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AWS Automation using Cloudformation,


Creating a YMAL file in VS code:

Added the ID and the name of the instance in the code.

Took the AMI ID from here:

Then I open cloud formation and added a stack in the formation in it with a name of stack1
Uploaded the YAML file in the template source

Naming the Stack

Created the stack:

Information of the Stack:

After the creation of the stack I opened resources and then clicked on the physical ID
After following the step the instance is created with the name used in the yaml file
1. Introduction to CloudFormation:

● Overview of AWS CloudFormation as a service for managing infrastructure as code.

2. Templates:

● Definition: Text files in JSON or YAML format describing AWS resources and their
● Purpose: To define infrastructure declaratively.
● Components:
○ Parameters
○ Mappings
○ Conditions
○ Resources
○ Outputs
○ Optional Metadata

3. Stacks:

● Definition: Collections of AWS resources managed as a single unit.

● Creation: Deploying a CloudFormation template results in the creation of a stack.
● Management: Stacks can be created, updated, and deleted as a whole.

4. Provisioning:

● Definition: Process of setting up and configuring resources required for an application or

● Automation: CloudFormation automates provisioning based on template definitions.
● Actions: Handles creation, updating, and deletion of resources for consistency and
reduced manual effort.

5. Template Designer:

● Description: AWS tool for visually designing CloudFormation templates.

● Features:
○ Drag-and-drop interface
○ Syntax highlighting
○ Error checking
○ Resource property suggestions

6. Summary:

● Recap of CloudFormation's role in defining and managing AWS infrastructure using

● Highlight of key features: templates, stacks, provisioning, and Template Designer.

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