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This chapter will cover both foreign and local research related to the topic being

investigated. On the topic of this research in the related literature, it includes Journal

websites, PDFs, and other research materials. These resources are useful for conducting the

investigation and completing the analysis.

Related Literature

One of the most significant problems and obstacles that a student faces during their

academic career is career choice. It entails the exchange of numerous ability to relate

components. According to Nyamwange (2016), a student's current situation, gifts, abilities,

and scholarly achievements all have an impact on career choice. It is a difficult task that

usually requires a lengthy decision-making process. Students must consider a number of

factors, especially that during pandemic, which causes them to second-guess their decisions.

Disappointment and frustration are likely to follow if a poor decision is made. A student's

career choice is influenced by their home, school, and social environment, according to

studies. Financial considerations influence their career choices because they must pay for

family expenses. Numerous studies have found that factors such as fitness, life

circumstances, and academic achievement all influence career choices.

Students' career choices must be based on the following factors: strong knowledge,

complete information, appropriately guided, matching individual personality type, and other
intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Students must be informed about new emerging trends, future

opportunities, and challenges in the context of career options. They must be aware of current

market trends, practices, and job opportunities in various industries (Ahmed, 2017)

There are numerous factors that influence students' inability to make career decisions.

One example is family-related factors. According to Pascual (2014), a study found that

Filipino immigrants and non-immigrants place a high value on family decision-making. "Sad

to say, but very few studies are made to investigate the success of career path used in the

students of the Philippines, even the factors that affect the career choice of Filipino students,"

she added. This gives us limited information on how to assist the students in identifying the

best career options and courses to pursue in the future. Students are not properly guided in

selecting a course based on their interests and skills. but because of the expectation that these

courses will lead to future employment. Furthermore, students choose careers that they

believe will provide them with better-paying jobs in the future.

(DOLE, 2021) claims that choosing a student's career route in the Philippines is a

family decision because parents are involved in choosing which track to pursue and which

school to attend. Every Filipino student's parents play a significant part in their decision-

making because they cover their children's tuition and other connected costs. As a result,

rather than carving their own path, many Filipino students choose to follow in their parents'


The influence of parents on undergraduate career choices is a significant decision

made by parents for their children. Parents play an important role in this scenario because
they influence their children's job choices in a variety of ways, including direct inheritance

and the condition of apprenticeship or role model. According to the findings of much

research, parents' profession, knowledge and income level in various professional sectors,

norms, beliefs, information about modern jobs, focus on local and worldwide labor markets,

and the skills they gain can all influence children's career choices (Saleem et al., 2014).

Furthermore, parents' influence on specific professions and children's economic need for

them have reduced children's ability to cooperate with their parents' decisions. Support and

sponsorship from parents is a significant component that influences their children's career

choices (Jodl, Michael, Malanchuk, Jacquelynne, Eccles, & Sameroff, 2001). Adolescents are

also influenced by their parents' ambitions and expectations. (Guay, Senecal, Gauthier, and

Fernet, 2003) discovered that parental authority is more accepted in Asian cultures. They

asserted that there is a strong link between parental influence and occupational choice.

According to (Gwelo, 2019) and (Raveenther, 2017), students' personalities have an

impact on the careers they choose. According to (Kemboi, Kindiki, and Migio, 2016), a

person's personality significantly influences their decision regarding a career since they select

the profession that most embodies their distinct character and personality. According to

(Gwelo, 2019), students are more likely to select a vocation that complements their

personality in order to find fulfillment and love studying.

(Khare, 2015) believes that teenagers' employment choices are influenced by their

role models. A student may choose the same field "if she has a good teacher who leaves an

imprint, or a family member who is a pharmacist or a carpenter she looked up to," and such

characteristics are positively correlated with desirable career development outcomes like

career decision.
One of the factors considered important in selecting a career choice is academic

success. Students in the study (Fizer, 2013) showed the capacity to do well in the field, as

seen by their strong high school grade point averages. They also asserted that students who

can handle challenging academic loads are more likely to pursue a career path that would

result in a job requiring many years of schooling. Conversely, pupils with insufficient

intellectual ability might be better suited for professions that demand less time-consuming

and difficult academic work.

Because of the necessity for expertise in the workplace, deciding on a career is not an

easy or straightforward task. It is a difficult and intimidating undertaking because the

decision is influenced by numerous factors. According to research, the key intrinsic elements

impacting profession choice selections are an individual's personality, interests, self concept,

attitudes, and cultural identification. Extrinsic influences include social interactions, role

models, the availability of resources such as knowledge and finances, globalization, ethnic

background, level of educational achievement, topic choice, and differences in employment


Related Studies

1. Foreign

Career choice constitutes one of the most critical turning points in our lives because

this determines our future role in the society and symbolizes one of the most important

processes in our entire life. According to (Abdulrazak Ama, 2016) the influence of self-
efficacy, family, personal interests, and economic considerations had a positive relationship

with career choice. Moreover, the results of regression analysis showed that the factors of

family, self-efficacy, personal interest and economic considerations exerted great influence

on the choice of career.

African studies, for example, in Kenya (Mokoro, Wambiya & Aloka, 2014) and in

Nigeria (Abiyo & Eze, 2015) have highlighted that many of the settings in which children

and youth participate are dependent on the choices of their parents. Thus, parents’ decisions,

choices of where to live, what to provide materially and relationally in the home and how to

structure out-of-school time for children, impacts children’s development in ways that are

meaningful for later success in the world of work

According to Brown Vaghela (2019) the process of choosing a career is

described as one of estimating one’s ability and skills required for success in a given

occupation, and estimating the work values that will be satisfied by the various

occupational alternatives available. Furthermore, Brown added that, the essence of who

the student is willing to be in future, revolve around what the student wants to do with their

life-long work. Parents, teachers, the society, and the government as the whole recognize the

needs for the proper career guidance and development. Students are concerned about

future work and occupations but are not sure which factors like money or prestige

should influence one’s choice for job; in fact, career information which is obtained at

school through career programs can help many students to make right career decisions

and pursue subject combinations which can lead them to their dreams (Vaghela, 2019)
Choices that people make related to their career can be categorized to be influenced

by two factors that are psychological and social. Social factors are part of an individual’s

social bonds, their parents, family, history and other characteristics of their environment.

Psychological factors can be an individual’s perception, cognitive and effective intentions,

beliefs, ideas, personality and assessments related to forthcoming business environment

(Ozen, 2011)

According to (Hewit, 2010), most people are significantly impacted by either the

professions that their parents like or the ones that their educational successes have opened up

for them. Others, on the other hand, are influenced by occupations that offer higher pay,

allowances, and vacation time. Nonetheless, there are individuals who choose to pursue

occupations that they are passionate about regardless of the potential benefits, because a

career is an important factor in shaping an individual's daily routine, life activities, standard

of living, and spiritual and social aspects of life. In reality, a career influences the

organization of one's entire life. Although there are differences within demographic groups,

parents, classmates, friends, relatives, role models, and teachers, particularly career

counselors, are the most influential extrinsic effects on job choice selections.

2. Local

According to (Lupas & Fatrin, 2021), their study revealed that learners placed a

higher value on their particular job preferences. Despite this, they continue to value the

advice and support of their families and peers. Their schools also play an important influence

in the process of profession selection. In terms of the various tactics for selecting acceptable

career choices, students realize a variety of external elements that play a significant role in
their decision to pursue occupations that match their particular knowledge, abilities, and

interests. It allows students to establish their immediate and long-term goals once they have

decided on a career path. It is necessary to understand and comprehend that choosing an

appropriate career path is a complex process which needs a thorough evaluation of the

different factors that influence a student’s career decision-making process. Choosing an

appropriate career path is an essential part in students’ lives. It helps them shape their future.

According to studies (Bangayan, 2022) a job seeker should consider the financial

situation of his family when choosing on a career choice. Money is a crucial factor to

consider while choosing a career, even though it shouldn't be the only one. Regular group

study sessions and conversations with parents about their involvement in their children's

professional decision-making are strongly advised.

The decision of a career is one of the biggest problems and obstacles that a student

encounters during their academic career. It involves the transfer of a large number of

intricately connected parts. According to (Nyamwange, 2016), a student's present

circumstances, talents, skills, and academic achievements all have an effect on their decision

about a vocation. It is a challenging task that requires careful decision-making. Many things

must be taken into account by students.

According to (Quiño, J. 2023) the factors influencing a student's decision to enroll in

college are financial aid, educational quality, tuition affordability, and environment and

culture. The findings imply that the various factors that influence students' choices are

adaptable regardless of their age, gender, or family wealth.

Paradigm of The Study


Conceptual Framework

Figure 1 shows the direction of the study, which presented the demographic profile of

Grade 12 learners in Capas National High School—Senior High School. The framework

further showed the different perceived factors that affect the career choices of the learners,

which are namely interest, family-related, peer pressure, experience, and future use. It also

compares the two variables and shows the potential implications of the study.

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