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Date: 2023

1) How long did biblical Noah live after the flood?:

1) Ant

2) Tree cutter

3) Herodias

4) Joshua

2) Who was the last king of Troy in Greek mythology?:

1) The Stanley Hotel

2) Tom Clancy

3) Peter Benchley

4) Bat

3) In the Bible, what does Gideon's name mean?:

1) Nathan

2) Telekinesis

3) Isaiah

4) Fashion

4) According to the Bible, what prophet was killed by being sawed in two inside a
hollow log?:

1) Joshua

2) Peter Benchley

3) Sigmund Freud

4) 350 years

5) What was the first Christian country in Africa?:

1) Shem

2) Bat

3) Isaiah

4) Sigmund Freud
6) What was the name of Odysseus’ dog?:

1) Peter Benchley

2) Isaiah

3) Athena

4) Tom Clancy

7) Vampires are typically known for turning into which animal?:

1) Mark Bowden

2) Priam

3) Joshua

4) Telekinesis

8) Which person is known for publishing "The Interpretation of Dreams"?:

1) 350 years

2) Tom Clancy

3) Mark Bowden

4) Tom Clancy

9) Who wrote the novel "The Deep"?:

1) Telekinesis

2) Tom Clancy

3) Dinah

4) Shem

10) Mariner IV sent the first pictures of which planet back to Earth?:

1) Argos

2) Isaiah

3) Shem

4) Sigmund Freud

11) Who said "it is far safer to be feared than loved"?:

1) Peter Benchley

2) Priam
3) Mark Bowden

4) Argos

12) Who wrote the book "Black Hawk Down"?:

1) Mark Bowden

2) Tom Clancy

3) Priam

4) Mars

13) Who, according to the Bible, led the Israelites into The Promised Land?:

1) Dinah

2) Telekinesis

3) Stieg Larsson

4) Herodias

14) What Egyptian monster feasts on the heart of someone unworthy of eternal

1) Bat

2) Stieg Larsson

3) Sigmund Freud

4) Argos

15) In the Bible, who was Jacob's daughter?:

1) Nathan

2) Telekinesis

3) Argos

4) Isaiah

16) According to mythology, who gifted olives to the Greeks?:

1) Stieg Larsson

2) Peter Benchley

3) Jackals

4) Nathan

17) What special power does the titular character possess in "Matilda"?:
1) Jackals

2) Ammut

3) Isaiah

4) Dinah

18) In Greek mythology, who is responsible for giving fire to humans?:

1) Sigmund Freud

2) Dinah

3) Nathan

4) Herodias

19) Who wrote the novel "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo"?:

1) 350 years

2) Peter Benchley

3) Tom Clancy

4) Priam

20) According to the Bible, who requested the head of John the Baptist on a silver

1) Ethiopia

2) Argos

3) Ammut

4) Sigmund Freud

21) Who wrote the book "The Perfect Storm"?:

1) Isaiah

2) Tree cutter

3) Ethiopia

4) The Stanley Hotel

22) Who did Luke write the Book of Acts to?:

1) Dinah

2) Sebastian Junger

3) 350 years
4) Tree cutter

23) According to the Bible, who was the father of Arphaxad?:

1) Shem

2) Isaiah

3) Bat

4) Argos

24) In the "Book of Malachi", God says that he has left the kingdom of Esau to
which animals?:

1) Isaiah

2) Tree cutter

3) Prometheus

4) The Stanley Hotel

25) Which Old Testament prophet said "Thou art the man"?:

1) Tree cutter

2) Argos

3) Argos

4) Isaiah

26) After giving up mural painting, Gustav Klimt designed for what industry?:

1) Sigmund Freud

2) 350 years

3) Bat

4) The Stanley Hotel

27) What is the name of the real-life hotel that inspired the Overlook Hotel in
Stephen King's "The Shining"?:

1) 350 years

2) Ant

3) Tom Clancy

4) Sebastian Junger

28) Who wrote the novel "The Hunt for Red October"?:
1) Shem

2) Tree cutter

3) Mark Bowden

4) Ethiopia

29) In Proverbs, when Solomon refers to the lazy, he tells the sluggard to look to
what insect for an example?:

1) Joshua

2) Athena

3) Argos

4) Jackals

30) Who wrote the novel "Jaws"?:

1) 350 years

2) Peter Benchley

3) Isaiah

4) Fashion

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