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create table customer(cust id int primary key,cust_nm varchar(20) not null,phoneno

varchar(20) unique);

create table order(oid int,odt date,status varchar(20),amount int , custno int

primary key);
#addding foreign key at many side(order) thats take the references of customer

alter table order add foreign key(custno) references customer(cust_id);

#inserting record in customer table

insert into customer values(1,"A",90909090),(2,"B",80808080),(3,"C",707070770),


#inserting record in Order table

insert into order values(101,'2020-11-08','delivered',1000,3),(102,'2020-11-09','on

the way',750,1),(103,'2020-11-11','delivered',1000,2),(104,'2020-11-09','on the

#show the record using order and customer query combine

select c.cust_id,,o.otd from customer c,orders o;

Q1. show custid,name whose order_dt is 2020-11-09

select c.cust_id,,o.odt from customer c,orders o where odt='2020-11-09';

Q2. show oid and custname whose custid is same.

select c.cust_id,,o.oid from customer c,orders o where c.cust_id=o.custno; the custname whose status is delivered

select,o.oid from customer c,orders o where status="delivered";

Q4. give the discount 20% on amount for the customer who order in month of november
and accordingly add that amount in oreder table

update orders set amount=amount-(0.2*amount) where odt="2020-11-DD";

update orders set amount=amount-(0.2*amount) where odt="2020-11-09";

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