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Name : Nadira Berliana Cyril

Student Number : 235110101111027

Class :D
Course Name : Paragraph Writing
Examination Name : Compose an expository paragraph

Unveiling the Secrets of Rujak Cingur Preparation

The process of crafting Rujak Cingur, a traditional East Javanese dish, involves a
sequence of simple yet crucial steps. Firstly, it's essential to boil the cingur (beef cheek or
lips) until tender, then proceed to cut it into bite-sized pieces. This initial step establishes the
foundation for the dish, ensuring a delightful blend of textures. Moving on to the core of the
matter, the creation of the sauce is imperative. To start, fry the peanuts until fragrant and
golden brown, then finely pound them. Combine the powdered peanuts with finely mashed
tuna petis, and gradually add water to achieve a smooth consistency. Next, incorporate 2
teaspoons of legen vinegar into the peanut mixture. Stir continuously while intermittently
pouring half a glass of water. As the sauce takes shape, the next step involves assembling the
dish. Arrange slices of lontong (compressed rice), blanched water spinach, and the medley of
cucumber, tofu, and sprouts in an aesthetically pleasing manner on a serving plate. The pièce
de résistance comes in the form of the meticulously crafted sauce, generously poured over
the arranged components. This imparts a rich and umami-packed essence to the dish. Next,
assembling the dish requires a keen eye for presentation. Finally, elevate the experience by
serving Rujak Cingur with blek crackers to add a delightful crunch that complements the
tender meat and crisp vegetables. If you revel in fiery flavours, feel free to increase the
amount of chilli in your Rujak Cingur concoction. This personalised touch highlights the
adaptability of the recipe to individual preferences. In the end, Rujak Cingur emerges as a
perfect companion for leisurely moments, offering a delightful interplay of textures, flavours,
and spice.

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