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Crafting a Good Thesis Statement for Declaration of Independence

Writing a thesis statement for a paper on the Declaration of Independence can be a challenging task.
This foundational document of American history is rich with meaning and significance, making it
essential to distill its core ideas into a concise and impactful thesis statement. However, navigating
the complexities of the Declaration's themes, historical context, and philosophical underpinnings
requires careful consideration and research.

The Declaration of Independence represents a pivotal moment in history, marking the formal break
between the American colonies and Great Britain. Its principles of liberty, equality, and self-
governance have reverberated throughout the centuries, shaping the course of nations and inspiring
movements for freedom worldwide.

To construct a compelling thesis statement on the Declaration of Independence, one must delve into
its themes and analyze its language with precision. A good thesis statement should encapsulate the
main argument or interpretation of the document while providing insight into its broader significance.

Consider the following guidelines when formulating your thesis statement:

1. Focus on Central Themes: Identify key themes within the Declaration, such as individual
rights, the role of government, and the pursuit of happiness. Your thesis statement should
reflect an understanding of these themes and their importance in the document.
2. Consider Historical Context: Situate your thesis within the historical context of the
Declaration's creation. Explore the events leading up to its drafting, including colonial
grievances against British rule and the philosophical influences shaping the Founding Fathers'
3. Analyze Language and Rhetoric: Pay close attention to the language and rhetoric used in
the Declaration. Examine the persuasive techniques employed by Thomas Jefferson and the
other drafters to convey their arguments and rally support for independence.
4. Offer a Unique Perspective: Strive to offer a fresh perspective or interpretation of the
Declaration. Avoid merely restating well-known facts or historical analyses; instead, seek to
contribute new insights or perspectives to the conversation.

Ultimately, writing a good thesis statement for a paper on the Declaration of Independence requires
careful research, critical thinking, and a deep understanding of the document's historical and
philosophical significance. For those seeking assistance in crafting a compelling thesis statement or
developing their essay further, consider enlisting the support of professional academic writers.

⇒ ⇔ offers expert guidance and support for students tackling complex writing
assignments, including papers on historical documents like the Declaration of Independence. With a
team of experienced writers and researchers, ⇒ ⇔ can provide personalized
assistance tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that your thesis statement is clear, coherent, and
academically rigorous.

Ordering from ⇒ ⇔ allows you to access the expertise and support you need to
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And so our reasoning points are human beings are this, governments are this, they relate in this way,
and here’s how those principles apply to the situation we have right now. Please review our Cookie
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But it’s far-seeing in that they anticipate with the charges against the king the problem of constitution
making, which in the same month they began drafting the Declaration of Independence, they
immediately began drafting a constitution, too, and the Articles of Confederation. It was done as a
matter of tradition and codified into the law. What a great way to sharpen your skills in dissertation
writing. Service this still doesnt mean that we specialize on essays only. The Declaration of
Independence The Declaration of Independence is one of the most important document in US
history that helped led to this country s independence from Great Britain. So the government against
which the Americans are rebelling in 1776 has reformed itself so that it can try and draw the line
between a necessary amount of force and civility, and against barbarians. But when a long train of
abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same object evinces a design to reduce them under
absolutely despotism, it is their right, it is their duty to throw off such government and to provide
new guards for their future security. The primary tenets of The Declaration of Independence are two-
faceted: the require to take pleasure in particular rights and the factors for refusing to continue being
governed by Wonderful Britain. Of the draft presented to Congress, only two passages were rejected
directly by Congress. You also can experience plenty of linked options here. The Declaration of
Independence is probably the most important document in American History. This emotionally and
physically torturous situation is played out in every hospital, every day of the year but serves no
purpose. Its chief architects were Thomas Jefferson and John Adams. It was an official explanation
as to why Congress had voted to declare the thirteen colonies independent from Great Britain.
Certainly we have fallen short, over and over again, of its ideals. Yes we have technically lived up to
the ideas listed in earlier terms, but in today’s world it’s only just the beginning of the changes that
we need to make. We are a revolutionary people and had no intention of giving away the rights we
enjoyed. The Declaration of Independence was, therefore, a true revolutionary enforcement for the
right of the colonists. Report this resource to let us know if this resource violates TPT’s content
guidelines. But, the Founding Fathers were the very first to proclaim that a nation should be
dedicated in this belief. The words within this revered document are powerful and often quoted but
few understand what the Founding Fathers envisaged as free people in a free country. To govern
these rights a government will be created and if a government becomes destructive and stops doing
their jobs then it is the right of the people to alter of abolish them. George Washington ordered that
the copy of “Dunlap Broadside” must be read by the assembled American army at New York. That
is, after all, the whole point of the Declaration of Independence. This idea is perhaps the most
controversial of them all, because the Founding Fathers fell so short of its ideal in practice. Thomas
Jefferson labelled his document as the “Original Rough Draught.” The Congress added thirty-nine
new revisions to the draft made by committee. The draft is underway as we speak, and you’ve got a
couple of large offensive linemen roaming around the fields of the NFL, do you not. These cookies
will be stored in your browser only with your consent. In most of human history, governments were
developed with the opposite belief that they were unlimited unless they carved out some privileges
to their subjects.
We sat down with a table full of Hillsdale College kids and explained to him that Hillsdale College
does not involve knowing your career choice before you come. The colonists felt strongly that in case
they needed to fulfill their needs, they had to themselves form a strong and a much effective
government (MCWDN). And when the government is not adhering to the laws or if the laws aren't
fair, then the people have the right to get rid of them and initiate new ones. We will make it easy to
provide amazing occasion they’ll never forget. The main use The social nature of the Declaration of
Independence School What was the use of the document. That is what is known as the preamble,
quite the consequential two paragraphs there, Dr. Arnn. And governments are to secure these rights,
and governments operate with the consent of the governed. What else can you give away but can’t
legally sell. But without the First Principles of the Declaration of Independence, we would live in the
total darkness of oppression as mankind had for a millennia before. I read to him, by the way, I’ve
discussed this with you before, my exchange with Justice Breyer from five years ago in the studio
when Justice Breyer told me George Washington didn’t know the internet, nor did James Madison
know about television, etc. The well-crafted words of the author reflect his desire for the king to give
In the following paragraphs, I will discuss further the right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness
which is the very essence of The Declaration of Independence and include their significance in
today's world. Once you agree to that, you’ve surrendered the mission of the college. It is based on
the belief that the Creator (Nature and Nature’s God) created all people, and therefore we are all
equal in His eyes and under our law. To know about the declaration of independence, we must know
about the American revolution. The airline originally operated in collaboration with United Airlines
and Delta. It was also done to ensure that the declaration conveys its intended meaning in the best
way possible. And so the king of England couldn’t do, he lacked the wealth, and he lacked the
mechanisms to listen to every conversation. The main use of the Declaration was that since the needs
of the people were not fulfilled, the people could revolt against the British rule. You will get a
declaration of independence essay examples here so that you can also write one that will get you to
the top of your class. He made the document efficiently and with maintaining secrecy. The country
was founded by people who believed this concept and wrote the Constitution to forever protect
personal freedoms, a concept not reflective of attitudes toward freedom. He ordered that the copy of
“Dunlap Broadside” must be read by the assembled American army at New York. 10 Lines on
Declaration of Independence in English In 1777, Washington brought victory for America, and then
the British Government agreed to give North America its independence. The last radio hour of the
week is always spent with Dr. Larry Arnn, president of Hillsdale College, or one of his colleagues at
the college. Jefferson who was from Virginia was massively impressed with the Virginia Declaration,
and this formed an important part of the Declaration of Independence. They overwhelm my signals,
which we turn down at night pursuant to American law. Here, there is no ounce of “liberty” as we
would expect there to be. The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America When
in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands
which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate
and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them a decent respect to
the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare. Argumentative Essay Declaring
Independence This document was written under great circumstances. John Adams wanted to make a
resolution during early 1776 and hence created a committee. Which brings up the question: Is the
declaration of independence being respected in the US.
They overwhelm my signals, which we turn down at night pursuant to American law. Here, there is
no ounce of “liberty” as we would expect there to be. The Declaration of Independence was a
document that was ratified by congress on July 4, 1776 announcing that thirteen colonies of America
which were at war with Great Britain had declared themselves independent states. First, The
Declaration of Independence needs limited constitutional union. I said it wrong three times now,
because despotism is, I am adverse to it. The Declaration of Independence reflects to a great extent
on the values of the Enlightenment. Which is life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The
Declaration of Independence guarantees certain freedoms that are or are not depending on your
point of view appreciated by many American citizens today. We have an argument with the king of
England about whether he was born to rule us or not. In conclusion it is prudent to noted that
although several alterations were done on the initial declaration, the final draft still retained its
intended meaning and served its purpose. However that most famous sentence is not the thesis of
that paragraph or of the Declaration as a whole. Many people still do not understand the basics about
this, and it is vital to educate more people. Report this resource to let us know if this resource
violates TPT’s content guidelines. I am also grateful to my classmates and cohort members, especially
my office mates, for their editing help, late-night feedback sessions, and moral support. Indeed, some
of the crimes against property by George III mentioned in the indictment. It is based on the belief that
the Creator (Nature and Nature’s God) created all people, and therefore we are all equal in His eyes
and under our law. Instead, provide a summary of your arguments and how these address your
research question. In the rich and complex panorama of American history, a singular event stands out
as an emblem of liberation for countless enslaved African Americans - Juneteenth. He states that he
“almost broke into tears” when thinking about how the contrast from him, a privileged white man,
received, compared to the many people of color who have to have “a conversation” with their own
kids who fear that exact moment where that white man got treated with so much respect. Until 1776,
no government was established on equality or even declared it should be so. And in the early days,
one of the key arguments by people who didn’t like the Declaration of Independence is it’s a
relativistic document. Two examples of this presently being debated, euthanasia and abortion
embrace compelling and impassioned arguments on both sides of the issue. The seeds of the
Founders’ concept of law and freedom emanated from Britain. That committee included Thomas
Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston. You also have
the option to opt-out of these cookies. Thomas Jefferson was the person behind making the draft for
declaration of independence. But so many on the left don’t go through the argument you just went
through, and they instead say we can regulate and we can take. There is no freedom in these aspects,
so they do not live up to the standards of todays for it to be true. And the reason they don’t is
because Mr. Trump fractured lots of things. He also states that the king has neglected, restricted, and
deprived the colonies of their rights.
Let us turn to the Declaration of Independence, about which I promised. So like when we start a
new thing, any new thing, right. In june 1976 congress appointed a committee of five to draft a
statement to the world presenting the colonies case for independence. The well-crafted words of the
author reflect his desire for the king to give In the following paragraphs, I will discuss further the
right to life, liberty and pursuit of happiness which is the very essence of The Declaration of
Independence and include their significance in today's world. Another purpose was to rally support
from other countries, especially France, which was then at war with Great Britain. We can prepare a
unique paper on An Analysis of the Declaration of Independence and Its Use for you from scratch.
Well, first of all, the next sentence down says that the people should adopt a government most likely
to them to secure their safety and happiness, not pursuit of happiness, happiness. Consensual adults,
however, should be free to choose how to live their lives as they please if it does not interfere with
the personal welfare or property of others. The argument against the decision should address the 9th
Amendment which states, “The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be
construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people” (“Bill of Rights”, 2006). There has
been a dawning in our lifetime, Hugh, of interest in the founding by people who are objecting to this
modern administrative state and the idea of infinite progress behind it. This idea is perhaps the most
controversial of them all, because the Founding Fathers fell so short of its ideal in practice. The
thesis of the Declaration of Independence was that the colonies deserved their independence since
the right to three basic thingslife liberty and the pursuit of happinesscame from a power higher than
man. Thomas Jefferson wanted the people to know that we were all created equal and that God gave
us all rights that cannot be taken away from us and that the Declaration of Independence would
protect those rights. And all of your rights, including Madison equates the two in 1792 in a beautiful
essay called Property, all of your rights are connected to each other. But opting out of some of these
cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. I have a great deal of them regulating an
unlimited resource. Right there is tripping the cost of education and putting more of a financial
struggle on lower income communities. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new
creative ideas for their writing assignments. Final words The thesis statement, as I said at the start,
can be the difference between a First and a Fail. Another quote in the Declaration is “that they are
endowed by their creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the
pursuit of happiness”. I was talking with Dickerson, John Dickerson, earlier today. Personal freedom
is a commodity not fully understood by the American public. Let me ask you about, do you have
anyone on the blocks. But then about property, well, there are six people who voted for the
Declaration of Independence who were members of the Virginia Convention that drafted the Virginia
Declaration of Right, which is an interesting document, because it contains both the Declaration of
Independence, an equivalent to it, and the Constitution of the United States, an equivalent to that.
Studying the American Declaration of Independence in retrospect, we see that the British rule, by its
obstinate, inconsiderate and high-handed approach to dealing with colonial affairs, had triggered the
revolt. This is 100% legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating.
Also you. Livingston were appointed by the Congress to draft a declaration of independence. Other
activities popularly trumpeted under the personal freedom umbrella such as smoking in public,
carrying concealed firearms or driving while talking on the phone affect the safety of others and
therefore are subject to governmental control. When Thomas Jefferson wrote the Declaration of
Independence he foresaw the coming of great changes within the times that he lived in. These
cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent.
By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our. This is evident in the second paragraph where
the article “in” was deleted before the word “rights”. Their moral arguments against the Roe decision
can be quickly dismissed by weighing the examples of constitutional decisions reached by the
Supreme Court in addition to reading the specific words contained in the Constitution. This is 100%
legal. You may not submit downloaded papers as your own, that is cheating. Also you. Out of these
cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are
essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. These philosophies inspired the
framers of the Declaration of Independence to free them from the regime of Great Britain and
stopped their pursuit of only regaining their British status as colonists. Get your custom essay on
declaration of independence just from 139page get essay after congress revised jeffersons first drafts
of the declaration of independence it was finally approved on july 4 1776 and now commonly
known as independence day. Therefore, for your help, we compiled some steps that will guide you in
drafting a well-written thesis. During the early part of 1776, John Adams made a resolution for
preparing a Declaration, and hence he created a committee to develop the same. While Jefferson was
writing the Declaration Of Independence. Scholars can use them for free to gain inspiration and new
creative ideas for their writing assignments. Because our rights come from God, they cannot be sold
or taken away. Other alterations may have been made to correct human error as in the case where
Jefferson deletes the words “he has dissolved” from the beginning of a line he was writing. And so
yeah, in one way, that’s exactly what he’s doing. The Declaration of Independence was written by
Thomas Jefferson and was supported by the Second Continental Congress of the thirteen colonies as
well. And you know, it’s very good, by the way, the way this thing is written. A good trailer gives
you the A good It will also help keep you, the writer, from getting lost in a convoluted and
directionless argument. That means that the horrors that we know today are still a long time in the
future. Our experts proofread and edit your project with a detailed eye and with complete
knowledge of. The main use The social nature of the Declaration of Independence School What was
the use of the document. The first passage which had extreme references to the English people may
have been rejected because the Americans were of British decent. In the next war, i.e., the Battle of
Trenton and Princeton was won by the American force under the leadership of Washington. The main
reasons that this was written was because the men and women of the colonies were upset with king
george the third. In light of all these striking similarities between Jefferson's Declaration of
Independence and other previous writings, Jefferson's supporters have defended him and his writings
by claiming that the declaration was not a creation of new philosophies. In this post, we will take a
closer look at the dissertation conclusion to help you understand how to write a winning conclusion
for a research paper as well as a thesis. Another purpose was to rally support from other countries,
especially France, which was then at war with Great Britain. Consequently, it is often assumed that
the only people who faced mistreatment and sufferings were men who served in the army, the
American leaders who have been denied the opportunity to make their personal laws appropriate for
Americans’ needs, and the males who paid taxes as the heads of their households. Using The average
mean length of these 25 theses was 365 words and 1793 characters without spaces. And you can say
all day you want that we’re virtually represented, that was their expression, but virtually means not at
all. In the letter, Jefferson listed the colonists' grievances against the king and explained why they
were declaring independence from Britain.
George Washington ordered that the copy of “Dunlap Broadside” must be read by the assembled
American army at New York. The Declaration of Independence therefore preceded the highlight of
these vices that were meted on the subjects of these colonies and it read that by the power and in the
name of the subjects of these states, the representatives from USA rejected and renounced any
power for allegiance to such colonies by the subjects. The tasks was entailed to Thomas Jefferson and
passed on July 4th 1776 by the Continental Congress. These types are the basis for the preamble,
which states that each man is equal and has distinct inherent rights, such as the right to life, liberty,
and the appropriate to be pleased truths, which must not be denied. Afterwards, this revolutionary
war took an international look when, in 1778 and 1779, France and Spain joined the colonies against
Britain. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this
website. And they were just, you know, we just had a hoot of a time with him, and what a splendid
fellow. The major author, Thomas Jefferson, applied his political expertise and experience to draft the
text, which gave the citizens an chance to exercising constitutional rights of equality, proper to life,
and correct of liberty as against the colonizers. I call it Freedom Caucus Care, because they kept it
when Paul Ryan threaded the needle. It is the place where we can truly be ourselves, where we can
relax and unwind after a long day. Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, Roger Sherman and Robert
R. Well, first of all, the next sentence down says that the people should adopt a government most
likely to them to secure their safety and happiness, not pursuit of happiness, happiness. For example,
consider an English course with an assignment to write about how World War II influenced literature.
FAQ’s on Declaration of Independence Essay Question 1. We can prepare a unique paper on An
Analysis of the Declaration of Independence and Its Use for you from scratch. There are four parts
to the Declaration of Independence which include the Preamble, A Declaration of Rights, A Bill of
Indictment, and A Statement of Independence. And that was passed, I think, nine days before or
after, I forget which right now, the Declaration of Independence. And they are Jared Veldheer of the
Arizona Cardinals, offensive left tackle, and Andre Holmes of the Oakland Raiders, wide receiver.
And then he’s doing a series of things that are not authorized by law or constitution or nature.
Consensual adults, however, should be free to choose how to live their lives as they please if it does
not interfere with the personal welfare or property of others. And there was a bunch of juniors and
seniors at a table, and I know most of them, and so I sat down with them. Some topics that he
included in the Declaration were how Thomas Jefferson was tired of how the king treated the
American citizens Equality The Right to Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness Consent of the
Governed and Alter or abolish the. While Jefferson was writing the Declaration Of Independence.
The Declaration put in place that rift by showing... Essay About The Declaration of Independence. In
june 1976 congress appointed a committee of five to draft a statement to the world presenting the
colonies case for independence. Guided reading space is provided along side the text, and the
students have an opportunity to create a thesis to prepare for the essay. It’s an era of trying to roll
back what is essentially lawlessness on the part of administrative agencies. In fact, the tea tax which
provoked the Boston Tea Party actually lowered the price of tea, and many of the Founding Fathers
were opposed to slavery. Thesis statement for declaration of independence essay. That is the
predicate, and then they’re going to lay those out in detail.

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