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23.01.2024 Today, people are surrounded by advertising.

has a negative impact on people's lives. To what extent do you
agree or disagree with this statement?
A school of thought holds that the suffusion of advertisements does not have any
adverse implications on humans. While this thinking is justifiable to some extent,
I hold a belief that it does; the below essay would be a testament to my opinion.

On the one hand, it is understandable why some people believe the so-called
omnipresence of advertising could bring more benefits than disadvantages to
people’s lives. The key rationale in the favour of this thinking is that the
advertisements could drive economic growth and improve people's standard of
living. While there is some truth to this, it glosses over the negative long-term
impacts associated with this growth. Specifically, advertisements promote a
throw-away culture, where items are used briefly and then tossed aside. A vast
amount of rubbish would be created and overload landfill. It puts a strain on
natural resources and causes environmental deterioration, therefore we should
raise serious questions about long-term benefits.

Moreover, the widespread of advertisements would offer consumers a wider

range of choices and it would make an informed buying. However, this status
overlooks the potential for consumers being overwhelmed, which could lead to
decision fatigue. Besides that, the psychological impact of advertising is that
people would be beatifical when they could buy expensive things. They have a
thinking that these things could raise their social standard. This will foster a
materialistic mindset and have a detrimental bearing on poor people who try to
buy things that they could not touch, while the wealthy people would fall into a
vicious cycle of consumption and materialistic mindset or materialism, by
extension, they lured into debt traps.

In conclusion, the suffusion of advertising does more harm than good to people’s
lives, so that we should control the advertisements thoroughly before these could
be post.

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