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1hese days mob||e theft |s on the r|se Cn a rough est|mate
there are 12 m||||on to 2 m||||on handsets |ost or sto|en |n the
country every month Assum|ng that these are |owend
handsets (pr|ced between ks 4S00 and ks S000 each) the
tota| |ost or sto|en va|ue of mob||e handsets wou|d be around
ks 400 crore every year1hats a |ot of money |nvo|ved Mob||e
phones have now become the most |mportant dev|ce as |t
doub|es up as a wa||et not to ment|on |ts convent|ona| uses of
commun|cat|on It ho|ds a |ot of data ema|| accounts power
po|nt presentat|on f||es and documents and protect|ng th|s |s
as |mportant as protect|ng your wa||etSo deve|op|ng a mob||e
track|ng dev|ce w||| be very he|pfu| |n overcom|ng the
prob|ems1h|s software app||cat|on w||| he|p us to contro| and
track our phone |f |t has been |ost or sto|en by somebody If
the phone |s |ost the user can be assured that |t wou|d not fa||
|nto the wrong hands 1he G|oba| os|t|on|ng System (GS) |s a
spacebased g|oba| nav|gat|on sate|||te system (GNSS) that
prov|des |ocat|on and t|me |nformat|on |n a|| weather
anywhere on or near the Larth where there |s an
unobstructed ||ne of s|ght to four or more GS sate|||tes It |s
ma|nta|ned by the Un|ted States government and |s free|y
access|b|e by anyone w|th a GS rece|ver w|th some techn|ca|
||m|tat|ons wh|ch are on|y removed for m|||tary usersS|nce the
phones today are essent|a||y smartphones w|th features such
as GS m|croprocessor etc we can make use of them to track
the phone down w|th good accuracy1here are |ot of
app||cat|ons present |n the market but we w||| be creat|ng one
wh|ch w||| overcome some of the drawbacks |n the mob||e
track|ng app||cat|ons a|ready present

Cur pro[ect a|ms to create an ANDkCID app||cat|on wh|ch w|||
track down the phone wherever |t |s1h|s app||cat|on w||| be
|nsta||ed on the phone and w||| g|ve the exact coord|nates of
the phoneUsers w||| be ab|e to act|vate the app||cat|on from a
on||ne server by send|ng an act|vat|on key through an sms
When act|vated the ce||phone w||| use the get coord|nates]
|ocat|on from a |ocat|on prov|der wh|ch can be a gps or w|
f|(|n case gps funct|ona||ty |s not work|ng)
1he coord|nates w||| be forwarded to the on||ne web server
and the |ocat|on w||| be d|sp|ayed us|ng a embedded Goog|e
S|m change detect|on and beep a|ert are other features wh|ch
w|| be |nc|uded |n th|s
In s|m change detect|on as soon as anybody changes the s|m
|n the ce||phone then s|m no w||| be forwarded to the server
8eep a|ert has been |nc|uded wh|ch w||| be used to g|ve a
sound a|ert a|ong w|th a messageSuppose we [ust dropped
the ce||phone |n the nearby bushes then th|s sound w||| he|p
us to know where |t |s

1he deve|oped software w||| be dep|oyed on |nd|v|dua| on
phones and cou|d be used as and when the s|tuat|on
1h|s app||cat|on w||| be h|gh|y usefu| for peop|e who have
|mportant data w|th them on the|r mob||e or have expens|ve
phones1h|s w||| he|p |n sav|ng thousands of money

In th|s sect|on we are go|ng to d|scuss the var|ous pros and
cons of the above ment|oned software a|ready present |n the
market and put forth our |dea for deve|opment of another
more deve|oped app||cat|on


Add extra to secur|ty to your phone |f |t |s |ost or sto|en 1rack
|ts |ocat|on and take p|ctures on the |nternet through the Ant|
Dro|d 1heft
Ant| Dro|d 1heft |s one of the o|dest and most popu|ar ant|
theft apps used to secure your phone by us|ng GS track|ng
and other secur|ty features It was created by 2C8C

1V|ew pos|t|on of phone us|ng GS
21rack changes to SIM card ] phone numbers
1 Needs password protect to un|nsta|| app or make app
2No backup fac|||ty
31|me durat|on between GS updates |s very |ong
4Doesnt use w|f| to f|nd coord|nates |n case GS |s not


Iounded |n ear|y 2007 Mob||e Defense has qu|ck|y become
|eaders |n both persona| and enterpr|se mob||e secur|ty
Mob||e Defense was founded by Stuart Saunders and ken
Ada|r 8etween the two of them they have over three decades
of comb|ned software deve|opment exper|ence and have |ed
|arge mob||e |n|t|at|ves |n bank|ng secur|ty and dev|ce
management Mob||e Defense was |nsp|red by the|r
exper|ence secur|ng mob||e dev|ces for IS00 execut|ves and
|nst|tut|ona| traders
Mob||e Defense was the f|rst secur|ty so|ut|on for Goog|e
Andro|d dev|ces or|g|na||y deve|oped as a contender |n the
f|rst Goog|e Andro|d Deve|oper Cha||enge Cver the years our
products have grown and evo|ved to keep pace w|th rap|d|y
chang|ng mob||e techno|ogy

1 I|nd your phone |f |ost or sto|en from Mob||e Defense's
2 kemote|y |ock your phone
3 Send a|erts to your phone w|th a|arm sound and secur|ty
4 Cnce successfu||y |nsta||ed the app |s not detected on the
1No remote w|pe
2resent|y work|ng on|y |n USWork |s |n progress to get |t |n
other countr|es
3When you s|gn up for an account there's a wa|t||st before
the user can reg|ster h|mse|f]herse|f
4 1h|s |s a 8eta vers|on and |t |s expected that the serv|ce w|||
have prem|um charges at some future date


1Get your phone pos|t|on (by network or GS)
2ketr|eve current SIM |nformat|on
3Make |t r|ng|ng even |f the r|nger |s off
1Dra|ns battery power very ear|yUses S batter powery
2kemote w|peout |s not there
38attery manager |s absent
4Ior pro vers|on pr|ce |s very h|gh

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