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> HUMAN PAPILLOMA VIRUS (HPV) Human papilloma virus isa large ‘group of viruses, some of which can cause warts in the genital areas: HPV causes anogenital warts, one of the most common sexually acquired infections & SJ Vv SYMPTOMS HPV have warts as symptoms, when they are located at the level of the genitals or anus they are called condylomas Many people affected by HPV are assymptomatic. aH a J A’ Everyone can be affected by HPV. Women present the greatest risk, HPV can cause cervical cancer if it is not treated For men, it can progress to cancer of penis, anus, head and neck a YU DIAGNOSTIC The doctor generally diagnosis HPV by observing warts. In case of suspicion of HPV infection without symptoms the health specialist will perform + acervico vaginal smear + an HPV DNA test RX oO mo TRANSMISSION The transmission is facilitated by a cut, a lesion or a small tear of the skin Genital papilloma virus infectious contract during sexual intercourse wether anal or vaginal. TREATMENT + Local treatments : drugs to be applied directly to the wart + Surgical procedure: Remove warts by freezing them with liquid nitrogen, burning them with an electric current + Surgical or laser removal To prevent HPV and its complications, health authorities recommend vaccination and screening, @

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