homes, it could contribute to a better thermal regulation of
the home and a saving in the air conditioning of spaces. For example, using paint with graphene.

Lastly, and with a much more ambitious outlook, it's believed that this innovation could be a
turning point in the renewable energy sector as the use of this material could generate much
more energy than is produced today.
Graphene in construction

The use of graphene applied to construction promises to improve the insulation of buildings. And
not just that, but they could be more resistant to corrosion, dampness, and fire, and
therefore tougher and more sustainable.

Construction materials would be perfected and eco-friendly components would be used, such as
"green concrete," an eco-efficient material that is more sustainable and resistant than the
current one.

Graphene in health

The applications of graphene in the health and medicine sectors are also fascinating. Thanks to
the properties of graphene, stronger, more flexible, and lighter hearing aids could be developed.
We could even be speaking about making bones and muscles that would be introduced through
surgical operations.

Still in the research phase, it's believed that graphene oxide could be a good ally in the diagnosis
of diseases and their subsequent treatment. This is an element that's obtained when graphene is
oxidized, converting it into a material with extraordinary mechanical properties.
Graphene in electronics

The characteristics of graphene could change the electronics sector completely. With the
application of this material, smaller, lighter, tougher, and more efficient devices could be
manufactured, impossible to obtain with the components that are used today.

Furthermore, graphene applied to electronic circuits would make devices ‘immune’ to

dampness, one of the main causes of deterioration. In addition, it has excellent thermal and
electrical conductivity, which is 1,000 times better than that of copper.


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