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Today's science KNOWS that the far north was once tropical!

The South Polar continent of Antarctica was also once ice free, and that fact is clearly shown
on the ancient Piri-Reis Map seen displayed on television documentaries, which show
mountain ranges not discovered until the 1940's! That map could ONLY have been made
BEFORE the ice cap! Even the Eskimos speak of the warm lands in the north that was the
cradle of civilization as they knew it.

A German archaeologist, Jurgen Spanuth, wrote that he went to Egypt, where he deciphered
some hieroglyphics telling of a Lost Empire in the North. In 1953, Jurgen found ruins of an
ancient city of unknowns on the bottom of the North Sea, and he produced photographic

During the 1920-30's, German researchers who were exploring ancient Nordic writings
became believers in the lost continent of Thule, and the race of Supermen who had existed
then during a glorious Golden Age. They were convinced that the Supermen were genetically
and culturally the most advanced race in world history, and convinced Hitler and his Inner
Circle that the Nazis' Aryan Race descended from the Thule Supermen. These German
professors and historians believed that the Hyperboreans had telepathic and cosmic powers,
had been destroyed by ice, and that humanity had degenerated.

When Borman, Hitler and his central aides heard this research, they theorized that the Nordic
Aryan race in Germany had descended from the Supermen who had once ruled the planet,
and therefore the Aryans were the superior race. Hitler mated the ideology that the Third
Reich of the Arian Nazis were the return of the Super Race for a future Golden Age.

Remember that Nazi science in the 1930's and 40's was, in many ways, more advanced than
in the United States and other nations. The Nazis had rockets, Jet planes, radar, and many
weapons BEFORE any other country...and had superior submarines and the first freeways! In
1945 they were experimenting with real flying saucers that were destroyed in Allied
bombings, and the inventors burned the blueprints.

The conquering Allies were astounded to find crude but working saucers and tried to
reproduce them in strict (yet unsuccessful) secrecy, while captured German rocket scientists
invented the U.S. Space Program! Yet even more shocking was the diaries of Nazi leaders
who seriously based their world plans on literature about Thule, psychic powers, Atlantis,
and ancient supermen!

The founders of the Nazis believed that they were destined in create the new Super Race that
would rule this planet in the future Golden Age. The Nazi leaders were convinced that all of
history was in cycles, consisting of golden ages followed by disasters. Hitler stated that the
repetition of history required that to recreate the supermen who had come and gone, the
Nazis must exterminate all of the inferior races they believed inhabited the planet. It was their
belief that it was the destiny of the Nazis, in the universal plan, to manifest the Age of
Aquarius and a new race.
They believed Earth was near the end of a Cycle when all nations would again be a polar shift, earthquakes, fire and tidal waves, The Nazis had plans to survive
in underground cities in South America, as they believed the Atlanteans had, those who
rounded the Aztecs, Incas and Mayans. The Nazis transferred millions of dollars of their gold
and secret armies and many scientists to a remote region in Argentina to survive. The
infamous genetic experiments on prisoners in Nazi concentration camps were attempts to
manipulate genes to create and breed the New Race, which was to be founded by blond,
blue-eyed Nazi SS troops.

Hitler sent generals and SS agents to the Himalayan Mountains to try to learn the yogi
techniques of mind-over matter for the New Race (details can be found in book entitled
"Morning of the Magicians"). We are not sure how long ago Thule was destroyed. Some
ancient writers claim Hyperboreans became so highly evolved over thousands of years that
they became transparent beings (is this the teleportation which our own scientists admit will
be possible in the future?)

We do know that a beautiful chalice made of zinc and silver with intricate inlaid flower
designs all "over it" was excavated 15 feet deep in solid rock that geologists confirm was
solidified millions of years ago. In 1851, an engineered iron nail was found in Salzburg,
Austria in a perfectly formed quartz crystal which geologists said solidified 12 millions years

The Hitler Nazis could have done well with their advanced knowledge, yet they misused it for
evil and immoral scientific purposes, much like the Atlanteans had done.

They also misused psychic powers, just like the Atlanteans had done!


In 1972 to 1978, a Maui based scientific research development agency named MIND
International had its agents around the globe collecting evidence about vanished
civilizations. Mental Investigations into News Developments was created in 1967 as the
Department of Information and was renamed in 1974 to encompass every type of knowledge
on the planet, in search of the "ultimate" truth. M.I.N.D. sent agents around the world to
collect information that necessarily was excluded from the history books in the United

Many artifacts and ruins were discovered and publicized in different locales around the world
but were necessarily and consciously omitted from the American educational system. The
age and technological advancement of many artifacts and ruins contradicted college history
Belief in ancient super civilizations and their relics is common in Peru, India, Ecuador, and
Tibet. In 1976, MIND Directors Philip Geiger, Steve Forsberg, and Steve Omar published a
small newspaper called INTERNATIONAL INTELLIGENCE out of Van Nuys, California. Gelger
worked closely with associate Nick Edwards, who was involved in the discovery of an
underwater pyramid off the Louisiana coast, at the Chandalter Islands.

Forsberg had dove onto the ruins near Bimini Island in the Bahamas, ruins that are believed
to be from Atlantis. All three directors had personally interviewed Dr. Maxine Asher, the most
celebrated and publicly reported Atlantean discoverer.

All MIND agents had different missions. By example, Omar was first assigned to study every
religion, philosopher, and historian in recorded history in college libraries. Omar had
majored in history in college. In France were 6 volumes of ancient history by the famed
French historian archaeologist Robert Charroux, who had amassed data from travel in
remote areas and some 30 years of research in museums, monasteries and caves. Today,
none of these volumes can be found in original or reprinted form anywhere in Hawaii or the
United States.

In his volume, "Masters of the World", Charroux writes:

"The true history of civilization is forbidden. Powerful conspiracies try

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