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1. Explain push down automata with example and their application in detail.
2. For the language L = { xcxr | x Є {a,b}* } design a PDA(Push Down Automata).
3. Give formal definition of PDA. Give mathematical description of ‘acceptance of a
string by a PDA by empty stack’.
4. Convert the following grammar to a PDA:
I -> a | b | Ia | Ib | I0 | I1
E -> I | E * E | E + E | (E)
5. Using pumping lemma for CFL’s, show that the language L = {am bm cn | m ≤ n ≤ 2m}
is not context free.
6. Given a CFG , G =( {S,A,B},{0,1},P,S) with P as follows
S --> 0B| 1A A --> 0S|1AA|0 B --> 1S| 0BB | 1
Design a PDA M corresponding to CFG, G. Show that the string 0001101110
belongs to CFL, L(G)
7. Design a PDA, M to accept L = { an b2n | n ≥ 1 }.
8. Define Push Down Automata (PDA). Design and draw a deterministic PDA
accepting strings with more a’s than b’s. Trace it for the string “abbabaa”.
9. Write PDA for following languages: { ai bj ck | i, j, k >= 0 and j = i or j = k}.
10. Define PDA. Describe the pushdown automata for language {0n 1n | n≥ 0}.


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