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I worked by myself for this doc!!

Part 1:
Where, when and why the bird appears in their garden?

The scarlet ibis was found perched in the “bleeding tree”.

Eventually, the rare tropical bird fell from the tree and died. The
reason the bird appeared in the first place was because he had
flown off track and got lost in a tropical storm and ended up in
the wrong environment.

Doodle's reaction to the bird, and in turn his family's reaction to him
Doodle is clearly highly compassionate. We constantly see his
love for nature, and how it makes him happy. He was in awe of
the bird, he really appreciated it’s presence.
The bird is different, in an environment which does not enable
him in any way- similar to Doodle. I believe Doodle feels an
affiliation with the bird as he empathizes with him. Both Doodle
and the bird were in an environment they were not conditioned
to live in. The family watching him through the window
represents how disconnected Doodle is from his family. We see
Doodle’s compassionate nature shine through, a shis family
snigger behind the window. They are weak people, lingering,
hiding behind the window as he is outside trying his best to give
the bird respect. If only Doodle’s family could give him respect.
Part 2
How are these names linked?
President Wilson, Chateau-Thierry, Amiens, Soissons, Belleau
Write ONE sentence that shows the context through which these
names are linked. (5 points)

All of the other names are cities in France where WW1 was
fought and won. World War 1 is when President Wilson served
as president, Belleau Wood is a battle in France that occurred in
WW1, and all of the other names are towns in France where
WW1 was fought and won.

Part 3:
- Short responses (2-5 sentences) that summarize an answer to
ANY TWO QUESTIONS If you are working alone, then 2 of your

How far is Doodle understood or supported by his family?

In my opinion, Doodle is by no means understood or supported

by his family. From the outset, he was doomed for failure as his
family rejected him and referred to him as an invalid. Even as he
grew older and more mentally capable, they shunned anything
he had to say. He is a gentle soul who craves love, support and
enjoys all things to do with nature. It is an utter shame to see
such a special person neglected by their family.
What / who caused Doodle's death?

Doodled presumably died of exhaustion, and pushed his already

fragile heart too far. He overexerts himself by rowing, and then
running. He is pleading, begging his brother to just wait for him.
To give him a chance. Brother’s selfish nature was a catalyst for
Doodle’s death. Although we can not directly blame him, all of
his actions added to his brother's untimely death. Brother
realizes this when it is too late, as he shelters his dead brother's
body and realizes what he had done.

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