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1. Define one-to-one, onto and bijection function.

2. Explain Compositions and Inverse of functions.
3. Explain reflexivity, symmetry, and transitivity properties of relations
4. Check whether the function f: R+  R, f(x) = x2 is one to one and onto.
5. Explain equivalence relation with example.
6. Using Principle of Mathematical Induction, prove that for every n >= 1.

7. Prove that √2 is Irrational by method of Contradiction.

8. Consider the relation R = {(1,2), (1,1), (2,1), (2,2), (3,2), (3,3)} defined over {1, 2,
3}. Is it reflexive? Symmetric? Transitive? Justify each of your answers.
9. Draw truth table for following logic formula: P  (¬P V ¬Q). Is it a tautology? A
contradiction? Or neither? Justify your answer.
10. Use the principle of mathematical induction to prove that 1 +3 +5 + … +r = n2 for
all n>0 where r is an odd integer & n is the number of terms in the sum. (Note: r=
11. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} and R be a relation on A such that aRb iff a is a multiple of
b. Write R. Check if the relation is i) Reflexive ii) Symmetric iii) Asymmetric
iv) Transitive.
12. Define Mathematical Induction Principle and Prove that for every n ≥ 1,

13. Prove the formula (00*1)*1 = 1+0(0+10)*11

14. State the principle of mathematical induction and prove by mathematical
induction that for all positive integers n 1+2+3+……. +n = n (n+1)/2.
15. What are the closure properties of regular languages?


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