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_ Aims of the Palestinian Resistance Movement with Regard to the Jews Quotations from Resistance leaders and documents AL FATEH om ox inti ith be Ama, al Anat (Arthi, Bin), 23 te, 1680 “Mose and has ae ving se by si ti T bleve te Jews have he te ice “In the past, they have lived peacefully in Arab Palestine without being subjece to any raclal or religous discrimination, This situation remained tll the emergence of Zionism. We intend to build our country with ag racial or religious discrimination ” the Arab coun- From Fateh Yearbook (Arabi), 2908 “Our revolution has heen and will emain s humanitarian revoli- tion that presents to the world the open Palestinian society as « substitute to the cloed Zionist society. We call for an Are Palestinian state with no traces of Zionist racic, with al ts rallitary, politcal and economic Ingestions. hes, the Jew will find his place within thie progressive democratic sate irrespective of religion, color or nationality.” (page 55) Boom a inti with Abu Amar, Por Match, 11 Jem, 1959, “The Jews are one thing and 2ioniem, embodied is the state of rac, is another. Resistance to Zignim is begianing t0 be ‘manifisted among them. ‘Two of our officers, now in eaplvity, were Palestinians who had Jewish mothers. Each week the Teese police arrest anti-Zionist Jews. Last week there were four arrests in Nacareth” From a Palestina Resistance Movement and the Jems Bae i von cane al : Ca tana bb ii wt ei Pe tM Fo oN eS ee scat iy td ml et ey, ay cn SN ae ae Tecedaied ‘by Europeans. We also sympathized with the suffer Pere Jeon under the Nazi, but Oia sympathy doer not ing gat we out t pay the price for Her’ crimes. Why 20 Wer Shac someone ae has done? Our aim is to bring an end © erence os oft Talat), a Henman 2 beng ee [Gasca Wage ed in ae Plid D of Arme Fe a et abe © Rat, Pate Reach Ger ar Paletne Rsiince Movement andthe Jews 1 ‘based on the imposition of aggression and racism. Such peace canmot be achieved except within the framework of a demoeraie state in Palestine, What are ie details? { believe that throug the development of the struggle and fighting the detail of such ‘a state will be drawn up. But this i the wide strategic course ‘which wil encompass all these etal “Khouli: Within the framework of this wide strategic course will the Palestinian democratic state accept the Jews as equal Citizens with the Arabs? “Abu Byad: OF course we accept the Jews as equal citizens ‘withthe Arabs in everything. ‘The meaning of the Palestinian democratic tate is very clear. Te only aims at eliminating the Zionist racist entity in Palestine. “Khouli: For the sake of more clarity, will ALFatch guarantee in word and deed the right to citizesship in the Palestinian de- rmotratic state tthe anti-Zioniet Jews who will declare their agreement with AL-Fatchs aim of etblishing the new Palestinian Aemocratic society? Is the right to citizenship guaranteed to ‘the anti-Zioni Joes whether they have been in Palestine Before or after 1948? "Abu Byad: I repeat that this eight will be guaranteed by Al- Fateh, ea literation movement with humanitarian dimensions, not otly to every anti-Zionist Jew but alzo to a Jew who has purified his soul of Zionist ideas, meaning one who has been convinced that Zionist ideas are alien to human society.” From a sere of tree article om relations etwen Peletinias and Jee in Fateh Bulletin, (English, Beint) (1 January, 1970) “A progressive liberation movement cannot hue motivated by revenge and eannot sur from the #acism that ‘haracterizes the very enemy its trying to congue Therefore, study of the history, sofiering and achievements of the Jews took place. Jewish thinkers such as Buber, Havas, Magnes, Rodinson, Deutcher and Menuhin were read and reread. Poletine Rasdane: Mevomet and the Joes Serius dscns with pogreive Jews in Europe and Anserca Felped a fer a new image forthe Jew at lrg, the Jw at Zionist andthe Jow 484 Paleisian cidven: » hutan image. ‘Novupermen, monster ot pigmic, but people who were prs uted by European act Nar an then manipulated by Baro. fran tacit Zonta into Paletne and the vacation of ie peerle. “aalaton of the revolton wil hve its conseqeness, Ob- ‘nly ts going to harden some Zionist Jos gatos the Pale Sint espeialy the algae that stand oe ina democratic pen Plsing, But elation wl have it shock eect, Te Whig the selzaton that am exchlonirToeet ean be a ery ete plac ined, und that anno ast.” (19 Jonuzy, 1970) “AN the Jews, Moslems and Cheistians| Tivng in Palestine or forcibly eile from it will have the right to Palestinian eiicenship, ‘Ths guarantes the right ofall exiled Palestinians to return to their land whether they have been born in Palestine oF in exile and regardless of their present nation- ality. “szgually, this means that all Jewish Palestinians—at the preseot Tivaclishave the sme right, provided ofcourse dha they eject ions acis chawvinisn and flly accept to live as Palestinians fn the New Palestine. ‘The revolution therefore rejects the sup- potion that only Jews who lived in Palestine prior to 1948 or Dror t 1914 and thei descendents are acceptable “Jews or non Jews for that matter would have the right to practise ther religion and develop cultwally and linguistically as a {roup, beside thei individealpaitical and eultral parieipation. Tis guite logical for example to have both Arabic and Hebrew as offal languages taught i governments! schools to all Pales- tinlang Jews er non-Jews.” F Poleine Resistance Movement andthe Jeu 9 THE POPULAR FRONT FOR THE LIBERATION OF PALESTINE ‘Brum on nts with Gerge Halas, al Hada (Arabi, Bint), Dcmber 20, 1969 “We ate waging a democratic national liberation strugele which has socialist orientation, aiming at putting an end to Trae’s entity asa rat, aggressive and weorper state linked with world imperialism. With the breakup ofthis matity, rth al its attache ments and characteristics, we will be faced with a situation, were, naturally, every citizen will have the right to an equitable lite which isin Hine withthe objectives of dhe socials revolution and the Arab identity of the Palestinian field “When the democratic national Hheration struggle achieves lus objectives, every Jew living in Palestine wil enjoy equal and fall rights with other citizens, With the break op of Tae 25 & racist aggressive entity, we have to face the situation where some Jews will choote to zemain and live within the Framework of @ rogresive socialise, a situation which we have to face dem- ‘eratcally. The total revolutionary presence in the Arab world will he able to face auch a situation democratically The numerical, religious, or cultural preence of this group or thats a question whieh canbe faced democratically and sted fon the basis of ciem fe gocialiem and ts principle.” um a PPLP rpert:* February, 1969 “The Palestinian liberation movement ie not a racial movement ‘with aggressive intentions against the Jews. It is not directed aginst the Jews. Ii object isto destroy the state of Israel as 3 military, political and economic establishment which ress on. ‘aggression, expansion and orgenie connection with imperiliet Interests in our homeland. tis against Zionism as an aggresive Cie in i Bai Polite Dao af he Ame Palati Race Meson, La Kady Palestine Research Center, Bot 170 10 Palotne Ressone Morenet and he Fes racial movement connected with imperialism, which tas expoted ‘hevolerings of the Jewish instn aa stepping tone forthe po tnotion of is intrety and the fterets of imperialism in the fart ofthe word, which posses eh resource and provides & Eeidgehead lve the counties of Aiea sad Asa, The aim of the Palen iberacon moverent ito eablsh a democratic ‘atonal stein Plein in which both Are and Jews Tve a citzene with equal rights and obligations and which wil onsite an integral part ofthe progteive democrat Arab ‘ational presence living peseeily with al progres fore the world?” POPULAR DEMOCRATIC FRONT FOR THE LIBERATION OF PALESTINE ram a memo submis by the PDELP to the Palatine National Assembly (Git Sesion, Sper 1969) andr the ile" Tawarde a Demerati Slaton tothe Palatine Qycion” “The strug for @ popular democrat solution to se Palestine question and the Israel question is based on the removal of the Zionist stucture ag represented by the institutions of the state (army, administration, police) and all ehawvinistc Zionist poli ‘ical and syndicate, unionist institutions; the extablishment of « popular democratic Palestinian state in which Arabs and Jews live without dscrimination—a state against all forms of lass or national repression; and the right of both Arabs and Jews to develop and evove their national culture. Aad in view of the bonds of history and destiny between Palatine and the Arab nation, the popular democratic state of Palestine wil become an indivisible past of am Arab lederalist state in the region.” 7 Quoted ins PDPLR, Te Plaie Raise Movement if Prat Satin, Dural Talay Beat 10, 168, Patestine Resistance Moverent and Ye Joes n SA'TKA rm salen iy the Sita rretative ol Resin lpn, AC Rewar (vei, Beit), 8 Mast 1970 "Where dus thestroggle ead to? This problem that we cannot wen States: The development and exalaton of the ver Adon wil foes the Aesstance Movement to ely more ceri ona the Suture o) Platine andthe ston it Sato the Jews ving here at psen saleve that when we ofer those Jews an alternative thee and an aernatve (othe constant test of deat, ant tate our ease of the Toad to victory. We cane ese Se tae that these Jews of whom 4 feat umber wee aenine, donot koow any ote homeland "Through the vty aecomplihed inthe June wa the Zion aa rsd to cave inthe tind ofthe Jew that iliac. Tel gave waned f convince Iecl icha the sate thre to stay and eile fs ae rears te Jew ha t look forthe solution Asn the Pa Jc tui aster and ot by thinking of emigrating to the utd worl “i for the Saka onganization, che ies oiled democrat ase Me tata slogan buts eration As T haves, se ena dag slang the problem of these Jew without Tree te cern Paleine orn any ther county they might choo.” THE PALESTINE LIBERATION ORGANIZATION® “Fram the Palen Liberation Orgenication Charter Jl 1968) “fei 6 Jon ng in Pane ete he ie fhe nit EER ty treme let ee Paro a mately esa lee ee ke a 2 Palatine Reitorer Movement and the Jeo Invasion are considered Palestinians.” From 2 statement by @ PALO. spheres, rfrted in L2Orlent (Bein), 8 June, 1969, “Tne aim pursued by the PLO. isthe creation in Palestine ofa democratic Paletnion state in which Jews, Christians and ‘Muslins will ive in hasmony.-More, we are ready to accept that Jews who have come from the four coruets of the world te live in Palestine should remain there and se will consider them as fellow citizens. “We will not ly down our arms until our rights have been restored. ‘While waiting, only one solution i forced upon us: the intensic fication of the armed struggle which is costing Tsrael a dai tll ‘of human lives and money, and will perhaps make i realize that pedcelsh co-existence between Jews and Arabs i the only way ta peace in the Mie East.” From a spch modi by PLO exetie ot confine in Cyprar, September 20-Octber #, 1962 "Ie would be Jess than honest to pretend that thre is a solution in the sense that anybody has a neat formula which fully sis Palestine Arabs and Jews equally. Too much water has gone under the bridges since 1948 for this to be posible, So the search must proced fora form of accommodation that satisfies certain optimizing condnias, “Phere are four such conditions 1) That the solution should satisy the minimal nations agp rations ofthe Palestine Arabs, who are the party dispossessed and uprooted, without causing excessive suffering to the JJesssh community. 12, ‘That the solution should concer itself with the fundamentals cof the problem and not be sidetracked by minor or derivative i Z Poletne Reticence Movement and the Jews 13 3) That the solution, being an earnest endeavour to establish genuine peace, should be solidly grounded in justice. 4) Landy, that it should have a long time-horizon, “We, the Palestinians, wsbmit that no solution so far suggested satisies these conditions togeber, except the one which the Palestinians propose as the minimum acceptable to them, ‘This Js the setingeup of Palestine as a state in partnership, in whieh the Palestinian Arabs and the Jews who care to stay ean live together as equal cities, regardless of religion, colour or race. For the Palestine Jews opting for the proporal, this means iden- tifing with Palestine, and with ite Arab environment, and there fore shedding off Zionist associations and expansionist atiudes, For the Arabs, it micans accepting the Jewish community and ‘cooperating with ie in lemoeratic conditions-—and this for the first ime since the Balfour Dedazation in 1917. “Phie solation shoul be put to some tes, and shere are four touchstones to which we ean subject it. Fist, the propined solution would be advantageous to the Jewish community and rot merely tothe Palestine Arabs. For the Jews, it would at last, provide both a sense of belonging and of being accepted. The fpurpose of Jewish immigration into and settlement in Palestine has alwaye'been the search for a refuge and a haven, but this has all along been attempted against the will of the Palestine Arabs. The result—in rejecian and in violence—is to0 wells known to be described. Only the agreement of the Palestine ‘Arabs wil provide a genuine peaceful haven for the Jews in Palestine, not their powerful army, and not their all-power patrons, “The democratic state in parinership i the only formula thst would make the Palestine Arabs forever bury ther grievances and sufferings—and their arms “The seeaed touchitone forthe proposal ist faimess tothe Jews, part from fairness tothe Paleatine Arabs, Tt is enough to say that the proposal would provide, a home forall the Jews in Palestine who choose tolivein peace with the Arabs, although most of them have come to the land against the will ef the Palestine “ Polewine Rerstece Movement aid the Fee ‘Arabs. Our tuftering inthe protess has been enormous; axe tunity and identity as a community bave been shattered, our very physical existence har been menaced, Yet we are willing to overlook allthis if the Palestine Jews are wing to free them selves from colonizing Zionism ad to identify with the new Palestine. This for the fst time since 1917 would enable ther to interact culturally and economically with the Palestine Arabs and with the Arabs beyond. “The third advantage ofthe Palestinian groposal is ic du No other propass! wit be accepted by us, and therefore no other proposal can have more than short-term durability. But is Anything but a long-term solution worth working for? “This brings ws to the fourth touchstone, realism. At fis glance it would seem that ifthe Palestine Araks and the other Arabs were realise they would accept whatever Israel was willing to offer, since the June 1967 war has revealed the extent of the rity gap between Iiael and ourselves. But a chver hiok would fndicate that, on the contrary, ii the Israals who are not being realistic ad whose shortightedness and drunkenness ‘wth power will be seldamaging in the long con. For, what ought to be considered isnot not the relative power ofthe two patties ty but what it will be in ten of teen or even thicty ‘yeas ftom now.” Seve ofthe documents quoted ere (ihe Fatch Yearbook, the dalgve fh Abe. Byady the PFLP report) can be fund. in Bone aia Do Il f te Ave Plein Rtas Hevea! by Leda © Kah ubisbed In Fetrsry 1090" by the Faetine Reseach “Cote, et Lebanon G47 pp, LE 8 see

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