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Name :
 Areta Azalia Valid Hafi / 9G / 06

 Bagas Novanda Putra Yuditira / 9G / 9

 Fatimatus Zahra Alifah / 9G / 16

 Yanbadra Firqina Santoso / 9G / 32


Alamat:Jl.Tumenggung suryo NO.38,38 Kec.Blimbing,
Kota Malang,Jawa Timur 65123
Telp.0341-491806 Email:

I give praise and gratitude to ALLAH SWT who has bestowed His grace, taufik and

guidance. I realize that this paper is still far from perfection, because there are still many

shortcomings, both in terms of material and editorial. This is solely due to the author's limited

time and knowledge. Hopefully all the goodness and services that have been given by all

parties will receive a double reward from ALLAH SWT. Amen.


List Contents........................................................................................................ii
Text Hobby..........................................................................................................1
Text Flora.............................................................................................................2
Text Fauna...........................................................................................................3
Text Political........................................................................................................4


Text Hobby
Volley ball is one of sport in the world. Volley ball is a sport that is widely found in
the environment urbane and rural, this sport include international sport. volleyball has spread
to 211 countries around in the world . This sport comes from the United States since 1895
which was created by William G.Morgan. This sport is well-known popular and can be
played by man or women.
Volley ball is sport-famous for its world. volleyball sport is a combination of
basketball, tennis, baseball and handball, this sport was quite easy to play. This sport is
usually play at least 4 until 6 peoples. This sport is played by two apposing groups, vollyball
both of groups race to collecting 25 points, to get some points the player must drop the ball
using hand. In team vollyball there are four important role namely tosser, spikers, libero and
bloker or defender.
Tosser is a person whose job is to feed the ball to his collegues and set the course the
game. Spikers tasked to hit the ball fell to the ground along of game. Libero who can freely
exit and entry but must not wreck ahortly ball across net. Bloker or defender is a player who
surviveto recive attacks from opponents.
Article From :
Text flora
The Sunflower
The sunflowers are annual plant in the family Asteraceae. They have large flower heads
(capitulum). The stem can grow up to 3 meters tall, with a flower head that can be 30 cm
wide. Other types of sunflowers include the California Royal Sunflower, which has a
burgundy (red + purple) flower head.
The flower head is actually made of hundreds or thousands of tiny flowers called florets. The
central florets look like the center of a normal flower, and the outer florets look like yellow
petals. All together they make up a “false flower” or pseudanthium. The benefit to the plant is
that it is very easily seen by the insects and birds which pollinate it, and it produces thousands
of seeds.
The sunflower is the state flower of Kansas. That is why Kansas is sometimes called the
Sunflower State. To grow well, sunflowers need full sun. They grow best in fertile, wet, well-
drained soil with a lot of mulch. In commercial planting, seeds are planted 45 cm (1.5 ft)
apart and 2.5 cm (1 in) deep.
Article From :
Text Fauna
The Javan leopard (Panthera pardus melas) is a subspecies of the leopard that is only found in
tropical forests, mountains and conservation areas of Java Island, Indonesia. Javan leopard a.
Compared to other leopard subspecies, the Javan leopard is the smallest. This subspecies
generally has spots like the color of shiny black beetle wings, with b-spots.
This animal has a sharp sense of sight and smell. This animal also lives solitary, except
during the breeding season. This leopard is more active in hunting prey at night. The prey.
Most of the leopard population can be found in the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park,
although the distribution of this animal stretches across all national parks in Java from Ujung
Kulon to Baluran. Apart from that, leopards can also be found and live outside Java, namely
on Nusa Kambangan Island, Sempu Island and Kangean Island. Due to loss of forest habitat
and illegal fishing, the distribution area and population of this animal is shrinking. The Javan
leopard has had threatened conservation status since 2021 on the IUCN Red List and is listed
in CITES Appendix I.[1][2] Javan leopards are legally protected in Indonesia, as stated in
Law no. 5 of 1990 and PP No.7 of 1999.[3][4]
Article From :
Text political

General elections (abbreviated as Elections) are an election process to elect most or all of the
members of a legislative body and president who are elected directly by the public. It is an
effort to influence the people persuasively in elections (not coercively) by carrying out
rhetorical activities, public relations, mass communication, lobbying and other activities.
Even though agitation and propaganda in democratic countries are highly condemned, in
general election campaigns, agitation and propaganda techniques are also widely used by
candidates or politicians as political communicators. Methods or techniques like this result in
falling morale and loss of public sympathy for the candidate.
In elections, the voters in the election are also called constituents, and it is to them that
election participants offer their promises and programs during the campaign period. The
campaign is carried out at a predetermined time, before voting day.
Once the voting is done, the counting process begins. Election winners are determined by the
rules of the game or winning system that have previously been determined and approved by
the participants, and socialized to voters
Article from : - :~:text=Pemilihan%20umum

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