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MAC311 (9027)

The Philippine SEC's Code of Corporate Governance is intended to raise the

standards of corporate governance for corporations in the country. It has sixteen (16)
principles distributed into five sections which are: Board's Governance
Responsibilities, Disclosure and Transparency, Internal Control and Risk Management
Framework, Cultivating a Synergic Relationship with Shareholders, and Duties of
Among the principles, I have chosen Principle 4 under the first section of the Code
which states, "To show full commitment to the company, the directors should devote
the time effectively perform their duties and responsibilities, including sufficient time to
be familiar with the corporation’s business."
A person’s commitment is evidenced by their dedication and interest in whatever
endeavor they undertake. This is the same with the directors of a corporation.
Fostering commitment is making efforts to attend and actively participate in the
organization’s meetings in every way possible. Unless there are inevitable
circumstances that prevent the directors from doing so. Investing time to go over
materials relevant to the meetings, imparting ideas, and raising pertinent questions
are a few other ways of showing commitment.
A director's devotion to the firm is generally demonstrated by the amount of time he
spends carrying out his responsibilities. With this, they can guarantee that they can be
relied on to look out for the firm, especially in its governance, decision-making, and
other responsibilities.

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