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Imagine seeing a beach full of wasted plastic bags, with an unpleasant smell rushing to your

nose, what would you feel? It is really uncomfortable, right? According to the World Counts,
We use 5 trillion plastic bags per year on the planet. Less than 1 percent of plastic bags are
recycled. Isn’t it very shocking? Plastic bags are commonly used in daily life. Yet, the
consequences of using them are obvious too. The best way to end this disaster is definitely
banning them. Plastic bags should be banned completely for three reasons.

To commence, plastic bags harm the biodiversity. According to a study conducted by Condor
Ferries in 2021, stomachs of 100% of baby sea turtles have plastic. Ingestion of plastic bags
of animals leads to numerous deaths. In the same vein, the plastic bags block sunlight so
plants cannot make food through photosynthesis. Plants are essential for the food chain, but
their lives are surely disturbed.

What’s more? Human health is adversely affected. With evidence from Centre for
International Environmental Law, chemicals in plastic bags are hazardous. Production of
plastic bags releases carcinogenic and other highly toxic substances into the air, posing a
great threat to industry workers. The negative impacts include impairment of the nervous
system, reproductive and developmental problems, cancer and genetic impacts like low birth
weight. Moreover, use of plastic bags causes ingestion of large amounts of micro plastic
particles and toxic substances, which are harmful to consumers.

Last but not least, banning plastic bags saves the government’s money. With reference from
an article of Steamboat Pilot & Today in America, after imposition of a ban on single-use
plastic bags, city staff said the measure has been a success. A saving of $12,827 has been
able to pay its general fund loan to support the initiative back in full. As you can see, banning
plastic bags completely is certainly a great way to save the government’s money.

To summarise, plastic bags arouse detrimental impacts on the biodiversity and human health.
Also, banning plastic bags saves the government’s money. Finally, I hope you get the
message that plastic bags should unquestionably be banned completely. Thank you.

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