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13.1-2 recap

Effects of WWI:

Famine: Food surplus after WWI + People buying it all- people can’t afford, others need it
Lt- WWII: War guily clause (reparations) caused global tension
Lt-Global Depression: Negative impact of war- social complications; economy, depression
Inflation: Reparations (Germany printes more $$$- hyperinflation)
Modernism: Political/economy, modernizing to be stronger nations – new technologies were
developed before WWI- now applied to everyday life
Spread of political propoganda: New tech spread, political ideas
New tech: Radio, TV, Cars
Lt-Women's roles change: Women gained jobs during war (and still held family role) ; Men
return from war and there is tension between men and women abour roles; womens suffrage
(vote)- 19th ammendment
Lt- Literature: Lost generation
Lt- Philosophy: Nihilism (Friedtick N)
Lt-Physcology: Freud (irrationality of human mind)

Post WW1 + Global Depression (Economic):

*Citizens + people = relieved + returning to “normal” + celebrating end of war

● Leisure activities =rising
● Womens rights =increasing
*Agriculturally… there are BIG problems swiftly developing
1. Surplus crops - HURTS PROFITS
2. People buying on credit (incurring debt)
3. Soldiers return without jobs + no income

● Farmers- selling all of their produce (losing money)

● Farmers- pay property taxes or rent if land is borrowed
● Farmers- taking loans from banks and private lenders
● Still - selling enough + farms are being foreclosed.
Banks take property the property + farmer + unemployed + w/o home or land, etc…
In the USA
● Banks + citizens are buying stocks “on the margain”
-stocks=strong + doing well so people sell!
-then the mkt. crashed
*U.S.A then enters ISOLATIONIST POLICY - U.S.A puts Tariffs on initial goods ; ended all
foregein aid

Tariffs- Taxes on foregin goods/imports

Taxes increased
Lowered interest rate - amount of money you have to pay back from a loan (helps people take
out loans with less financial rates)

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