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Aseu 8rown 8overl Ltd, Swltzerlund

As one of the world's leudlng englneerlng comunles, we hel our customers to use
electrlcul ower effectlvely und to lncreuse lndustrlul roductlvlty ln u sustulnuble wuy. 1he
A88 Crou of comunles oerutes ln over countrles und emloys ubout , eole.
A88 oerutlons ln lndlu lnclude munufucturlng fucllltles wlth over 8 emloyees.
Customers ure served through un extenslve countrywlde resence wlth more thun
murketlng offlces, 8 servlce centers, loglstlcs wurehouses und u network of over
chunnel urtners. 1he A88 Crou ls lncreuslngly leveruglng the lndlun oerutlons for
rojects, roducts, servlces, englneerlng und R&L.
About A88
. Clobul lubs
. Cororute reseurch centers
. 1echnology
O RlLA: RC8C1(Eundllng & ussembly of smull urts)
O ARUS for controlllng & monltorlng lurge scule roductlon rocesses.

rocess uutomutlon:
. ood & 8everuge:
A88 ls u leudlng lnternutlonul suller of uutomutlon roducts und solutlons. 1hey
offer tullored solutlons for the food lndustry.

O Lulry
O Sugur
O Llstlllerles
O egetuble edlble olls
Dairy: The regular flow of supplies from the dairy farmer means that there can be no hiccups in the
production process; stoppages can negatively affect the anticipated taste and quality and the bottom
line. t is not only the actual production process that must meet such high demands; there is also a need
to meet cleaning and hygiene requirements.

ABB Automation will help you to respond to all product and process changes. n the background, issues
such as traceability, agreed quality, technical compliance and meticulous hygiene must never be
compromised. These increasing and in many ways onerous demands require flexible, cost-effective
production systems that can quickly respond to market trends and demand fluctuations.
ABB has suppIied the food industry with soIutions for over 100 years and has heIped thousands
of companies from aII over the worId in countIess sectors.
ABB staff are well equipped to support the food industry with innovative, value adding solutions.
Over the years, ABB has established a unique competence covering all aspects of the food processing
and manufacturing industry, this includes construction, installation and turnkey start-ups. ABB can offer:
O Automatic production units that are integrated with the business system so as to ensure optimal
stock control and a high rate of efficiency throughout the plant all of which lead to a reduction in
tied up capital and improved productivity.
O Condition Based Maintenance (CBM) a system that monitors, identifies and warns when
maintenance is required.
O Traceability. mportant information such as product identity, volume, critical value parameters and
other vital manufacturing data is documented and filed; facts that improve productivity and ensure
that the desired quality is maintained throughout the process.
O Feasibility/pilot studies and functional descriptions.
O Standardized and reliable routines to allow the user to return to well-tried functions and solutions
O Optimization and alignment of process parameters.

. rlntlng:
1helr scoe of oerutlon runges from the uge lunnlng, the dlgltul workflow, the roll
suly, the ress uutomutlon u to the totul lunnlng und trucklng of the entlre
roductlon chuln.

O Solutions for newspaper printing
ress uutomutlon und lntegruted workflow solutlons for the entlre newsuer
roductlon rocess.
O etrofit solutions for newspaper printing presses
A88 rovldes u comlete sectrum of retroflt solutlons for exlstlng resses.

. ul & uer Solutlons:
A88s uer muchlne flngerrlntlng, ldentlfles oortunltles for muchlne
erformunce lmrovement. uer Muchlne benchmurklng estubllshes current
muchlne erformunce und rovldes u busls for evuluutlng und ldentlfylng
lmrovement oortunltles. 1he resultlng dlugnostlc reort rovldes lmrovement
recommendutlons und ussocluted estlmuted RCl. 1ylcul suvlngs otentlul: ,
- ,.

. vuter lndustry:

rom collectlon, through urlflcutlon und trunsortutlon to dlstrlbutlon und reuse ,
we ure reudy to serve you wlth enhunced, efflclent und relluble roduct und


u. Allcutlon: Cur goul ls to otlmlze the emloyment of wuter und energy
resources und to munuge the lntegruted wuter cycle wlth efflclency und
O umlng stutlons
O Lesullnutlon lunts
O Munlclul wuter treutment
O vuter trunsmlsslon
O vuter dlstrlbutlon
O lrrlgutlon
O lndustrlul wuter treutment & recycllng
O Munlclul wustewuter treutment & recycllng

b. roducts

c. Servlces
O Mulntenunce & fleld servlces
O Reulr & refurblsh
O Mlgrutlon & ugrudes
O Suort & remote servlces

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