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Gador, Dartagnan Brandt M.

This text provided eye-opening insight into the worldview and spirituality of the

Hanunoo Mangyan indigenous people. I was struck by their deep reverence for the earth as a

living, sacred entity to be honored and protected. Their core belief in the interconnectedness of

all creation contrasts starkly with the fragmentation of modern life.

I was inspired by the Hanunoo's sustainable harvest practices and communal sharing of

resources, which reflect their understanding of nature's abundance when humans live in balance

and reciprocity with the land. Their poetry and rituals affirming kinship between humans, plants,

animals, and spirits promote environmental stewardship that our society desperately needs.

While centuries of exploitation and displacement by outside groups has fostered

exclusivism among the Hanunoo, overall, their ecological spirituality holds invaluable lessons.

This text ignited my reflection on how Indigenous wisdom can help remedy our environmental

crisis if we learn to appreciate the profound value of belonging to the living Earth. I am

motivated to explore how Indigenous approaches to life and nature can guide us to recalibrate

harmful systems and realize our interconnectedness.

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