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In the digital age's burgeoning dawn,

Emerges a force, a phenomenon born.

Artificial Intelligence, a marvel of our days,

In circuits and algorithms, its presence arrays.

From chatbots to self-driving cars,

AI's touch reaches near and far.

In healthcare, it diagnoses with precision,

In finance, it forecasts with insightful vision.

Machine learning, its beating heart,

Learning from data, it sets apart.

Neural networks mimic the brain's own design,

In layers of computation, knowledge does align.

But with great power comes great responsibility,

Ethical quandaries pose a necessity.

Concerns of privacy and biases untold,

In the realm of AI, we tread with mold.

Yet, its potential knows no bounds,

Innovations in leaps and bounds.

A tool for progress, for society's gain,

In the annals of history, AI shall reign.

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