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Cece Mn ELS Powered by & camScanner PREVIEW A G42 Listen. Where does the speaker say the animals are from? 1 sloths > South Africa 2 bees > the United States 3 owls > the Amazon rainforest 4 dolphins O O all over the world B 441 Listen again. Complete the sentences with the words in the box. gracefully hard playfully quickly patiently —_-stowly Sloths move __S!owly _ in the trees but_____in the water. 2 Bees work very___- to make honey. 3 Owls wait ___ for their food. 4 Dolphins swim ss THEY, jump __________ out of the water. C Talk with a partner. Name animals that do these things. move slowly runquickly _ sing loudly swim gracefully wait patiently I think lions wait patiently. And they run quickly. PRT Oe TUTUEL SEU MAGS ROR ULL Ey OAR ek cre USSR IEC Le + explore how animals can be kind to each other Powered by e CamScanner LANGUAGE FOCUS A [AWAZI Listen and read, What does Nadine say about (TEALENGLISH ice) bats? Then repeat the conversation and replace the words in bold, Nadine: Hey, Ming. Did you choose an animal for your project? Ming: | did. We have to write about ‘one that isn’t well known, so! chose bats. (need to / should) Nadine: Bats? Yuck! They'te disgusting. (so ugly / really scary) Ming: | think they're fascinating. They fly pretty fast, and they're good hunters. (stay awake at night / see really well) Nadine: What do they eat? Ming: Insects, usually. But my favorite bat is the vampire bat. They're the ones that drink blood. Nadine: Ugh. Well,l'm writing about koalas. They're nice and gentle—and they don't drink blood! (soft and furry / really cute) [ABI Look at the chart. Circle the correct answers below. Maeno nares Lean Moonen wis Sloths are slow and quiet. _| Sloths move slowly and quietly. | Adjectives | Adverbs Dolphins are good swimmers. | Dolphins swim well. slow slowly Bees are hard workers. Bees work hard easy easily || | bad badly good well How does an ow! wait? Itwaits patiently. fast fast hard hard 1 Anadjective usually comes before a verb. TOF 2. Anadverb usually comes after a verb. a on 3. Wealways make adverbs by adding-ly adjectives. T Powered by e CamScanner C Complete the paragraph. Circle the correct words. Snowy owls live in the Arctic. It’s not ' easy /easily to find food there, but these ? beautiful / beautifully birds are very * good / well hunters. They wait patiently for their prey, sitting ‘ quiet / quietly and waiting until they see a mouse, rabbit, or other small animal. Then they move in 5 quick / quickly. Snowy owls also hear very ® good / well. This is important when they are trying to find food under the snow. D [Gaal Complete the conversation. Use the correct form of the words in parentheses. Then listen and check your answers. Anton: What are you reading? Laura: Oh, it'sa book about elephants. Did you know elephants can communicate with other elephants up to eight kilometers away? They make a 1 (loud) sound with their trunks. /ow.Do they havea?_________ (good) sense of hearing? Anton: Laura: Yeah, but they have?_____ (bad) eyesight. | also learned that they can't run. They just walk q Anton: | know something interesting about elephants. Laura: What's that? Anton: They swim really * _ _— (good). | saw a video of it. It was - __.... (beautiful). about yourself. Then share your information with E Workin groups. ¢o the others. Suggest what animal each per 1 Idance- - 2 leat —_ 3 Ispeak eo jing —___ ates From your answers, | think you're like a rabbit. I think you're more like a frog! eae} Powered by e CamScanner COMMUNICATION Play charades. Work in small groups. Choose one item from each column and act out the situation. Other students guess the activity. Take turns. A practicing karate making a sandwich fighting playing the drums singing breakdancing eating bugs texting quickly slowly sleepily gracefully loudly softly hungrily secretly Cc in a snowstorm with a sore foot ona hot sidewalk underwater at a rock concert ‘on a crowded bus with a heavy backpack with a runny nose Powered by CamScanner READING A_ Discuss. Look at the title. Do you think animals can be nice? If so, give an example. Skim the article. Match the sentences. 1 Adog © O chased away a dangerous animal. 2 Achimpanzee O — © gave food to another animal. 3 Anelephant © © saveda baby animal’ life. 4 Ahippo © © helped a researcher. Scan the article, Underline the opposites of the words below. roughly loudly carelessly slowly Powered by e CamScanner CAN ANIMALS BE NICE? , but what [V4 We know that people can be ni about animals? Some scientists think they can. Animals that live in groups, like chimpanzees and elephants, have to 5 be nice to each other to survive. However, animals sometimes act nicely even when they don't need to. Here are four stories. One day in southern Australia, Leonie Allan was walking her dog Rex when she came across a 10 dead kangaroo. A car hit it—sadly, this happened frequently in the area. But later that day, Rex went back to the body. There was a small baby kangaroo in its pouch! Rex pulled the baby out gently, brought it home, and placed it at Leonie’s feet. He 15 saved the kangaroo's life, and the two became good friends. Geza Teleki is a scientist who studies chimpanzees in Tanzania. One day, Geza hiked far away from his campsite. He didn’t have any food with him, so he 20 tried to get some fruit from a tree. But the tree was too tall. A young chimpanzee watched Geza curiously as he tried to get to the fruit. It then climbed up the tree, picked some fruit, and gave it to Geza! 25 An elephant in Kenya hurt its trunk. It needed help because it couldn't put food into its mouth. Researcher Kayhan Ostovar watched silently. He saw the elephant show its injured trunk toa healthy elephant. The healthy elephant didn’t 30 need any more information. It took some leaves and put them carefully into its friend’s mouth. Hippos and crocodiles live together in rivers, and they usually get along. But Karen Paolillo, a wildlife expert in Zimbabwe, saw something 35 interesting. One day, a crocodile tried to eat a monkey that was next to a river. A hippo ran quickly to the crocodile and chased it away. Why did the hippo attack the crocodile? Karen says that sometimes hippos like to protect other animals. Unit4 49 Powered by e CamScanner COMPREHENSION A Answer the questions about Can Animals Be Nice? 1 GHANTDER) What is the main idea of the article? a Animals that live in groups are the nicest. b Some animals can be nice to other animals. © Most animals are nice to people. 2. (GHFERENEE) Why didn’t Leonie Allan help the baby kangaroo when she saw its dead mother? a She didn’t know it was there. b She thought it was already dead. © She thought the situation was too dangerous. 3. (GERI) We can say that Geza Teleki__. a hates hiking b could not climb the tree 4 (DETAIL) Why did the elephant need help? a The tree was too tall. —_b It could not use its trunk. 5 What can we say about hippos? ipp a They often protect monkeys. b They don't like crocodiles. ¢ They aren't afraid of croco: ¢ is short ¢ Ithad no food. B_ Identify causes and effects. For each statement, circle € (Cause) or E (Effect). 1 The dog saved the kangaroo life. The dog found a kangaroo in its mother’s pouch. 2 Teleki couldn't get fruit. The chimpanzee gave fruit to Teleki. 3. The elephant hurtits trunk. * The healthy elephant fed the injured elephant. 4 The hippo attacked the crocodile. The crocodile tried to eat the monkey. c & annannana mmmmmmm ¢ GEIR Talk with a partner. Which animal from the article do you think was the nicest? Why? 50 Unit4 Powered by e CamScanner WRITING A Look at the photo. Then read Attention the online ad. Sains Want a cat? Why B Prepare notes. Think of a pet not adopt one? that needs a new home. List Chester is friendly words and phrases that describe and great with its characteristics and behavior. people. He loves torun around € Write an ad. Help the pet find playfully and ... VOCABULARY A Find these words in the reading. Match them to their definitions. 1 survive ° © hurtandin pain 2 comeacross =O © continue living 3 frequently ° © runafter something 4 injured ° © be friendly with each other 5 getalong (with) O © find by chance 6 chase ° © often B_ Read the information below. Then circle the correct words to complete the sentences. Phrasal verbs are two- or three-word expressions that act as verbs. Here are some phrasal verbs that include the verb come: come across: find by chance come along: make progress come back: return comeup: happen 1 I'mso sorry. | need to leave now, but | can come along / back later. People sometimes say“An 2 The classes are really helping. Your Spanish is coming elephant never ” across / along nicely. ue 3 Irecently came across / up a beautiful old photo of e eget my grandparents, 4 I can't go to your party because something unexpected came up / back. anew home. Find a photo to go with your ad. Powered by CamScanner A Read the descriptions. Which animal does each describe better? 1 slow sloth rat 2 playful crocodile dolphin 3 ferocious rabbit lion 4 scary bat fur seal pup 5 works hard bee snake 6 swims well cat elephant 7 hunts patiently owl koala B Complete the sentences. Use the correct form of the words in parentheses. 1 The sloth crossed the road _____(slow). 2 His pet dog is very _________ (friendly). 3 The monkeys were screaming ____ (loud). 4 Many people think rats are (ugly), but I think they're_________ (adorable). cé +9 the conversation. Use the words from the box. along back up How's your report on bats coming !__? Camila: Not so well. | wanted to work on it over the weekend, but something came?___, so | couldn't. | had to go out, and | only came ?__ late last night. Peter: That's too bad. Well, | came *___________ this book on bats. Maybe you can use it.” Camila: Thanks! That's really nice of you. Now Ican.. O talk about animals and how they do things O describe characteristics and behavior O discuss how animals can be kind to each other Unit 4 53 Powered by e CamScanner

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