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THE NATIONAL SPACE SOCIETY SPACE SETTLEMENT CONTEST, 2024 x) “Saint Sava" National College, 10th grade, Bucharest, Romania, Large Group Project Aquila eee \ eee eee oe) Erato Eee eee eee Julean Maria Cristina Tea ecg ere Turcu Filip lanis atin cr Prof. Paval Cristina TABLE OF CONTENTS pine rary LThroats to Earth 3 Ne eee ers 4 Pelee a Exar ene) Pees iG 3.Structure ES eee eas a Ca mee ll ee erieekeetig Pee eee eee A.2Equation and minor problems. 1B Ep rene ace 6Shielding 6.1.Radiation. ay Pe Ree eneeeen ma cS EAS Sear va Cena Certmeeecs ee Cee eros ae Cea eons Pye Ce Aor heey Perea ees 9.2.Health Care, as Ne 10.Government. ieee eee Maen ene ens Dee eee en Pe eects Ee 134, Communications. Pe Oe Ree a Pee Saas ent ea 3; ea eo cr Ea Eo Es ey A ors vA ac ry ry or 1.Introduction PAAR Ce lai Cee According 0 0 study conducted by the international group of Earth Commission sclentists, Planet Earth exceeded seven of the eight scientiheall) ‘established sofety limits and entered the ,danger zone", not only for an overheated planet that loses its natural areas, but also for the well Pena Cee oe Ce eRe | resources and places for the population. -Pollution in ts various forms, is anather serious threat to Earth. Air, water dnd soil pollution, as well as light pollution, affect biodiversity and human health ens Bee eee eee eee ee Imbalances, affecting the ecosystem services we depend on for food, water ond natural resources. -Overpopulation and Shortening of Natural Resources - Population growth and resource demand put pressure on ecosystems and lead to depletion of Se ees Natural Disasters - Events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, forest fires and hurricanes are events that cause enormous loss and human suffering, Cee cee Se eee ee Se eee ey Peer een ees 1.2.Why the Spaceship Aquila? in the face of those serous threats, space exploration and colonization is essential for the future of humanity, os we must find innovative and colxageous eee ee eee eet en een tn ee ee ce eee ee See er eee ee eg This project i ot only about physical migration, but also about e journey towards knowledge, dscovery and, mest importantly, owords a better future for ee a ea eee ee eee Te eee ee ears In adltion to the survival of humanity, the Aquila Space Ship provides @ unique opportunity to explore and colonize new planets and start human life eee Oe eee ee ea Ree a ee eet ee ee ee eee ee eee Ce eee ee ree ee ee ed Se en eee : eee ee ee er eae For the naming ofthe ship we drew inspiration from both astronomy and mythology. Per en eee ee eee ee eee ee eee eee ee ula” means eagle in Latin and in Roman mythology wos used 0:2 symbol of divinity and power that con aso be, « powerful and coptivating sym eee coer Sa ee eee ee "AQUILA NON CAPIT MUSCAS" 1.3.Location See ee eee a Re ee eee ee eee eee ey 7 corners of the Universe or even of our Solar System for a start, but we have to be realistie. We have to understand that Aqui will not be a haven fo Se eee eee een eed en er ee eee ete eee een This is not a video game, and as much as we would like to one day be able to set foot on any other planet near us, we have to account for every minute detail ond understand that this not Aquila's role. We must take the necessary precautions and be as careful as possible when making decisions. Deen nee ere eee Rc ee Ey had its odvantages end disedvantages, some mote thanothers. For example, the L3 point was ¢ elear ne from the star; ts situated way too far from, ee oe ee eee ee ee eee eee ee ee ee oe et ec ree eta The other 2 points, Ll and L2, although much closer and more convenient, would be rather unstable ond represent « higher risk in case our vessel difts ‘way from its designated route. The Earth's orbit, although in the vicinity of our true home and more favourable for the mo ete ee eee eee ene According to "The Conversation’, "There are around 23,000 objects larger than 10 em (4 inches) and about 100 million pieces of debris larger than 1 Ce ace eee et er nn ech eer ete This is a clear indicatorof why this would be loss than ideal. Not only that, but Solar energy would not be quite abundant in our orbit, and even more, ‘hore is little left to diseover there that could prove an invaluable breakthrough FE) | Z eee eee eee ee ee ee ee re oe ee ere ee oe ee ee ee eee eed Pee eae) ee ee zz0n water, silicon, carbon, He-3rom which con be produced Eanes eee ieee Reena tee eee Rei anne E nee et teeny meee eT ES et et ent) Junk inthe Moon's Orbt- although the numbers ae stil growing — Bonen mene een ea en Patent TnI Zc a aie arene en ry oan renee heen eee ‘Moon's weak gravitational field{]/6 9,81"54 m/s’). The Moon's orbit and atmosphere do not provide any protection from the Sun's radiation either, similar t the Lagrangian Ponts, So, o strong pe ee ee or eemeetnn eer ae (One thing wos let: the type of orbit chosen, Nevertheless, there were Se eed eee rd ee ee eee ener en ee the best ft for what we ae tying to achéve, We could even ote around ‘saying that this type of orbit has experience in this field, as it wos used But to sum it all up, we believe that an NRHO around the Moon is the inthe Gateway project launched by NASA dus tots ideal stability ideal scenario, ond we believe tha it could benefit our Aquila and ‘end methodically planned fuel consumption. eer en pons 2.Population ee ee ene nee eee ee ee eee board. With @ total population of 15,000 individuals, including those directly involved in the operation of the settlement (2,000-3,000), as well os the wider pee eee ae ee ee eee ee oe ee eee eee eee ee SCR earn ee ee ey eee ee oe eed een ane ee ee ee The interview process plays a pivotal role In selecting individuals sutable for life on the spaceship. For instance, when considering @ group like 100 mechanics, @ eftical inquiry rises: do they arrive accompanied by their families, ot do they travel solo? This decision impacts whether individuals embark on the joumey independently or with their dependents. It's essential fo recognize that a portion of the population comprises the families of those actively Ce ee Rs eee To maintain balanced societel stucture, vorious elements must be integrated into the spaceship community Dee eee ees Bt ee ee eee ea era eas Ne ee eee ee eee ee Bo ee een ed eee + Entertainment: Incorporating recreational activities for residents + Engineering: Identifying the cequired expertise for designing and maintaining ship Feels. VAM aC Se eed Y eee eee eee aes ee eee eee ee Pe aoceatseieaeunlenr nee neonate nent ener saatt pret venscrte Tete penarone mney oii enero ees eee ar Ts question aims o test how these people atch the needed prolies onthe spaceship ond how qliied thy oe to cope withthe reload ts, i De eee ee if i ee a teeta cent ee ert a eee eee eee ecard Rearend Polen et ea ee et ee ere re ie eee coi Te ee eee oe eee ee oe eee See eee ee [MEDICAL EXAMINATION — Unie the cbove intenew for ey people ony hs om obs posed by everbody onboord, covering al he tae categories mentioned above ty oa er ene ee fae Coe ee ee ee ee ee eee onan eee aa peers) Hy ] ee ee eee a ee aman panne yyy VM Ce ee Oe ee ee ti oo Cee ee eee ee eae eee ee eae rteainment and engineer, af 0 be corfu coraeed whan planning the population stctre ard depth of he mtersews. The empha on species pitts ovine ore pee marvel ont open fteeeiny ee ie ee Tope apoio vrpt eee vane vipouitinieny-voegonyfesmnpgapeen uytibeenier meni NTmne ey er era | ete ee eee et eee ee eee eee eet ee ee Se cee ne heey er ania ent an eet re coo spo: Sen en eee eee ee ee eee eee ee eee ‘sustainobilty and functionality; the modules contain housing, research laboratories, agrcutual areas, Se ee eed eee eee eee ee eet et es eee ee eg Ce nae nee eee ee Ce ee eek ee ee eee Crucial element counteracts the adverse effects of prolonged exposure fo microgrviy, preserving the hesth ee eee eee Fae ee ee ee a eee eee a ee ee eer shapes we decided bes it our purposes are the fonus and the elindo. Ca eeito faerie nen Sie cr en menor icra eee Bae Ay NN A viele tag era nana dnp remap Hero Yn rps fain aeons Ri eT NL Nes pi presi gvn hy ele apr eneuenepi patente ar tires MipRMT HE Ry! eed Containing al the regular things you see while walking outside your house: parks, malls, restaurants, shops, buildings ond streets. The other holf ls Cee a se eo eee ee ee ee ee ‘Aquill’s storage needs inthis section and the main cylinder. Solar panels wil be placed on the exterior ofthe toruses in order to harness solar energy to its fl tial ; ‘Main eylinder: Main cylinder: Specifically designed to optimize space utilization and efficiency, thie inner eylinder isthe primary storage facility in Or ee ee ene ee ne eee ee eee eed Seen ee ee te eee eee ee eee ee eee Inner eylinder will lso solve the eneray problem, containing nuclear fusion reactors and other power plans, ensuring Aquila is Cee er ea nS en Rey oo oat eee See etn eae ee ee eee ea eat eee

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