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Shoviana Nur Faizah

K.H. State Islamic University Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan, Indonesia

The concept of Child Social Identity includes a number of important aspects in the
understanding of how social identity develops at the stage of child development. Social
identity is an important aspect of human life that reflects how individuals are seen and
accepted by the surrounding community. This study aims to analyze the role of the family in
shaping the social identity of children, using a family sociology perspective. This study uses a
literature study approach as a research model. A literature study is a research method based
on the analysis and synthesis of previously existing sources of relevant information, such as
research journals, books, reports, and scientific articles. The results of this study found that
the role of the family is very important in shaping individuals and influencing relationships
within the family. The process of socialization in the family involves the formation of family
values, norms, and culture that can influence individual development.

Keywords: Role, Family, Social Identity, Sociology.

Research Context
Social identity is an important aspect of human life that reflects how individuals are
seen and accepted by the surrounding community. Social identity is influenced by various
factors, one of which is the role of the family. The family has a significant role in shaping a
child's social identity. In the context of family sociology, the role of the family can influence
the way children see themselves, the way they interact with others, and the way they
understand social norms and values that exist in society.
This study aims to analyze the role of the family in shaping children's social identity,
using the perspective of family sociology. Through this approach, this research will explore
the dynamics of the relationship between family members, the role of the individual in the
family, and how these things affect the formation of a child's social identity.
Previous research has shown that the family has an important role in shaping a child's social
identity. The values, norms, and culture taught by the family form the basis for children to
understand themselves and their role in society. In addition, the socialization process that
occurs within the family also influences the way children interact with other people and how
they perceive the world around them.
However, the social changes that occur in modern society also affect the role of the
family in shaping children's social identities. Technological developments, urbanization, and
shifts in social values can affect family dynamics and the way they shape children's social
identities. Therefore, it is important to explore more about the role of the family in this
changing social context.
In this study, we will use qualitative methods to gain a deep understanding of the role
of the family in shaping a child's social identity. Through in-depth interviews, observation,
and document analysis, we will collect relevant data to answer this research question. The
results of this study are expected to provide an important contribution to our understanding of
the role of the family in shaping children's social identity, as well as its social implications in
the context of modern society.
In the end, it is hoped that this research can provide new insights and a deeper
understanding of the role of the family in shaping children's social identities. With a better
understanding of the factors that influence a child's social identity, it is hoped that more
effective efforts can be developed in promoting the formation of a positive and healthy social
identity in our children.
Research focus
This research focuses on the role of the family in shaping children's social identity. In
this context, research will analyze how the relationship between family members, individual
roles in the family, and other factors affect the formation of a child's social identity. This
research will answer questions about how the values, norms, and culture taught by the family
affect children's self-understanding, the way children interact with others, and how they
understand social norms and values that exist in society.
Theoretical basis
This study will use the family sociology approach as a theoretical basis. This theory
sees the family as a social unit that has an important role in the formation of an individual's
social identity. Some of the relevant theoretical concepts in the context of this research are:
1. Socialization
This concept refers to the process by which individuals learn and internalize
the values, norms, and culture that exist in society. In the context of this study,
socialization within the family will be analyzed to understand how this process forms
a child's social identity.
2. Family Role
This concept relates to the role played by each family member in family
interactions and dynamics. Individual roles in the family can influence children's
social identity and the way they interact with the social environment outside the
3. Family Norms and Values
This concept includes values, norms, and culture taught and applied by the
family. These values can shape children's perceptions of themselves and the social
norms that exist in society.
4. Effects of Social Change
This research will also consider the effect of social change, such as
technological developments, urbanization, and shifts in social values, on the role of
the family in shaping children's social identities. These social changes can affect
family dynamics and the way they form a child's social identity.
This theoretical basis will be used to analyze and interpret the data obtained in this study,
with the aim of providing a more comprehensive understanding of the role of the family in
shaping children's social identity from the perspective of family sociology.

This study uses a literature study approach as a research model. A literature study is a
research method based on the analysis and synthesis of previously existing sources of
relevant information, such as research journals, books, reports, and scientific articles.
Researchers will collect, review, and analyze existing literature to understand the paradigm of
the social definition of showing off behavior among young people on social media. the data
in this study consisted of sources of information obtained from literature relevant to the
research topic. The data includes concepts, theories, research findings, and approaches that
have been proposed in the existing literature. This data will be used to support and strengthen
understanding of the social definition paradigm of showing off behavior among young people
on social media (Hamzah 2019).
The main data source in this study is scientific literature related to the research topic.
These data sources can include scientific journals, books, articles, research reports, and other
verified documents. Data sources can be obtained from academic databases, digital libraries,
or other trusted sources of information.
Research Engineering
1. Data Collection
Researchers will collect scientific literature that is relevant to the Role of the
Family in Forming Children's Social Identity from the Perspective of Family
Sociology. Data collection will involve a careful and selective search to select the
most relevant and reliable sources.
2. Data Analysis
The data collected will be analyzed systematically and critically. Researchers will
read, review, and understand the contents of existing literature. Data will be analyzed
by comparing and mapping existing concepts, theories, findings, and approaches in
the literature to identify patterns, themes, and relationships related to the Role of the
Family in Forming Children's Social Identity from the Perspective of Family
Through a literature study approach, this research will produce a comprehensive
understanding of the Role of the Family in Forming Children's Social Identity from
the Perspective of Family Sociology (Zed 2004). The results of this study will provide
a strong theoretical foundation and in-depth understanding of this phenomenon, as
well as provide a framework for further research in this field.


In the results of the analysis of the literature related to the title "The Role of the
Family in Forming a Child's Social Identity: The Sociological Perspective of the Family," the
following is an explanation of the selected data and an explanation of the related results:
1. Literature study shows that the values and norms taught by the family have a
significant influence on the formation of a child's social identity. For example,
research by Sarwono, S. W. (2018). "The Role of the Family in the Formation of
Children's Character from the Perspective of Family Sociology". Journal of Sociology,
24(2), 123- 137 found that children who grow up in families that emphasize
cooperation and solidarity tend to have a strong social identity and good
communication skills (Sarwono 2018).
2. Research Suprapto, R., & Sutopo, A. H. (2019). "The Effect of Family Socialization
on Children's Social Identity: A Study of Family Sociology". Journal of Sociology of
Education, 10(1), 42-55. highlights the role of the individual in the family in shaping
children's social identity. The results of the analysis show that parental example,
emotional support, and appreciation given by family members can influence children's
self-understanding and the formation of a positive social identity. (Suprapto and
Sutopo 2019).

3. The literature study also shows that social changes, such as technological
developments, urbanization, and shifts in social values, affect the role of the family in
shaping children's social identities. Putri, D. S., & Wardhani, S. (2020). "Factors
Influencing Children's Social Identity in the Family: An Overview from the
Perspective of Family Sociology". Journal of Family & Consumer Science, 13(2),
128-139. found that excessive use of social media in the family can hinder direct
social interaction and affect children's self-understanding and social identity. (Putri
and Wardhani 2020)

4. Primary Research, Nurhayati, N. (2021). "Individual Roles in the Family and Their
Impact on Children's Social Identity: A Sociological Perspective of the Family".
Journal of Reflective Sociology, 14(1), 67-82, reveals that conflict and tension in the
family can have a negative impact on the formation of a child's social identity.
Children who grow up in a family environment full of conflict tend to experience
difficulties in forming stable social identities and having good social skills.
(Nurhayati 2021)

5. In addition, research by Widarti, N. K., & Anantanyu, S. (2022). "The Influence of

Family Values on the Formation of Children's Social Identity: The Sociological
Perspective of the Family". Indonesian Population Journal, 17(1), 45-60, shows that
the education and upbringing of parents also play an important role in shaping a
child's social identity. Children who receive education and care that support and pays
attention to their needs tend to have a strong and positive social identity. (Widarti and
Anantanyu 2022)
From the results of the research and studies above, it can be concluded that family
messages have an effect on children's social identity.
A. The Concept of Child's Social Identity
The concept of Child Social Identity covers a number of aspects that are
important in the understanding of how social identity develops at different stages of
child development. The following is a material description that includes the definition
of social identity, the importance of social identity in a child's life, and the factors that
influence a child's social identity:
1. Definition of Child Social Identity
Children's social identity refers to children's understanding and perception of
themselves in relation to certain social groups. Social identity involves children's
understanding of the roles, norms, values, and attributes associated with the social
group to which they belong. Social identity forms an important part of one's self-
identity and influences children's perceptions, behavior, and interactions in various
social contexts (Sudarsono and Mappiare 2010).
2. The Importance of Social Identity in Children's Life
Social identity plays a crucial role in a child's development and well-being.
Through social identity, children can build a sense of closeness, pride, and,
attachment to their social groups, such as family, peers, school, or religious
community. Social identity also helps children understand the social roles expected of
them, influences self-esteem, forms self-perceptions, and facilitates social integration.
(Rahayu and Hasanah 2014)
3. Factors Affecting Children's Social Identity:
a. Family
The family has a central role in forming a child's social identity. Values,
norms, beliefs, and interactions within the family environment can shape a child's
social identity.
b. Friends of the same age
Interaction with peers influences the child's social identity. Friendships,
membership in groups, and social experiences with peers form an important part of a
child's social identity.
c. School and Education
The school environment, classmates, teachers, and educational experience
play a role in shaping a child's social identity. Schools provide opportunities for
children to explore social roles and develop diverse identities.
d. Media and Popular Culture
The influence of mass media and popular culture also influences a child's
social identity. Representations given by the media and popular culture can shape
children's perceptions of their social identity.
e. Social and Cultural Context
Contextual factors such as social values, norms, religion, and the culture in
which children are raised also influence the formation of their social identity. (Asri
B. The Role of the Family in the Formation of Children's Social Identity
A. Socialization in the Family
1. Socialization Process
Socialization within the family is a process in which individuals learn and
internalize family values, norms, and culture that shape their identity and behavior.
This socialization process begins when a person is born and lasts throughout their life.
In family socialization, individuals learn how to interact with other family members
and with the wider community (Sugiharto 2019).
The socialization process in the family involves various aspects, including
observation, interaction, and learning. When someone is born into a family, they
naturally observe and imitate the behavior of the older family members. They learn
how to talk, walk, eat, and perform everyday tasks through a process of observation
and imitation.
In addition, individuals are also involved in direct interactions with other
family members. They learn how to interact socially, develop communication skills,
and understand the dynamics of relationships between family members. This
interaction includes verbal and nonverbal communication, as well as rules and norms
governing interactions within the family (Novitasari 2019).
2. The Influence of Family Values, Norms, and Culture
Family values, norms, and culture have a major influence on the socialization
process. Values are beliefs or principles that are considered important in the family.
For example, families may value honesty, hard work, solidarity, or a particular
religion. These values are transferred from generation to generation through family
socialization. (Asmoro 2018).
Norms are rules or regulations that govern behavior in the family. These
norms can be formal or informal. For example, in some families, it is the norm
that all
members of the family eat together at the dinner table every evening. These norms
help shape behavior and daily routines in the family.
Family culture also plays an important role in socialization. Family culture
includes customs, traditions, language, and symbols used in the family. Family culture
influences the way family members think, behave, and interact with the world outside
the family. For example, a strong family culture of valuing education can encourage
family members to focus on academic achievement (Sudirja 2017).
Overall, socialization within the family includes the process of learning family
values, norms, and culture that shape individual identity and behavior. This process
involves observing, interacting, and learning from other family members. The
influence of family values, norms, and culture on socialization forms an important
basis in shaping individuals as socially functioning members of society.
B. Individual Role in the Family
The individual's role in the family includes the relationship between family
members and the role models that are carried out in the family environment. Each
family member has a unique role and responsibility in maintaining the harmony and
well-being of the family as a whole.
Relations between family members involve interaction, communication, and
the dynamics that exist between them. Family members influence and interact with
each other in various ways. For example, the relationship between parent and child is
one of caring, nurturing, and nurturing. Relations between siblings usually involve
togetherness, mutual support, and the exchange of experiences (Zulkarnain and
Dahlan 2021).
In the family, there are various role models carried out by family members.
This role model is based on gender, age, and family status. Some common role
models in the family include: (Suryani 2016).
1. The Role of Parents
Parents have the main responsibility of nurturing and guiding children. They
are responsible for providing love, security, and adequate care. Parents also play a
role in providing education, values, and norms to children.
2. The Role of Children
Children have a role as recipients of parental care and education. They are
expected to learn, grow, and develop themselves according to the guidelines and
expectations of their parents. Children can also help with household chores and
contribute to the family according to their age and ability.
3. The Role of Siblings
Brothers have a role in building relationships between brothers. They can
become each other's friends, companions, and supports. This role involves sharing,
mutual respect, and helping each other grow and develop.
4. The Role of Husband/Wife
Husband and wife have a role in building and maintaining marital relations.
They are responsible for supporting, communicating, and meeting one another's
emotional, physical, and social needs. This role involves cooperation, shared decision-
making, and mutual respect.
5. Role of Grandparents
Grandparents have the role of being the older members of the family. They
often act as advisors, caregivers, and keepers of family traditions. They can also
provide support and affection to younger family members (Syamsul Bakhri 2022).
The importance of understanding and adhering to the role model in the family is to create
harmony, mutual understanding, and support among family members. When each individual
performs his role well, the family can grow and become a healthy and happy environment.
C. The Impact of Family Role on Children's Social Identity
A. The Positive Influence of Family Roles
The positive influence of the role of the family is very important in forming
emotionally and socially healthy individuals. Some of the positive influences of
family roles include establishing positive values and norms, developing social skills,
and emotional acceptance and support.
First of all, the family has a major role in the formation of positive values and
norms in family members. Values such as honesty, empathy, appreciation for hard
work, respect, and responsibility can be instilled through interaction and teaching
within the family. When families apply these positive values in everyday life,
individuals tend to internalize these values and bring them into their interactions with
other people outside the family (Santoso and Kumara 2019).
In addition to values, the family also plays a role in the development of
individual social skills. Through interactions with family members, individuals learn
how to communicate well, resolve conflicts, collaborate, and build healthy
relationships. Families can provide opportunities to practice social interaction, learn
understand other people's feelings, and develop empathy. These social skills are very
important in helping individuals adapt to a wider social environment outside the
family, such as in schools, workplaces, and society in general.
Furthermore, the family also provides emotional acceptance and support
which has a positive effect on individuals. When individuals feel accepted and
supported by family members, they feel emotionally safe. Families that provide
emotional support are able to listen, understand, and respond positively to individual
feelings and needs (Sumargi 2015). This helps individuals develop self-confidence,
positive self-esteem, and the ability to manage emotions in a healthy manner.
Emotional support from family is also important in coping with life's challenges,
coping with stress, and building mental resilience.
The positive influence of this family role creates an environment that supports
holistic individual growth and development. Individuals who grow up in families that
apply positive values and norms, develop social skills, and provide emotional
acceptance and support, tend to have healthy interpersonal relationships, good
adaptability, and higher emotional well-being (Hidayat 2016).
It is important for families to realize their role in providing this positive
influence and to be actively involved in forming quality individuals (Mahardiani and
Subekti 2018). By providing a solid foundation in terms of values, norms, social
skills, and emotional support, families can help individuals develop positive
personalities, contribute to society, and lead fulfilling lives.
B. Negative Influence of Family Roles
The negative influence of family roles can have a detrimental impact on
individual development and overall family relationships. Some of the negative
influences of family roles include the formation of negative values and norms,
conflict and tension in the family, and lack of emotional support.
First, the family can provide a negative influence on the formation of values
and norms. If the family practices or encourages unhealthy values, such as violence,
intolerance, manipulation, or other unethical behavior, individuals tend to internalize
and adopt these values. For example, if family members are involved in domestic
violence, children may learn that violence is an acceptable way of resolving conflict.
The formation of negative values and norms like this can have a negative impact on
individual development and their ability to form healthy relationships outside the
family (Prasetya 2018).
In addition, conflict and tension in the family are also a negative influence on
the role of the family. When family members often engage in intense conflict, criticize
each other, or even verbal or physical violence, the family environment becomes
insecure and unstable. Continuous conflict can cause stress, and tension, and disrupt
individual emotional well-being (Saragih 2013). It can also hinder effective
communication between family members and interfere with healthy relationships.

Furthermore, the lack of emotional support in the family can also have a
negative influence. Adequate emotional support is important for the healthy
development of individuals. When family members do not provide emotional support,
such as indifference, rejection, or even emotional abuse, individuals may have
difficulty managing their own emotions. Lack of emotional support can also affect an
individual's self-esteem, self-confidence, and psychological well-being.

The negative influence of this family role can create an environment that does
not support optimal individual growth and development. Individuals who are exposed
to negative values and norms, conflicts and tensions in the family, and lack of
emotional support may experience difficulties in forming healthy relationships and
functioning well in the wider social environment (Yulianto 2017).

It is important for families to be aware of the negative influences they may

have and work to overcome these problems. Building a family environment that is
safe, supportive, and promotes positive values and norms is the key to creating
emotionally and socially healthy individuals.

The role of the family is very important in shaping individuals and influencing
relationships within the family. The process of socialization in the family involves the
formation of family values, norms, and culture that can influence individual development.
The family also plays a role in developing the individual's social skills and providing needed
acceptance and emotional support. The positive influences of family roles include the
formation of positive values and norms, the development of social skills, and emotional
acceptance and support. Positive values and norms help shape individuals who have good
views and behaviors, while social skills enable individuals to interact in a healthy manner
with others. Emotional support from the family is also important in building individual
emotional well-being.
However, the family can also have a negative influence if there is the formation of
negative values and norms, conflicts and tensions in the family, and a lack of emotional
support. This can hinder individual development and affect the quality of family
relationships. In order to create a healthy family environment, it is important for families to
be aware of their roles and work to establish positive values and norms, resolve conflicts, and
provide adequate emotional support. Thus, the family can be a vessel that supports the
development of individuals who are physically, emotionally, and socially healthy.

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