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VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS PREHISTORY PERIOD (23,000 BC - 10,000 BC) [- PALEOLITHIC PERIOD People have lived hundreds of thousands of years ago in Vietnamese territory with relics of the Son Vi culture. -- NEOLITHIC PERIOD (15.000 BC - 5.700 BC) Typical with Hoa Binh and Bac Son culture with wet rice civilization. | BRONZE AND STONE AGE PERIOD (4000 BC - 3500 BC) Typical of Phung Nguyen culture. Found pieces of copper rust, small pieces of brass, pieces of rings or pieces of lead wire. L- BRONZE AGE (3000 BC) Typical of Dong Dau culture and Go Mun culture. Quite common bronze artifacts include: chisels, awls, spears, knife rods, arrows, fish hooks.... t~ IRON AGE (1200 BC) Typical of Dong Son, Sa Huynh, Oc Eo cultures. ? HONG BANG ERA (2879 BC - 208 BC) $s l"“=p t— STATE OF XICH QUY (2879-2524 BC) Luc Toc, to be king of the South, taking the title Kinh Duong Vuong, and the country's name was Xich Quy. After Kinh Duong Vuong passed the throne to Sung Lam, also known as, Lac Long Quan. Lac Long Quan married Au Co, a mountain goddess. She gives birth to a sac containing 100 eggs from which 100 children were born. This is the origin of the Vietnamese peoples. VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS t- STATE OF VAN LANG (2524-258 BC) After the "federal" period broke up, around the 7th century BC, the Lac Viet people living in Northern Vietnam now built their own state. That was the Van Lang state ruled by the Hung kings with the capital in Phong Chau (present-day Phu Tho). t— THUC DYNASTY (257 BC - 208 BC) After the "federal" period broke up, around the 7th century BC, the Lac Viet people living in Northern Vietnam now built their own state. That was the Van Lang state ruled by the Hung kings with the capital in Phong Chau (present-day Phu Tho). ] FIRST PERIOD OF NORTHERN DOMINATION (208 BC - 39) $f ln” L- TRIEU DYNASTY (208 BC - 111 BC) Trieu Da was the governor of Nam Hai district (now Quang Dong, China). When the Qin Dynasty was weak, he took advantage of Nam Hai district and then sent troops to annex the territories of Au Lac, Man Viet and Que Lam district to establish it. Trieu Dynasty, named the country Nam Viet, the capital was Phien Ngu, proclaimed king on par with the Han Dynasty in ancient China. Although he was a foreign king, Trieu Da sided with the Vietnamese people in the war against the Han Dynasty. |~ BELONGED TO HAN (111 BC - 39) In 111 BC, The Trieu officials surrendered and Nam Viet was annexed into the territory of the Han Dynasty. The Han Dynasty divided Nam Viet into 9 districts including Dam Nhi, Chu Nhai (Hainan Island, present-day China), Nam Hai, Hop Pho, Uat Lam, Thuong Ngo (all in Guangdong, Guangxi, present-day China). present), Giao Chi (Northern Vietnam, present-day Vietnam), Cuu Chan (Thanh Hoa, Nghe Tinh, present-day Vietnam), Nhat Nam (Quang Binh-Quang Nam, present-day Vietnam). They have ruled our people with a brutal and harsh policy. VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS QUEEN TRUNG (40 - 43) This was a typical uprising during this period under the leadership of two sisters, Trung Trac and Trung Nhi. Within 3 years under the leadership of the two women, our army captured 65 strongholds in Giao Chi, Cuu Chan, Nhat Nam, and Hop Pho districts. Then the Han dynasty sent general Ma Vien to suppress the uprising. Due to isolation and an incomplete army, the two women could not resist Ma Vien's army and committed suicide at Hat River to keep their integrity. 1 SECOND PERIOD OF NORTHERN DOMINATION (43 - 543) $f ln Experiencing dynasties such as Dong Han, -Dong Ngo, Tan, Luu Tong, Nam Te, and Luong. Typical of this period were the uprising of Ba Trieu in 248 against Dong Ngo, the uprising of brothers Ly Truong Nhan - Ly Thuc Hien from 468 to 485 against the Luu Tong and Nam Te dynasties. @ TIEN LY DYNASTY (544-602) — eee, In 542, Ly Bi rebelled and defeated the Luong dynasty. | LY NAM DE (544-548) After defeating the Luong army three times in the spring of 544, Ly Bi proclaimed himself Emperor Ly Nam De and named the country Van Xuan. | TRIEU VIET VUONG (548-571) In 545, the Luong dynasty sent troops to attack the Van Xuan kingdom. Ly Nam De continuously lost battles so he withdrew to Khuat Lao cave and handed over military power to Trieu Quang Phuc. In 548, he became seriously ill and died. Trieu Quang Phuc took over and took the title Trieu Viet Vuong, continuing to lead the people to fight against the Luong dynasty. At the end of 550, Trieu Quang Phuc defeated the Luong army and restored Van Xuan kingdom. VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS L- LY PHAT TU (571-602) In 546, Ly Nam De's brother Ly Thien Bao and general Ly Phat Tu brought 30,000 troops to attack Duc Chau (Nghe An) but were defeated by the Luong army. They had to gather the remnants of their army and flee to the land of the Di Lao people in Ai Lao to build a citadel to live in. Here, Ly Thien Bao proclaimed himself King Dao Lang and named the country Da Nang. In 555, King Dao Lang died and everyone honored Ly Phat Tu as his replacement. In 557, Ly Phat Tu pulled his army to Van Xuan to wage war against Trieu Quang Phuc. In 571, Ly Phat Tu defeated Trieu Quang Phuc and proclaimed himself Nam De (so history books call it Later Ly Nam De). ] THIRD PERIOD OF NORTHERN DOMINATION (602 - 905) ————— In 581, the Tuy Dynasty was established in China. In 602, King Tuy led his army to attack our country. Ly Phat Tu surrendered, and our country fell into the hands of Northern foreigners again. Then the Duong Dynasty replaced the Tuy Dynasty to rule our country. I— MAI HAC DE (713-722) In 713, Mai Thuc Loan led an uprising in Hoan Chau against Duong Dynasty domination and won. He ascended the throne and proclaimed himself Mai Hac De. In 722, the Duong Dynasty sent 100,000 troops to attack our country. After many fierce battles, Mai Hac De was defeated, he withdrew his troops into the forest, fell seriously ill and passed away. Legend has it that his third son, Mai Thuc Huy, took over and took the title Mai Thieu De and continued to fight the Duong army until 723, when it disbanded. Our country, again, fell into the hands of the Duong Dynasty. | THE PERIOD OF INDEPENDENCE AND AUTONOMY (905 - 938) $e VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS L- KHUC THUA DU (905-907) In 905, Khuc Thua Du rebelled to seize power, calling himself Tiet Do Su. The Tang Dynasty had no choice but to recognize the autonomy of the Vietnamese people. L- KHUC HAO (907-917) In 907 Khuc Thua Du died, his son Khuc Hao took over. L- KHUC THUA MY (917-930) In 917, Khuc Thua My, Khuc Hao's son, replaced his father as Tiet Do Su. At this time, the Northern government was in chaos, forming the situation of the Ngu Dai Thap Quoc. In 930, the Nam Han army brought troops to attack our country. Khuc Thua My could not resist the enemy's strength, was captured and taken to Phien Ngung. L- DUONG DINH NGHE (931-938) In 931, Duong Dinh Nghe, Khuc Hao's former general, captured Giao Chau and defeated Nam Han’'s reinforcements to regain power. After defeating the enemy, he proclaimed himself Tiet Do Su to continue building our country's autonomy. FEUDAL ERA (939 - 1858) —————— | NGO DYNASTY (939 - 965) L- NGO VUONG (939-944) In 938, Duong Dinh Nghe was killed by Kieu Cong Tien to seize power. Duong Dinh Nghe's son-in-law, Ngo Quyen, started an army to punish. Kieu Cong Tien ran away to ask for help from Nam Han. In 938, Nam Han sent troops to our country. At this time, Ngo Quyen defeated Kieu Cong Tien and arranged a battlefield. When the Nam Han army arrived at the mouth of the Bach Dang River, they were defeated by our troops and had to flee back to their country. In 939, Ngo Quyen proclaimed himself king. VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS t~ DUONG BINH VUONG (944-950) In 944, Ngo Quyen passed away and entrusted his eldest son, Ngo Xuong Ngap, to his brother-in-law, Duong Tam Kha. Kha usurped the Ngap throne and proclaimed himself Duong Binh Vuong. Duong Tam Kha adopted Ngo Quyen’'s second son, Ngo Xuong Van, with the intention of returning the throne to the Ngo family. L- HAU NGO VUONG (944-965) In 950, Duong Tam Kha sent Ngo Xuong Van to fight a rebellion in Thai Binh. Xuong Van led his army to attack Duong Tam Kha and regain power. However, he did not kill Duong Tam Kha but only demoted him to the position of Chuong Duong Cong. He proclaimed himself King Nam Tan and welcomed his brother Ngo Xuong Ngap back. At that time, the country had two kings ruling together. Xuong Ngap was autocratic, did not allow Xuong Van to participate in politics and intended to eliminate Xuong Van, but the work was not successful and in 954, Xuong Ngan became seriously ill and died. In 965, while leading troops to suppress a rebellion in Thai Binh, Xuong Van was shot by a crossbow and died. Xuong Ngap's son, Ngo Xuong Xi, took over, but his power was weak. At that time, the country had 12 warlords. DINH DYNASTY (968 - 980) L- DINH TIEN HOANG (968-979) In 968, Van Thang Vuong Dinh Bo Linh finished suppressing the rebellion of 12 warlords. He proclaimed himself Emperor Dinh Tien Hoang, named the country Dai Co Viet, and established the capital in Hoa Lu. +- DINH PHE DE (979-980) In 979, Dinh Tien Hoang and his eldest son Dinh Lien were murdered. The second son, Dinh Toan, took over as Emperor Dinh Phe. At that time, Dinh Toan was only 6 years old, so all power was concentrated in the hands of the regent, Thap Dao General Le Hoan. VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS TIEN LE DYNASTY (980 - 1009) L- LE DAI HANH (980-1005) At that time, the Tong Dynasty heard that Dinh Tien Hoang had passed away, so they sent troops to invade our country. With the support of Queen Mother Duong Van Nga, the court proclaimed Le Hoan to the throne, that is, Dai Hanh Emperor. With his talent, he led the army to defeat the Song Dynasty invaders. He was a person who had great contributions in "Resisting Tong and Binh Chiem" to keep the country peaceful. L- LE TRUNG TONG (1005) After Le Dai Hanh died, his children fought for the throne, leading to internecine rivalry. Le Long Viet, after defeating Long Ngan, ascended the throne as emperor, known as Le Trung Tong. But just 3 days later, his brother Le Long Dinh ordered an assassination. L- LE NGOA TRIEU (1005-1009) After killing his brother Le Long Viet. Le Long Dinh ascended the throne, known as Le Ngoa Trieu. He is recorded in history books as a lustful, brutal and cruel person. Due to debauchery, Long Dinh became seriously ill and died in 1009, ending the pre-Le dynasty. LY DYNASTY (1009 - 1225) L- LY THAI TO (1009-1028) In 1009, Le Long Dinh died, with the support of the Queen's mandarin Dao Cam Moc and Su Van Hanh, the mandarins promoted the mandarin Ta body guard of the front palace, commander of the envoy Ly Cong Uan, to the throne, that is, Ly Thai To. He moved the capital to Thang Long and named the reign Thuan Thien. L- LY THAI TONG (1028-1054) In 1028, Ly Thai To passed away. Crown Prince Ly Phat Ma, with the support of the Martial Guard general Le Phung Hieu, suppressed the Tam Kings rebellion and ascended the throne as Emperor, that is, Ly Thai Tong. VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS |~ LY THANH TONG (1054-1072) In 1054, Ly Thai Tong died, crown prince Ly Nhat Ton succeeded the emperor, that is Ly Thanh Tong. He is an outstandingly talented king and has a generous heart. Internally he stabilized the situation, externally he focused on expanding the territory. L- LY NHAN TONG (1072-1127) In 1072, Ly Thai Tong died. Crown Prince Ly Can Duc ascended the throne when he was only 7 years old, known as Ly Nhan Tong. He is considered a wise man of the Ly dynasty. Thanks to the help of Thai Phi Y Lan as Regent, along with the support of Grand Master Ly Dao Thanh and Father of the Kingdom Ly Thuong Kiet, Dai Viet became a powerful empire with 2 attacks. L- LY THAN TONG (1127-1137) In 1127, Ly Nhan Tong died, and his son, crown prince Ly Duong Hoan, succeeded him, known as Ly Than Tong. During his reign, he attacked Chan Lap and Thanh, forcing these two countries to pay tribute. He is also the king associated with the human anecdote "The King turned into a tiger". t~ LY ANH TONG (1138-1175) In 1138, King Ly Than Tong died, and was succeeded by his second son, Crown Prince Ly Thien To, also known as Ly Anh Tong. L- LY CAO TONG (1175-1210) In 1175, King Ly Anh Tong died, his second son, Crown Prince Ly Long Can, with the support of Consort To Hien Thanh, ascended the throne, that is, Ly Cao Tong. The king is a person who, on the inside, likes to drink, have fun, and hunt, and on the outside, likes money and building palaces. |~ LY HUE TONG (1210-1224) In 1210, Ly Cao Tong died, and his son, crown prince Ly Sam, ascended the throne, known as Ly Hue Tong. Ly Hue Tong ascended the throne while the country was in turmoil caused by his father Cao Tong. He had to rely on the Tran family's power to maintain his throne. VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS | LY CHIEU HOANG (1224-1225) In 1224, Tran Thu Do forced King Hue Tong to become a monk to give the throne to his young daughter, Ly Chieu Hoang. Under the direction of Tran Thu Do, Ly Chieu Hoang took Tran Canh as Tran Thu Do's nephew. On October 21, At Dau year (November 22, 1225), Ly Chieu Hoang issued a decree ceding the throne to Tran Canh. On December 1 of the same year (December 31, 1225), Chieu Hoang officially took off his royal robe and invited Tran Canh to become emperor, ending 216 years of 11 reigns of the Ly Dynasty, opening the era of the Tran Dynasty. TRAN DYNASTY (1225 - 1400) L- TRAN THAI TONG (1225-1258) It was Tran Thu Do's direction that brought Tran Canh to the throne and opened the Tran dynasty. While in office, he led the people against the first invasion of the Mongol army. L- TRAN THANH TONG (1258-1278) In 1258, King Thai Tong ceded the throne to his son Tran Hoang, also known as Tran Thanh Tong, to become Thai Thuong Emperor. He is a kind and peaceful king. |~ TRAN NHAN TONG (1278-1293) In 1278, King Thanh Tong ceded the throne to his son Tran Kham, also known as Tran Nhan Tong, while he retired to become Thai Thuong Emperor and study Buddhism. L- TRAN ANH TONG (1293-1314) In 1293, after defeating the Mongol invaders, King Nhan Tong returned as Thai Thuong Hoang to give the throne to his son Tran Thuyen, also known as Tran Anh Tong. L- TRAN MINH TONG (1314-1329) In 1314, King Anh Tong ceded the throne to his son Tran Manh, also known as Tran Minh Tong, who retired as Thai Thuong Emperor. He continued the tradition of his predecessors, valuing scholars, so the country had many talented people to help. VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS |~— TRAN HIEN TONG (1329-1341) In 1329, Tran Minh Tong retired as Thai Thuong Emperor, ceding the throne to his second son, Tran Vuong, also known as Tran Hien Tong. He is considered a king who "takes for granted" because the real power is held by Emperor Minh Tong. L- TRAN DU TONG (1341-1369) In 1341, King Hien Tong died without any descendants, so Thai Thuong Hoang Minh Tong appointed his 10th son, Hien Tong's younger brother Tran Hao, as king, Tran Du Tong. L- TRAN NGHE TONG (1370-1372) Tran Phu, Du Tong's brother, conspired to depose Nhat Le to become emperor, Tran Nghe Tong. L- TRAN DUE TONG (1372-1377) In 1372, Nghe Tong ceded the throne to his younger brother Tran Kinh, also known as Due Tong, then retired to become Thai Thuong Emperor. L- TRAN PHE DE (1377-1388) In 1377, King Due Tong personally led 120,000 troops to attack Champa. Because he despised the enemy, the king fell into an ambush trap and died. Thai Thuong Emperor Nghe Tong mourned and established Tran Hien, the son of King Due Tong, as emperor, aka Tran Phe De. L- TRAN THUAN TONG (1388-1398) Because Emperor Pho knew of Ho Quy Ly's ambition, he secretly sought to eliminate it. Quy Ly found out and had bad luck with Emperor Nghe Tong. Nghe Tong listened and abolished Emperor Phe and put his youngest son, Tran Ngung, on the throne, Tran Thuan Tong. |~— TRAN THIEU DE (1398-1400) In 1398, Ho Quy Ly forced King Thuan Tong to cede the throne to his 2-year-old son, Tran An, also known as Emperor Thieu. Ho Quy Ly usurped the throne, ending 175 years of Tran Dynasty rule. VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS HO DYNASTY (1400 - 1407) | HO QUY LY (1400-1401) In 1400, Ho Quy Ly usurped the throne of his grandson Tran Thieu De, founded the Ho Dynasty and named the country Dai Ngu. L- HO HAN THUONG (1401-1407) In 1401, Ho Quy Ly ceded the throne to his son Ho Han Thuong and then retired to become Thai Thuong Emperor. In 1406, the Ming Dynasty, using the excuse of "supporting Tran to destroy Ho", sent troops to attack Dai Ngu. Father and son of the Ho family could not resist the enemy's strength. In 1407, Ho Quy Ly and his father were captured and killed. LATER TRAN DYNASTY (1407 - 1409) L- GIAN DINH DE (1407 - 1409) In 1407, after the Ming army captured the Ho Dynasty's Dai Ngu country, Tran Ngo, the son of King Nghe Tong, fled to Mo Do, Truong Yen. Here he proclaimed himself king, known as Gian Dinh De, and led the army to recapture land from the Ming Dynasty, restoring the Tran Dynasty. L- TRUNG QUANG DE (1409 - 1413) In 1409, the Tran Dynasty gradually became divided. Some dissatisfied generals left and welcomed Tran Quy Khoang, Nghe Tong's grandson, to Nghe An to become king, known as Trung Quang De. After that, Emperor Trung Quang sent troops to attack Gian Dinh Emperor and crowned him as Thai Thuong Hoang. * FOURTH PERIOD OF NORTHERN DOMINATION (602 - 905) sss LATER LE DYNASTY - EARLY LE DYNASTY (1428 - 1527) -- LE THAI TO (1428 - 1433) L- LE NHAN TONG (1442 - 1459) VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS L- LE THAI TO (1428 - 1433) L- LE NHAN TONG (1442 - 1459) L- LE THANH TONG (1460 - 1497) L- LE HIEN TONG (1497 - 1504) L- LE THAI TO (1428 - 1433) | LE TUC TONG (1504) I~ LE UY MUC (1505 - 1509) L- LE TUONG DUC (1509 - 1516) L- LE CHIEU TONG (1516 - 1522) L- LE CUNG HOANG (1552 - 1527) ’ LATER LE DYNASTY - LE TRUNG HUNG (1527 - 1592) / SOUTHERN - NORTHERN DYNASTIES NORTHERN DYNASTY L- MAC DANG DUNG (1527 - 1529) L- MAC DANG DOANH (1529 - 1540) L- MAC PHUC HAI (1540 - 1546) I~ MAC PHUC NGUYEN (1546 - 1561) L- MAC MAU HOP (1560 - 1592) L- MAC TOAN (1592 - 1593) SOUTHERN DYNASTY |— LE TRANG TONG (1533 - 1548) L- LE TRUNG TONG (1548 - 1556) L- LE ANH TONG (1556 - 1573) L- LE THE TONG (1573 - 1599) VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS 1 LATER LE DYNASTY - LE TRUNG HUNG (1593 - 1778) / OUTER DYNASTIES - INNER DYNASTIES LE TRUNG HUNG L- LE KINH TONG (1599 - 1619) |- LE THAN TONG (1619 - 1643 AND 1649 - 1662) L- LE CHAN TONG (1643 - 1649) L- LE HUYEN TONG (1663 - 1671) L- LE GIA TONG (1672 - 1675) L- LE HY TONG (1675 - 1705) | LE DU TONG (1705 - 1729) L- LE DUY PHUONG (1729 - 1732) |~ LE THUAN TONG (1732 - 1735) [- LE Y TONG (1735 - 1740) L- LE HIEN TONG (1740 - 1786) -- LE MAN DE (1787 - 1788) TRINH LORDS ON THE OUTER | BINH AN VUONG - TRINH TUNG (1623 - 1652) | THANH DO VUONG - TRINH TRANG (1623 - 1652) L- TAY DO VUONG - TRINH TAC (1653 - 1682) t— DINH VUONG - TRINH CAN (1682 - 1709) [- AN DO VUONG - TRINH CUONG (1709 - 1729) L- UY NAM VUONG - TRINH GIANG (1729 - 1740) VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS -t- MINH DO VUONG - TRINH DOANH (1740 - 1767) |_ TINH DO VUONG - TRINH SAM (1767 - 1782) -- DOAN NAM VUONG - TRINH KHAI (1782 - 1786) L- AN DO VUONG - TRINH BONG (1787 - 1788) NGUYEN LORDS IN THE -INNER L- SAI VUONG - NGUYEN PHUC NGUYEN (1613 - 1635) [- THUONG VUONG - NGUYEN PHUC LAN (1635 - 1648) | HIEN VUONG - NGUYEN PHUC TAN (1648 - 1687) L- NGHIA VUONG - NGUYEN PHUC THAI (1687 - 1691) \— MINH VUONG - NGUYEN PHUC CHU (1691 - 1725) | NINH VUONG - NGUYEN PHUC THU (1725 - 1738) [- VO VUONG - NGUYEN PHUC KHOAT (1738 - 1765) |. DINH VUONG - NGUYEN PHUC THUAN (1765 - 1777) TAY SON DYNASTY |_ THAI DUC (1778 - 1788) L_ QUANG TRUNG (1788 - 1792) t~ CANH THINH (1793 - 1802) VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS ? NGUYEN DYNASTY - THE PERIOD OF INDEPENDENCE (1802 - 1883) t- GIA LONG (1802 - 1820) In 1777, Nguyen Anh, a descendant of Lord Nguyen in Dang Trong, escaped from the pursuit of the Tay Son army. He lived in exile in Siam for a while. With the help of Siam and France, in 1802 Nguyen Anh gathered forces to capture Nam Ha, then defeated the Tay Son Dynasty to establish the Nguyen Dynasty, unifying the vast country from South to North. He became emperor, Gia Long, and named the country Vietnam. t~ MINH MANG (1820 - 1840) In 1820, King Gia Long died of serious illness, and his son Nguyen Phuc Dam took over, known as Minh Mang. He is an intelligent and decisive king. -— THIEU TRI (1841 - 1847) At the end of 1820, King Minh Mang died and his eldest son, Nguyen Phuc Mien Tong, took over, known as Thieu Tri. L- TU DUC (1847 - 1883) In 1847, King Thieu Tri died and his second son, Nguyen Phuc Hong Nham, ascended the throne. | NGUYEN DYNASTY - FRENCH COLONIAL PERIOD (1883 - 1945) I- DUC DUC (3 DAYS, 1883) L- HIEP HOA (6 MONTHS, 1883) L- KIEN PHUC (1883 - 1884) L- HAM NGHI (1884 - 1885) L- DONG KHANH (1885 - 1888) \_ THANH THAI (1889 - 1907) L— DUY TAN (1907 - 1916) L- KHAI DINH (1916 - 1925) L- BAO DAI (1926 - 1945) VIETNAMESE HISTORY OVER 4000 YEARS REFORM PERIOD (1945 - PRESENT) The Democratic Republic of Vietnam with capital is Hanoi. DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM (1945 - 1976) In 1945, under the leadership of Nguyen Ai Quoc, our army and people defeated the French imperialists and fascist Japan. On September 2, 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read the declaration of independence at Ba Dinh Square, giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam with Hanoi as its capital. SOCIALIST REPUBLIC OF VIETNAM (1976 - PRESENT) In 1954, the Democratic Republic of Vietnam defeated the will of the French colonialists to invade a second time with a resounding Dien Bien Phu victory across five continents, forcing France to sit at the table to sign the Geneva Accords recognizing independence and sovereignty and withdrawing its troops. Indo-Chinese. Also in this year, America replaced France and jumped into the South, establishing the puppet government of the Republic of Vietnam. After waging many wars without winning, in 1973 the US was forced to sit at the table to sign the Paris Agreement. This agreement is meaningful for the US to withdraw from South Vietnam with honor. In 1975, the Southern Liberation Army launched a general attack and uprising in Saigon, overthrowing the Republic of Vietnam government and reunifying the country. In 1976, the country's official name was the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, the Vietnam Labor Party was changed to the Communist Party of Vietnam, the capital was Hanoi, and Saigon was renamed Ho Chi Minh City.

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