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The Devil

Keywords: Addiction, Bondage, Temptation, Violence

Element: Earth

In the middle of a river of blood atop his latest prey, the devil is
perched solidly in his convictions and uninterested in the lives he has
destroyed. His presence can be cold and dark, yet at times, to catch
his prey, he channels his charming nature and allows the unsuspecting
victim to willingly follow only to discover later he has taken their joy
and replaced it with despair. Chained, yet able to free herself if she
sincerely wished is a little bird symbolizing purity and a free spirit
that has succumbed to the forceful demands of The Devil. Although
this card can mean that there is an addiction that is preventing you
from finding real freedom and happiness, it may also indicate a fear of
change and that the chains that have you bound are of your creation.

The dashingly handsome crow is smart, seductive and a skilled

shapeshifter who molds himself with precision with the sole intent to
gain the trust of his victims. The consummate charmer this bird is a
master manipulator who delights in uncovering and exploiting
weaknesses when the time best serves his needs. The Devil spotted
easy prey one afternoon as it cozied up to the little bird that
complained of feeling powerless. The bird didn't value all the
attributes that made it unique or innerstand its strength was within -
all the little bird saw was that it was small in stature and therefore
weak. The Devil convinced the little bird that it was powerful and
delighted when the bird tried to be something it wasn't and failed. The
Devil would return to prop the little bird back up and again the bird
would fall. Over time the habit became a steady routine, one the little
bird could not shake and one that provided entertainment for the

The energy of the Devil is multi-faceted and possesses the power to

manipulate even the shrewdest of people. It is the charming, jovial
Devil that in no time will have us accepting unsavory or destructive
habits as banal and without consequence. When the Devil appears the
message is to consider attachments or addictions that are destroying
your life or keeping you a prisoner. You have the power to break the
chains and free yourself, however, once the Devil has his hooks in
you, it'll take work.
A fiery beast, the Devil, may also indicate that you need to add a little
passion to your situation.
Six of Pentacles

The generously charitable crow happily shares a fish, he has two and
is not worried about finding more. Although he is a compassionate
crow, he is not necessarily a philanthropist as he does expect some
form of payback in the future. The Six of Pentacles denotes a time of
receiving or offering help with strings attached.

The hungry crows decided to go to the beach in search of food. When

they arrived, however, the tide was high and the pickings were
extremely slim. With their stomachs rumbling it was clear that there
was not enough to feed them both. Flying overhead was a crow
carrying two fish and spotted an opportunity. The shrewd crow sensed
the pair was hungry and offered them one of his fish. Make no
mistake -this crow, as generous his offer, was no philanthropist and
asked for something in return. The hungry crows without considering
the consequences took the offer. In time they learned the sacrifice was
much higher than the value of one fish. If the pair waited just a couple
of hours, the tide would have receded and the beach would have
rendered plenty of food -free of any obligation.

Be careful of those who make offers that seem too good to be true.
Not all those who offer help do so from a place of philanthropy ,
before you accept support read the fine print and innerstand what will
be expected of you as you may be required to pay back more than
what you received. The Six of Pentacles may also indicate that you
are in the position to offer resources as an investment that may or may
not pay off in the end. Let your intuition be your guide as you weigh
all the details.
King of

It would be hard for life to get any better for this King Crow. His
savvy skills earned him an abundance of riches and lives a most
luxurious lifestyle. His heart is pure gold and shares all that he has
accumulated from material possessions to his acquired knowledge; he
is ready to help those around him reach their potential. This King of
Pentacles brings the message to live a life of determination, grace, and
a good heart; doing so, you too will find yourself living an abundant

The gregarious crow stood on a large adorned throne, lifted its wings
and welcomed all those in its territory to enjoy a life of affluence.
Unlike other rulers whose areas faced food shortages and insecurity,
the regal crow did not work hard to fight off invaders or worry about
rations. The King of Pentacles innerstood the importance of allowing
energy and resources to flow freely and because of this it only took a
mere thought of what he craved and almost like magic it manifested.

You have the Midas touch! The King of Pentacles permits you to
splurge a little. Eat at a fancy restaurant, buy new clothes, donate to
your favorite charity. When you see the world as a place of abundance
with ever expanding resources you will be financially free. When you
let go of lack, be generous, and spend money, you will open the door
for new opportunities that will help you generate more wealth.

Three of Swords
The crow watches his partner fly away. The three swords puncturing
the heart represents the two crows and the issue that resulted in the
separation. The Three of Swords represents a time of sadness and loss,
however, without sorrow we would never innerstand true happiness,
and without loss, we would not appreciate all we have. There is no
avoiding the sadness of the energy released by the Three of Swords,
but this situation also offers a valuable life lesson, one that is essential
for growth. This card asks that you take steps to learn how to heal
your heart and your soul.


Keywords: Change, Ending, Transformation, New Beginning,


Element: Water
The Crow has let go and has made peace with the change that must
take place for her life to move forward in a positive direction. Her
death is symbolic of transformation and comes with a warning that
unless you are willing to allow the part of you to die that is holding
you back, the pain or discomfort you feel in the future will be
genuine. This card marks a profound change is coming, one that has
the possibility of creating a positive outcome, that is of course if you
can allow the change to happen without fear of the unknown.

The crow's mind was active. The bird had an endless list of ideas it
wanted to pursue. There were places the crow needed to be. However,
its body was still and would not budge. Using all its concentration, the
bird tried to lift its thick, greasy wings, but they were too heavy. Its
lungs were empty; its heart was dry and brittle. Its mind was active
and wanted nothing more than to move ahead; it couldn't convey a
message -the signal stopped before it could be innerstood. The crow
had become a prisoner of a body that provided no warmth or comfort.

The crow was clever, and with its mind racing from scheme to
scheme, it discovered an easy solution to its problem. At first, the
process felt strange and vaguely uncomfortable -but did not deter the

Although it had experienced moments of pain, the crow knew it was

the only path to freedom. Feathers fell, bones shook and although it
felt as though its body didn't want to let go -the crow released itself
and soared into the air.

It's time to let go of something or someone who is not helping you

reach your potential. You can fly, but something is weighing you
down. Take time to examine if limiting beliefs or the fears cast on to
you by others is preventing you from evolving.
Four of Cups

The crow in the tree pays no attention to the cup in the sky, nor has
any interest in discovering the contents of the cups below. He sits
detached from his community, unmotivated to do much of anything,
and is bored by yet another shiny object. The Four of Cups speaks to a
time of depression and the inability to find anything to be excited
about. You may be in a time of self-imposed darkness whether it is
from a disappointment or bad relationship. The Four of Cups asks that
you go inward and look for what brought you to this place of
discontentment. It also may be a good time to take stock of all the
things that have been going well, as that is the quickest way to ease
out of a funk.
The Moon.

Keywords: The Shadow-self, Subconscious, Deception, Dreams, and


Element: Water

In a dream-like state, the crow rests on a branch staring at the moon as

it reflects a darker image of herself, her dark side. Below the crow,
there is a pond that represents the subconscious mind with a caged
raven symbolizing her wild side that she attempts to restrain out of
fear. It is the part of herself that tries to conceal as it evokes feelings
of shame. The Moon illuminates areas where we project our
insecurities onto others, and in doing so, we fall victim to our own
harmful and destructive powers that have infiltrated the psyche. Sit by
the light of the moon and travel inward to find areas where fear and
anxiety have taken control.

The Moon asks what are you concealing? Learning to recognize and
accept all the parts of our being, even the components that may be
considered weaknesses is essential for being whole.

Queen of Wands

The Queen of Wands is a dominant creature sitting on her throne of

lions. No one would accuse this bird of being demure. With a plan
ready for success, the Queen of Wands often appears as bold, fearless,
and determined. The Queen appreciates the potential each journey
offers and takes the opportunity to learn something new about herself
with every challenge. The energy of the Queen of Wands is healthy
and agile as she moves through the world with a vibrant flare. With a
taste for the best, this is one crow you won’t find near the garbage
cans as she uses her creative, quick-witted mind to discern the finer
things in life.
The mighty crow landed her wand on the heads of two male lions.
Her toned body and iridescent feathers created a presence that was
fierce and commanding. Her ability to develop a devoted team of
followers is the result of her natural charm and charisma. She is
intelligent enough to know that strong arm tactics or fear are not long
term solutions for cultivating support. To remain in the good graces
and benefit from the generosity of the queen she asks only one thing -
respect. Make no mistake, as engaging as she is, the bird is not soft
nor sentimental. When the Queen of Wands is determined to get a job
done or finish a task she will not hesitate to dismiss those who do not
pull their weight, even if she enjoys their company. It's not personal -
it's business.
The Queen of Wands commands attention and is the picture of
complete health -mentally and physically. Her energy level is high,
yet she knows how to control her emotions. When you encounter the
Queen of Wands the call is to pull her fierce royal energy inward and
see the world from her perspective. It is time to see yourself as an
unstoppable force.
The Moon.

Keywords: The Shadow-self, Subconscious, Deception, Dreams, and Nightmares

Element: Water.

In a dream-like state, the crow rests on a branch staring at the moon as it reflects a darker image of
herself, her dark side. Below the crow, there is a pond that represents the subconscious mind with a
caged raven symbolizing her wild side that she attempts to restrain out of fear. It is the part of herself
that tries to conceal as it evokes feelings of shame. The Moon illuminates areas where we project our
insecurities onto others, and in doing so, we fall victim to our own harmful and destructive powers
that have infiltrated the psyche. Sit by the light of the moon and travel inward to find areas where
fear and anxiety have taken control. The Moon asks what are you concealing? Learning to recognize
and accept all the parts of our being, even the components that may be considered weaknesses is
essential for being whole.
Four of Swords

The crow appears to be dead, but what he is doing is going to a place of complete inner calm so that
his mind and body can strengthen. He has encountered several challenges and there is still one more
issue he must face, but before feeling up to the task, he needs to take a wellness break. The Four of
Swords is as a reminder to take time out to recharge your spirit and your mind.

Find a quiet place where you can freely travel inward and absorb the loving energy of your higher-
self. The Four of Swords indicates you will be able to resolve your situation from a place of clarity and

The crow left the loud and raucous roost that settled just outside the cemetery in search of a place
that would offer a moment of peace. Troubled and exhausted from a situation, the bird needed a
place to find clarity and sort out all the thoughts that ran wildly through its head. Some of these
thoughts were of its own creation; others were the result of over-opinionated crows who felt
compelled to offer advice. On the other side of a high ivy-covered wall was a mausoleum with a
broken window. The crow slipped in undetected, looked around, and knew it would provide the
perfect hideaway. Although not dead, the crow assumed the position as it escaped into itself. As the
crow began to relax into its position, the cawing outside became distant, and eventually, the only
voice the bird heard was that of its own.

Your situation will benefit from a little quiet contemplation away from distraction to rebuild your
strength. Those around you may be pushing an agenda., guidance or advice; however helpful those
around you may consider themselves to be, at this time, you will find the solution you need resides
within. Seek a peaceful place away from any chatter and listen to your inner voice. Your intuition will
provide you with the best guidance at this time.

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