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I have a book which I bought last year. The book is a novel which titled The little girl at the
window. I love that book because when I read it I get not only knowledge but also

The colour of the book’s cover is dominated in red. The picture of that cover is a young man in
a black jacket walking through the bridge.

At the first page of that book, I wrote my name and my email address. I also draw a simple rat
at the corner of the first page. I always do the same thing to all my books because I hope if I
loss my book, someone who found it would give it back to me.

Author of “Totto Chan”: The Little Girl at The Window” is Tetsuko Kuroyanagi, an actress and
television host.

This novel is unique not because the cover but because the alur of the story.
A novel Totto-chan tells about a first-year elementary school student who is brimming with
curiosity and intelligence, overwhelms her teacher and is expelled from school at the age of
Luckily, her mother entrusted this information to her daughter and simply suggested she
consider her new school, Tomoe Gakuen.
The school was unconventional and was founded by Sosaku Kobayashi in Tokyo. Students
learn in train cars converted into classrooms.
The book is essentially a collection of charming vignettes about the daily life of a vivacious
girl, but it also pays tribute to the work of a visionary educator.
During World War II, Kobayashi was forced to close his school, but his legacy lives on here.
Released in Japanese in 1981 and has since been translated into over 30 languages.
Totto-chan’s story is more important than ever as awareness of the importance of
accommodating children with diverse needs in Japanese classrooms grows.
In every way, Totto-chan is an autobiography that beats fictional drama. For lonely children,
Toto-chan is a good friend. To a busy worker, Totto-chan is a memory of her innocent
For a mother, Totto-chan was her daughter’s life. For a student, Totto-chan is the story of an
ideal school. For me, this is the best novel I have ever read.

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