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As others have mentioned, each zone of the game is set in a different time period,

generally moving forward in time as the story progresses. Here's a quick timeline:

Elf Tutorial Instance = 600 years ago; roughly Year 2400 of the Third Age
Dwarf Tutorial Instance = 75 years ago; just before Gandalf, Bilbo and the dwarves
set out in "The Hobbit"
Man and Hobbit Tutuorial instances = Late September of Year 3018 of the Third Age
23 sep

Several of the Skirmishes are set at times different from the "normal" time for
that zone:
-Siege of Gondamon is set in late 3018 (spt)
-Trouble in Tuckborough is set in Autumn of 3018 (spt)
-Stand at Amon Sul is set shortly after Gandalf and the Fellowship passed
Odothulian> late 3018
Attack at dawn
-The Bree-town Skirmishes are set in winter 3018-19 (Decembery)(1 def of pony,
-Ford of Bruinen is set after the Fellowship leaves but while Elladan and Elrohir
are still around, so probably dec-jan.
As far as the Epic Story goes, it develops like this:

Elf/Dwarf Epic Prologue - Septembar 3018(purpush, gulzip, skiti, whight, d.captein)

Man/Hobbit Epic Prologue - 23.9(n.hobbits captured, prison)////24.9(Archet--wolfm,
calder cob)
25.9 - dourwood, wolf m,(combe, blackwold forest, pond...e.Steddle)
26.9 - m.Steedle, swamp(goblin 2 lead),... jager jack, e.Blackwold hideot(Amdir,
Skunkwood)...n.beneth swamp Amdir
25,26-dwarf,troll....Lobuz goblin leader
Volume 1

Book I - 27.9 - 1.10

27.9-Bree, brigans s.b.f, Andrath(Blake, brig captain, half-orc c, sharkey
liut)...Adso Camp(Dirk, Brute c), North Old Forest/28
28.9-N.b.f -takrip orcs,(Bill F., Tarkrip chif, Red-Reaver, Gazburz)......n-
29.9-Combe Underhil(Blacwold Leader)...n-Buckland crabains/30.9
30.9-Bombadil, N.Barrows(Crabain Master -Andraste, Prince of
Cardolan)...S.Barrows(Malin, BoneMan)...n.Otrongroth(....Samborg) Gandalf--back to barrow tombs(Umnen-waterwight, Marrow, Gwigon-
BroodMother, Brishzel-Barghaist, Faegfaer-wight, Fergandir-Minion of
2..3(Nen harn, far chetwood, wether hills)..4
Book II - 1.10 - 7.10(lone lands 4-7)
4.10- Candaith camp.(orc camp--Uzorr...Wethertop--Rigbul, Bub-Hosh, Muz)
5.10- West Lone lands, Minas Eriol, h.o ruins(Nisbruk, Shadepaw, Hontimurz)..n. Ost
6.10- East Lone lands, Spider, tarkips, Nan Dhelu(Master of Lesh, Master of Ruins),
Harlbog, ...e.b(Brudhraw w.l, Galip troll)...n.Red Pass(Douroot, Neven wl)
7.10- Agamaur(evil man of Rhudaur, Gloomleaf, gaunt lords, Reykur-Minion of
Misery)...n.Gart Agarwen(Ivar Blood Hand, Red Maid)
Book III - 10.10 - 24.10(north downs 11-24)

8.10- to Candaith camp, Forsaken Inn(instance midnight)

9.10- Bree...Treeslbridge eve
10.10- Treesbridge quest...orc nan wathren
11.10- Fields of Fornost..east
12.10- Amon vr..Anundir...eve.Esteldin
13.10- East N.D... Kingsfell q.c....Fields of Fornost...eve.Fornost outside/n...
14.10- East N.D...Esteldin...
15.10- Dori...dourhands
16.10- f.f...Eglain..Kingsfell, farms...eve.Nin giliath elves..n.Taur
gonwaith(Keeper of Trolls)
17.10- Nan wathren hillds..Drukoth uruk
18.10- m.Esteldin....eve.Tresl..n
19.10- eve.Esteldin
20.10- defend Treeslbridge
21.10- Fornost eve...n.Instance Fornost
22.10- eve.Esteldin..Namlung east
23.10- kin, orcs...
24.10- m. to Trollshaws

Trollshaws --- bridge 26.10 eve

26.10- South T e.n(e,n.crawlers, wild, st.trolls)

27.10- Bruinen G(craban, cave trolls, wolfs(shadow wolf, ))...n.Nan Tornaeth(worm
wight, wightas, rhudar, Gurdring)
28.10- Tal Bruinen(hunt gollum e,n)... worms(Sarlug, Sarnemil)
29.10- High moors...e.Rivendall(riddle games, Frodo)
Books IV

30.10- Missing rider, cave trolls..n.Ferndur the Virulent

31.10- Onodrim...n.Gladdalf(Master of the Bog, Taushakh)

Evendim ---5-11(silithair q.c)

4.11- e.Colosus...n.Tinudir (Tw Estetes) robbers, goblins, angmarin

5.11- Rantost, Tinudir...e. Ost Forod
6.11- robbers(Harry Hinchcliffe, Dead-eye, Andy Idden, Goblin-friend, Harry
Hinchcliffe, Dead-eye, Bill Tripper, Master of Blades, robber captain)...e,n.
7.11- Rantost...noon. Batle of Rantost...e. Eavespires(gauradans, shamans)
8.11- giants, wild, twisted forest...n.(Twisted Heart, Heart-root)
9.11- Gwindeth...afn.Way of Kings(robbers, angmarins, beasts)...n.Tomb of Elendil()
10.11- e. to rivendall
13.11- Rivendall...m.m

Books V - 13.11 -- 15.11(mm)

13.11- Gloin Camp, High Craig...n.Fortress(Skorgrim)

14.11- ...n.Helegrod tres(Drugoth, Nazgul, Thorog)
15.11- Vindurhal, Hrimbarg(gauradans, worms, Ruinuan)...n.Goblin Town(Zagh Master
of the Guard, Farmak the Best Runner, D�gal the Observer, drum keepers, Great
goblin, throne room)
16.11- Rivendall...North Downs(17.11)...18.11 Angmar
Book VI - 17.11(Angmar 18.11) -- 19.11

18.11- e.Aughire(beasts, wargs, orcs, n.Matron and Master, druvardan)

19.11- druvardans(m.Tath, mid.Avair. Domongart). stones...n.City watcher of western
Book VII -

20.11- m. watch stone.....Malenhad(anchient lair noon)...e.Gubrilshatur,

21.11- m,noon.Imlad Balroch(Keeper of Books..Feandur)...
22.11- erly.Garth Fortir..Himbar(spiders..spider queen, duvardan, angmarin, mel-io)
23.11- eve.Rhunendin(Moridrith-Golodir freed)

Book VIII -
23.11- n.Barad Gularan towers()...
24.11- .reforging... 2.12- Golodir
-----------------------------Barad Gualaran(Wisdan, Udunion)
Book IX -
2.12-9.12- NorthDowns...Lone Lands...Combe(Knights of Moridrith)
10.12- Evendim..Tinudir...n.Anuminas(Amarthiel, Morguldur)
Book X-

11.12- Anuminas(garochir, Agorchir, Sirid�n, Unagh, Valtair, angmarin, orders,

flags, Orichalwe quests)...n.Mordambor
12.12- Anuminas(Guldurchir, emissaries)...n.Get palantir(Amarthiel)
Book XI-

13.12- Evendim...e.funreal
17.12- Trollshaws... Delossad..tal bruinen(search for Narchuil)
18.12- Imladris..Iorbars peak(saving egg....Guthifinn, Helf) -- Gwaihir
trust...n.Delossad(Amarthiel visions)
Book XII-
23.12- Evendim...(Ein)
23.12- gwaihir fly Angmar...Samant Baul-(Morven)..n.Urugarth(Lagmas)..Carn Dum
24.12 ....Barad Durgul-(..find half Narchuil)...ghaihir fly Rivendall(Leardan and
Volume 2- Prologue
25.12- with company....leaving Rivendall
Book XIII- (gathering fellowship, befriending Lossoth)

1.1 - Forochel ent(taur orthon wargs)..morning(LM help)

2.1 - to pynt loot..eve...hunting guardan(Mini and Champ help)..n.Chieftans son
3.1 - morning. Angmarin sourcerer, Angmorth dourhand, worms(burglar help)...eve.bay
of Forochel..Syri Kula
4.1 - Syri Kula quests(beasts, Captain and Guardian help), angmarin(Rhunarik),
Trials...eve.meeting chieftann(Mordrambor) jewel returned
5.1 - morn.sail to west coast of bay...Nadelek, Delucheleg...n.Mordrambor,
Amarthiel(half narchuil)...m..leaving Forochel
Book XIV-
13.1- Rivendall(skipped angmarin in Eregion imediatly)
14.1- Eregion...Gwingis, Pend Eregion(Arzgat, Brunanc) *fellowship path
15.1- Echad Eregion(half-orcs, Uruk leaders, chasing thugs- *fellowship
path)...n.Tham Mirdaim(, -Leardans death, capture of Amarthiel)
Book XV-
17.1- Rivendall...Delossad(Amarthiel sessions)
22.1- Garth Fortir(get sword)...n. Garth Gularan(Mordambor, Moridrith)
23.1- back Rivendall via Gwaihir
Volume 2
24.1- Eregion...Echad Dunnan(fellowship path finish q.c)
Book I -
25.1 - Wall of Moria...n. shadow wolves, Watcher
26.1 - Forging Wepon...Mirobbel(Tham Mirdaim library)...n. battle against
Book II -
27.1 - Dolven View...n.Silverstine Lodges
28.1 - Chamber of Crossroads..grand stair...e. garden...n. marovail(Borgail)
29.1 - mor. Ziragzigil... finding mith.
Book III-
29.1- ..Twenty F.H(Zelem Melek)...n. Redhorn Lodes
30.1 - RL....Flaming Deeps...TFH(attack on white hand - Asparh)
Book IV-
31.1 - Chamber of Cross(preparing for assault)...n. Drowned Tresury
Book V-
1.2 - Nud Melek...Assault on Mazog(Bori captured)...n.(3 skirmishes defences)
Book VI -
2.2 - Lorien(Haldir)...2/3 Shadowed Refuge
3.2 - Nameless things..endless stair...noon.Azanarukar(Dhuguluk, Gllom-walker,
Flame-drinker,Gwathor )..n.Mirror of Galadriel
Book VII-
4.2- Lorien (questing) to fellowhip...n.(defeat scouts...Bosi and alliance)
5.2- Finding secret way, Buzun-ghar(root of evil)...n.Durins throne room(Mazog
Book VIII-
6.2- m.Lorien...Shadowy abyss..n.x (Gwathor)
Book IX and Epilogues -

7.2- Lorien...questing...e-n to Mirkwood(attack on outposts, Commander)

8.2- Mirk-eaves..n. moving through Drownholt
9.2- mor. attack at Deneglor(sorcerer)...doureves(Haunted Inn)...n. Drowngolt..morn
10.2- Drowngolt..morn...Emyn Lum..n.Minas Gilith(sorcerer, twilight shard)
11.2- Scuttdales(webs of scut)...barrows(3 gaunt lords), hunt for Gollum()...n.Taur
Morvith.....n(13). Scutdels(Spider queen)
12.2- morn.find cure... Gathburz(2 commanders...uruk general, Cargul
sentry)...ev.Dol Guldur exchange(3 nazgul- gllom of nurn, blade of lebbenin, lodg)
13.2- Ashanglades q..(sorcerer app)...ev.defend Thar...n.2 skirmishes Dol Guldur
14.2- Ashanglades finding secret way...Samath Gul(Gulduchir)....n. attack on
15.2- back to to Eregion

Volume 3
Books I-skipp
Book II-

17.2- Enedwaith qc...(north Enedwaith...gloomglens n.hobit settlement, dark goats,
18.2- Enedwaith nah laglim questing.. throors tomb (Nar dwarf)...eve emissary of
Isengard (Gergenau)
Book III-

18.2- ...n.barrows..foredown. Lich Bluffs (wights, spirits)

19.2- morning village... Mournshaws..finding Huntsman (4 challanges)...eve. attack
on Nar (uruks)...n.Forgotten path (dead)
Book IV-

20.2- m.Bonevales...Gal Trev.. eve. rebel against half-orcs...eve.Tal

21.2-..Gal Trev suroundings(Bloodtusk, hardfang,
22.2- Greglyn...mines(goblines)...Gravenwoods dangers...n.tribunal of shadows(old
women)...foredawn.Tel Methedras(capture)..
23.2- Isengard depths...m.Orthanc...Isengard vale...eve.escape...Tel
Methadras..n.freeing grey company
Book V-

24.2- morn.(storm on tal methadr old wom--grey company) .goodbuys...Gap of

Rohan(scouthings to east...mid.cave orcs, heathfells(hound master.
ragul)...eve.Grimbolds camp..Riverwatch..nightfall.Defence of Dol Baran..)
/25. Pit of Iron someone else
25.2- Battle of fords od Isen...
Book VI-
26.2- for clues...n.Nazgul(Nona wounded)
Book VII-

27.2- down anduin

28.2 - East wall(Rohan...traces of fellowship)..eve.Wold---Book VIII

28.2- eve.Wold...foredawn battle easterlings(Nazgul)

29.2- m.Harwick(m.c)...Nortcrofts(Cliving
Book IX

30.2- m.Nona miss, Eomer arr...Entwash, n.Fangorn(awaking Ents)

1.3- to grave...east Sutt...
... Book Xn.Wildermore(m.Nurzum fall...Nona return)
Book XI

2.3- noon.Edoras(Theoden returns...ass for ride)...Kingstead q

Book XII

2.3- Kingstead...e.Underharrow...n.Eeastwold(Aldburg)..m.wm orcs

3.3- m.A...Edoras(evac of city)...Broadacres...n.(Corudan
eve.Stonedans battle-move to Westwold(with Corudan)...Nona-Horn(fonish
Stonedans..midn.bfW)...Corudan finish Westfold q(midn.skrimsh at Grimsdale)
4.3- battle at Helms deep...morn.HD finish q...eve.Fords grey company
5.3- Isengard flooded...conf with Saruman(Lothrandir saved)

Volume 4
Book I

8.3- Underharrow...saving chi ...eve.paths of the dead

8/9- paths of dead agains(empry)
9.3- Black Vale ..m.Morlad...afthernoo...eve.Stone of
10.3- Bay of Belfalas..non.Edhelond(meet Avorim)...Dol Amroth(beaches corsairs with
Jajax..)..eve.Nazgul..n.Tarlangs crown(Azurthor)
Book II

11.3- m. meet with Balachor..moving from Amroth to Ringlo...eve-n(Drugoth Nerzus

defeat of dead) q in Ringlo Vale
12.3- Lihnir.. noon.Lighthouse(Dolmigir)..Gilrain Roamingstar defeats
dead...eve.Lebenin Azgarzor...12/13 Pelargir retaking..foredawn(Balachor)
Book III

13.3- E.G
Book IV

14.3- O.A-M,T
Book V-VI

15.3- Pelenor Battle

16,17 .. after battle

Book VI
North Ithilien 18-25
25.3 ... DESTRUCTION od Ring

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