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Test 1 Training #3 Part a Task information + speaking Part 1 lasts about 2 minutes. “+ The examiner asks each candidate questions in turn, + There are two examiners. One of the examiners, ‘You don't talk to the other candidate in this part. tells you their names, then asks you for your name. Part 1 tests your ability to talk about everyday ‘You then give the examiner your mark sheet. ‘topics such as your work or studies, your family, + One of the examiners asks you questions about your free time and your future plans. yourself, and you answer. The other examiner * To find out how your speaking will be assessed, listens only. go to the Cambridge Assessment English website, Useful language Useful expressions 4. Write the words and expressions in the box next to the correct function. Tipl” One aim of Part isto help you to relax by geting you cise and = aswell because to talk about familiar topos. Could you repeat that, please? —forexample for instance Tey to relax and talk noturaly think would say that like Sony, can you say that again? bout yoursaf and your ite suchas the reason for this is too Tl Use fl eentonces to ‘To add extra information: 80 — Le reasons, examples and extra information ta suppert your answer, and express your ‘own opinion. If you don’t understand a cuestion, you can ask the examiner to repeat To give a reason... To give an example: ceca ‘To give your opini To ask for repetition: ._.. 2. Road the four questions fn Italie that the examiner asks. Then complete parts of Ana's answers with words {and expressions from Exercise 2. Where are you from? 1 rm from Madi. I's the capital of Spain, and i's the largest city What do you like about living in your home town? 2 Isa really exciting city. there are lots of things to do, example, there are lots of cafés where I can meet my friends 3. There are plenty of events as concerts and festival, What sort of things do you do in your free time? ai say that 'm a very sociable person, so my friends are important to me, In what ways do you think you will use English in the future? 51 ‘that English will be very important for me in my work 6 The nssmmmerneef0F this is that I'd like to work for an international company, and I'd like to travel in Europe and the United States 3 (917) now listen and check. Which question does Ana ask the examiner to repeat? There are no ght and "won ‘answers to the questions in Part 1, Just ty to be yours ee | Speaking Part 4 Tost 4 Training | 61. EEE SOOSOCSSSIS:' cc aC eS CT eta tres Speaking ° Part 1 Action plan 1 Try to look friendly and confident when you meet the examiners. 2 Listen to the examiner's questions carefully. 3 Speak clearly so that both examiners and your 5 Don’t prepare answers in advance as your speech will not sound natural. 6 If you don’t understand a question, ask the examiner to repeat it. You won't lose marks if fest 1 Trai FS Task information «+ In Speaking Part 2, each candidate is given a one- minute ‘long turn’. No one will interrupt you. + The examiner gives you both two photographs to compare, and answer a question above Speaking Part 2 + Part 2 tests your ability to organise your speaking, and to compare, describe and give your opinions. ‘+ The examiner then asks you a question about your partner's photographs. You have about 30 seconds partner can hear you easily. 4 Give full answers to the questions with reasons and examples, rather than just saying yes or no. you do this. 62 1 Pata 2 minutes (3 minutes for groups of three) Work in pairs. One of you take the role of the exami ner and sk the question, white ‘questions, Then swap roles. : - gaelinbetcicille! Interlocutor First, we'd like to know something about you, * What do you like about the town you live in? ..... (Why2) How do you usually spend your evenings? What do you like to do at lunchtime? ..... (Why?) Do you enjoy studying English? ..... (Why are you studying it?) (ipI” Chat to your exam partner in —— English before you go into the exam room. it will help you feet ‘more relaxed once the exam stars, 2 Now swap roles. Interlocutor First, we'd like to know something about you. * What do you like about where you study/vork? ..... (Why?) How do you usually spend your Saturdays? ..... (Why?) What do you like to do when you get home after work or college? Do you enjoy using a computer? .. for mainly?) (Tiel Practise answering questions —— about yourself so that you fee! comfortable and relaxed, ‘and can make a good first Impression in Part 1, (What do you use it Tost 4. Exam practice Speaking Part! the photographs. ‘to answer. Exam skill Understanding the task 4 Study photographs A and B on page C1 and read the question above the photographs. Then circle the points below you should do when you compare these photographs. 1 Describe the people, 6 2. Say what topic links the photographs. 7 3. Say briefly what the people are doing 8 4 Say how many people there are. 9 5. Suggest who the people might be. 10 Say what is different about the forms of exercise. Talk about what might happen next. Suggest how the people might be feeling. Say why people might choose each form of exercise. Say which form of exercise you would prefer, and why. 2) 8) Listen to Paul comparing the two photographs. Check your answers to Exercise 4. Useful language Comparing and expressing preferences 3 Complete the sentences with the words in the box. Listen to Paul again and check. as both — difference == more_-=— other whereas, 1 photos show people doing exercise. 2. The people in the gym don’t seem to know each other .... On the hand, the people playing basketball are probably friends, 3. The class looks quite serious, the basketball game looks very relaxed. 4 The people in the gym don't look om happy as the people playing basketball. 5 | think the people playing basketball are probably enjoying themselves 6 Another... is that the basketball is outside. Choose the correct words to complete the sentences expressing personal preferences. 1 I'd prefer / rather / choose do exercise with friends, in @ fun way. 2 I don’t want / enjoy / rather going to the gym. 3 I'd prefer /rather | enjoy to do a team sport than exercise alone. 4 I'd rather wouldn't / don't / not exercise in a gym. Speaking Part 2 Test 4 Training | 63 Exam skill Answering the question | Test 4 Exam practice J 1 Exam practice JNU Ce 5 20) Listen to Ela answering a question about Paul's photos. Tick the things she doe: 1 describes and compares the photos oO 2. mentions something that Paul aid a stn carctuly wen ect 3. expresses her own opinion and preferences a Dhotis, fyou wteh, jou ea 4 gives an example or reason to support her opinion [-] refer to some of their ideas 5 disagrees with Paul's opinions o ‘when you answer your question about their photos. Exam skill Organising your answer 6 Study photographs A and B on page C2 and read the question above the photographs. Then organise the ideas (a-h) under the headings (1-4). 11 What topic links the two photos? What is similar about the achievements? What is different about the achievernents? How are the people in the two photographs feeling? AWN | think the mountain climbers probably feel exhausted. Both achievements involve a lot of physical effort. Both photos show people who have achieved something important, and are celebrating. The football players have competed against other people, whereas the mountain climbers have only competed with themselves. | think the football players must be really proud of themselves. To achieve both these things, you have to train very seriously for a long time. ‘The mountain climbers can only celebrate their achievement with each other, whereas the football players can see all their fans cheering for them, The football players can relax and celebrate now. On the other hand, the mountain climbers still have to get back down the mountain safely. ance +o £21) compare the two photographs and answer the question, Remember to start by saying what topic links the two photographs. Listen to Natalie and compare your ideas. Exam skill Understanding the follow-up question 8 Read the follow-up question that the examiner asks the second candidate. What should he do? George, which achievement do you admire the most? a say which photograph he prefers and give reasons o b explain which achievement impresses him more and give reasons] © explain why some people choose to do difficult or dangerous things [F] 9 £)22) Listen to Natalie again, then listen to the follow-up question and answer it. Remember, you can refer to ideas that she mentions if you like. 10 £}25) Listen to George answering the question and compare your ideas. Action plan 1 Listen carefully to the instructions, look at the pictures and read the question. 2 Talk about things that are similar and different in the two pictures. Don't describe everything. 3 If you can't find the right word for something, paraphrase it (Le. use other words to explain). 4 Speak at a natural speed. 5 Try to keep talking for the full minute. 6 When your partner is talking about his/her pictures, listen but don’t interrupt. Sa fea ee a Part 2 4 minutes (6 minutes for groups of three) 1 Work in pairs, A and B. One of you takes the role of the examiner and gives the instructions, while the other follows the instructions. Then swap roles. Interlocutor In this part of the test, I'm going to give each of you two photographs. I'd like you to talk about your photographs on your own for about a minute, and also to answer a question about your partner’s photographs. (Candidate A), it’s your tur first. Here are your photographs on page C3. They show people at home. I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say what you think the people are enjoying about being at home. All right? Candidate A 1 minute Interlocutor Thank you. Try to organise what you say by using connecting words ‘and phrases, e.g. so, because, whereas, etc. This will help you to get higher marks, Tipl 2 Now A can read the examiner's question to B. Interlocutor (Candidate B), which of these things do you prefer to do at home? Candidate B approximately... 30 seconds Interlocutor Thank you. Tip The more you practise talking tora minute, the easier it will be in te exam. 3 Now swap roles. Interlocutor Now, (Candidate 8), here are your photographs on page C4. They show people who are busy. I'd like you to compare the photographs, and say why you think these people are busy. All right? Candidate B 1 minute Interlocutor Thank you. 4 Now B can read the examiner's question to A. Interlocutor When are you busiest ~ in the week or at the weekends? Candidate A approximately 30 seconds interlocutor Thank you. - | ‘Speaking Part 2 Speaking Part 2 64 | Test 4 Training Test 1 Exam practice | Test 1 Exam practice Speaking ¢ Part 2 ‘© Why do you think these people are busy? Speaking Part 2 + How do you think the people feel about the photos they are taking? ce | Test2 Speaking Part 2 irlanguage Test 1 Training MC ae 3 ‘Why might people choose to do exercise in these different ways? ‘Speaking Part 2 odlylol Testa

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