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JEWISH CRITICS OF ZIONISM A TESTAMENTARY ESSAY 2 sews cntmcs oF ONS EARLY JEWISH CRITICS OF ZIONISM See ei nen unto ‘Sg Iason” to cl Welt Caen. SF {elec crim ol {ging amet ofthe caning commen fhe poi npc The maj of he Toi pepe eed a "top oes not go the way af ac pn at the way of power, nF» pea poral enagh can wh pany ‘Ths he tas hat we df gh Eny in my We ~ Jewish eri of Zion Let me say A cutght ~ I am a Jewith ete of Zionism (rabid, aguesv,seculat “Jewish” patil Zonism) and were it possible toy {Hat Tam extreme Jewish enti of Zionism, wood unkesitaingly sy s9, except that belive that in moral sues ere of Immoral eat be a Fence ster ora compromise, He must all a spade a spade. For when 2 Jewish ee of Zionism gies a% tcount of conquets,orcupstions, rarer, naaiming exling possi ofthe subjuated Innocent Arab population, of of torturing suspected Resbtance Feber (lerodt, the Zonsts al thm, o of dyraiting Arab homes an vilgs, no honest oberver ean alt dramataing shelve, hating, anti Semite, exis ‘ioyalty. On the contrary, the rorlimperatie = eal tthe prophetic nda of the Jew — demands the exposing o he moral nd itumon ‘deods practiced inthe manifestation of the deadence(Aegeneration) of adam in our time by mised Jews. [became Jewish cic of Zoniem when {was a young stent t the Zionist Hebrew Gyrmasia Heras in Jacl Av the year 19081913. Afr having been brought up in my grandaters Ihome in Jersalem on universal, this, humane, prophetic dain ‘wat sincere homes, genuine traitional orthodox, sholry dew), e008 not stomach the dally prachings of Amaynooh, Artzaynook, Moladty- ‘noo, (Ou talon, ovr country, ou Bepace by obt hyper ational, royimaing, Zionist Hebrew teacher. NOt one of the sodents at the CGyrnasis Hera’ was born in Arab Palatine: we all came to Palestine Som Russ, Poland, Rumanit, Gala ele. erefiuget or nmgrants The hated and contempt for goyim (gents) ~ Arabs in out case ~ was Iatioal and inkuman, My laches didnot succead in incl seas concerned All, it In 1913, when | raduated from the Gymnas Heri, was the ony fone 10 migrate to the United States becnie {wanted to wpport myself nd be independent. I eased to secept any scholarhip offered me by the ‘Gyrasa to go to sty where they could supersize my dongs. "After the Balfour Declaration in 1917, the year 1 graduated feom New York Univesity, 1 became more diznchanted wth practical “ew: ish” nationainm as it was manifeed in the borcaus ofthe Zions, Organization of Amica and allot the wold. As | grew into mathood and became 3 world traveller wilh my som Yehudh, and could ds etch the tragedy of rsnking after World Wat 1 a a rel of inane politial rationom, | became 2 more intents cil: of Zionism, When time permite, 1 plunged into a rscach study of Judsiam ant deided Ait The Decadence of Judsiom tn Dur Tine. Today, atthe age of 80,1 must confess that t9 me the question of the decadence, the degeneration, of Judie and ofthe maoriy of the Jews of ou time, transcends all ees iteration) problems. Zionism 9 10°is manifested inthe natinalsocaist expansionist ambitions of 3 Greater Brett Israel empire under the excuse of "secure boundaries” har ‘become unwittingly the most dangerous world ase Between the United States andthe Sovet Union, a8 2 reiltof Zionist machinations ia the United States ~ thee propaga, tcc hold on the Jewish voter snd ‘more importantly. on fewtsh contbutlons to plieal eampaiges. The lone Jews must ve their “lipop;” thle "Jewish land, which asa result of easy mig vietries hs exalted ito an ambition of 2 Greater Fret lirel empire, 0 aecondance wih the Seventyfive year old grind. design of De. Herd ~ tad if mo the ‘alone “Tolipap” then an apocalyptic, catastrophic “Anmapeddn,” ‘nthe spirit of bind Sanson who pulls down the hese. {Tam man posed by thi mastous Jewish problem: how long an the atropant, greedy and anachonistic nationalistic cldren ofthe ‘ est crs OF 2081S 3000 year-old cvlenton of prophetic Judaism continue tobe mised into worshipping ter natioaliie Moloch, so ate is history afte national — ‘clas in Germany has learned the hard way, indeed, predatory poltstnationaliem doesnot py inthe end afc, lof he Wester. political raioalistolonisis and imperialists of England, France, Spain, aly, Holland ele, have ered the hard way and have paid dealy for tho insane tlgion of the nineteenth and twentieth oles and it serial offerings f the youth of each country. The ‘Geant, 8 atecomes, hav repented; so did the Bethe and Freeh men who, a late a 1956, tied to rostablih imperialism in Egy, in fallson ' widh Ben Guron’s Zionist expansionist Isl. May of Zionism redeem the name ofFudsism 304 of the Jews, iu inthe “Diaspora, pariaaty among bring the Jewish people back to morally, humanity, jie, and above ll to genine, sincere repentance. Zions lat ust be made fo withdraw completely rom is newly eonqutedertores in 1967; mst repent fn mike amends, and ty hard to ive fn peace wih fs one hundred tillion Ars geighbor, and Ive inside ts United Nason lflotted nation: Slate ~ 2 sll aston “olpop”,rasly donated to the Jewish immigrants i 1947-1988 atthe expense of the Arabs, One ofthe high points in the teaching of prpbeue Joi i: “In the place where 1 ‘epeatant an sas, even the completely righteous man cannot stand (ihe Tamed) ‘The Frophels Wor the Fit Jesh Cites of Zionism Fram the very bfltang of Jewish History dere have been confit between the leaders of “Brash” poiieal ational and the Jewish ties of *Jewith” polite! nationals (ionsm). Prophetic Suds was preeminent among, and peculiar Yo the atceat Hebrews, and the tah tons of prophet Judaism came down tivough the ages, constant volving and blag applid to the deut and tic le of a people Sommoned tobe mane ethical snd jet wer al creunstanes, Lat me quote the piace of all Hebrew weiter and philosophers of modern tines, te father of te now moribund Spiritual Zionism, Ahad Hota. ey “Priest and Prophet” (1893), hep ths way [ATESTAMENTARY ESSAY s ter aan te af aloes tne had de phe men Show emu te UC of an embod ea at ecnsneny amare the sce! cbs teat popes, fis Tl ao regs nd orcas wt weteaaaeacincaees neste gaia Se oh ccm taee Eines bese Peer eee ioe esis ee (ie, et ey ric tc pon ey too ‘tonal Bsame Kind of corllary to tel himbamentl AB trough the Hy of aca Jeidh ans, the proriets Sage tink pone sonny ery tne ty tnd Ene, mosty fo Spend and pty ear tats evry tnt tho Wig ps ote pale seems (ie proteins tals pated th elecine apenas estate Mo wr Pram’ Babrs eprint brought dome apen Thomas te wah ad dana he pops ar spy ou, ou ons of he Hoe of obo es of the Hao oe a ‘Sho tie. ond pone alo tt ah Zon wth oe nd Sua wi i Tor sat Zo for ora ped are fod Jota sete opt Qu. Ad wl te pris ned th poole and hoe tlie wi Gls lp thy Tout usd to evi he pee of malty hey me ed Tint evs poop tn Gad wine oe Fae of al mal, sot de ews mete: the ee of Eo ant me ‘nn ‘Te 00 question thatthe it, malate popes wer Seth cit of Zein But oe ca, a bosom Ale ces Sedma tha Mas os "ep te pote and ere ttc ty ti acs ws the hs le ene of Zon ie, Rowe nud ave To det the steno of he valet Bie Sen wonder ay on Mans (108) in eo in gah aang, ‘ sas cums. OF 2108194 epi and gl a get gh om th sr ft hat he Fr Lalptconh, Nanci (he Torah came dows inthe for af cnet “cilt) tome of which were hundred of yet apart, many of them onuadicory and repetitious ~ the barbarous elements were often Sahel 10 and even Wentifled with the aoblestteaclngs the predatory “Jewish” nationale ones were covered up sastifed and labled with the sme presentation: “The Lord spoke to Moses, or "So Motes a the Lords bidding irate the elie, yng.” et us remember hat pists aod milan leaders have quoted 20d ed the Tor, ab Ben Gusion has ben quoting and using he Bible, ora the del dors. Anyhow, the Moses we admire and adore suey give the Jesh pope, and this to humanity, the Ten Commandments: "You shall ‘not murder. You sal ot steal. You sal ot covet. Thee shall tbe one law fr the citizen and for the stranger tht dels song Yo. ase, jstie, you shall pursue .. You sal not respect the strong ‘You shall not wrong the siesager "Ths i prophesy nd itis cquilent to the preaching of & Jowsh eile of Zlonian ~ scale, “wish” nationlisn ~ decrying being “tke the other mations” ~ depraved and predntory. ‘The Eighteen Hundred Year of No“ewish" Poliieal Nationalism and No Sewish Cites of Zionin Peace call Menichem Beis dormant cghten hunded years hat ‘sed in Jewish history before "the new specimen of liging Jew" was feboin ~ a specimen completely unknown fo the world Jor oer eighcen Iundred years After the fll and destruction of Jerusalem 70 CE, nd of the lait orifed town of Bata (132-138), Jewish political atonaiam, ‘ded maura death. 'The way of the spict was entered upon by the thule of Moses, Amos, Hose, Isaiah, Eze, Miah and Jeremiah — Rabbi Johanan Ben Zaal opened the school of with studies in Yavaeh, ‘wits the permission ofthe Roman gneal Vespasian, and Yavaeh took the place of Beta in the hearts and minds ofthe teatered Jew allover the ‘wold. The rab, the Yeshiah (choo! of Jewish Talmudic studls) and ‘he syogogue became the center and content of splitual feof the Jew Bee ny Mm of Mom ame own te ae in he fo fat _ATESTAMENTARY ESSAY 7 luring the eighteen hundred year — unt the lactezath century. “Not by ‘Bight, nor by power bul by my sii,” was he plooply ie ‘During the long Tanke era presided over by the nonpofesons rabbis (reat schol whe, om principe, sported themscles 8 wood ‘hoppes, lakzaiths tall, tnaes, waters ..) and later in the bhetes of Europe in the larg dark ages of medieval, uncivilized Chistian Europe, the Jews ausantly hoped and prayed for one thing the eal tation of the prophet ideal inthe entire world, That was he essence of trae Judatielovisess, The ChurehStse ruled and exploited poor humanity, Genes no les than Jews, by "vine right. I was encrusted with compton and immoral. Notun he sevententh snd eghteath nore dd the ped of humane nationalism ari he coaleat ofthe Spe of ealghtennent,Hberlis and Wolerane. [Natioalm, al that tne, was 3 movement for the aserton of individual Hbexy' and the frsing of the mind from the abakles of Utaditional suthoaty, for an open so:ety In conaet with sila open foclte. In Is begining, natinalisn was a deeply humseitaran move ‘ment; twas unthinkable that "Patherands” could war gaint each ober ‘Aller 1848, oatonalim became an inswueent In the hands of les, {oneal and adventurers ofthe nationstates and “grdatea” into pol {nl alionalism ~ dopraved, predator, facil polite nations. To fetum to out Thee? unl the nnetesnth century there was no ews” poll nationalism (Zionism) bees there were vo such rabid eas as snes politcl nationalism, and therefore ther was no such thing a 3 Sewih iti of Zionism, “The Age of Univeral Sclfebnest: Europe's Nineteen Palial Natonaiem Gives Ui Nationals Zionism) “The crcl and immoral age of isan plitcl nationals in Europe te wae marifeued in the frtdeial wats inside Europe and in the ‘conilinpeial conquests oreseas by England, Fraee Helland, Spin, Ports, ty, Bolg and then the neweoer Prusinized Gemany, ‘can be Best undesood by reading a ew exafpes of brazen and shameless ‘sclaratons ofthe German politcal rationals, newcomers, who expres Sed the gene philosophy af expansionist palit! natinaisn of all the blooly smpize bulders of Europe: "We tach that ifthe welfare of ovr Fathead should require conquest, subjugation, dispossesion, extern Century Rabid to Tropic Insane “Jewish” Plea! 4 semsu CRIMES OF OMI sation of foreign ratloas, we aust tot be detered by Chistian o homaalarin qualms ... itis necesary tat our (national) evasion bull its temple on a mountain of eoipes onan orn of tar, and onthe death nes of men without suber." “Despite all step o outlaw i, wari sl aw of mature which maybe challenged but not eliminated, it serves thesia ofthe ace and sae, or the assurance of fs historical tue. This gh moral purpose ‘ites wars toa erate nd ls eth justification." Hier put it more simply and brutally: “Close your heats pity ‘Act brutal. The stronger man is right..." Lebensraum was the cove of the colnilitimperas's “teipon", and Wer, the lucas simply asked is people to do wha all thers ai, only aghly les brut, all (re the word. The war ofthe Nazis which devasated and imporerthed the whole wor finaly opened the eyes of poor mised humanity about the Ynsaniy, abwodity, nhumoayand emptiness of content of the ‘eign of paliteal atlonalsm. A ew wold order, 2 ew Europe, a more mane ad feral worlds now gradual. though play, beng bor fut of the ere of » cetury of lemecis rationalise Blood baths. Poople are now bepinlng to” demand ineyated soereigntes, supa: ‘ational poieal ar wll st economic unions, in order to prove the ot of the indvdon! and the clizens of the wo, in accordance with the Jadeo Chistian ethical standards, all of whch have evalved fiom prope te Jodie. ‘Als, the “Jewish” politcal nationals (the Zionists) have wal lowed the whole hog of the peeing secular ational of tele ploeteenth century pesccutots, and lke them, hve become inspired and ‘obsessed by the “acted egoem” of a grasping, expanding, conquering poll maiontism. Although today, in our postWorld War ea, the Whole wold now repudiates the old word oder, Zionism wil ot badge fiom is old, anachronistic grand designs, and wll not dsevow,dsowa, ad repudiate the old inane “lewish” political, nalionl progam of creating rom a land that Belongs tothe indigenous Arab population of Palestine a “Jewish” nation stat, ingatherng int the Jes of the wold and thas creating a Greater Ere Ie epi. yen Geman Meh Command ie Team Cotas The Pan ofthe “The Greatest Jesh Critic of Zionism, Ahad Ha'am, Faier of Sista! “ionam, Confronts Theodor Herd, Father of Politiesl Zionism at he Very Firat World lonst Congres (1897) ‘Te wotd Zionism once had quite a diferent meaing than plist Zionism, just 35 nationalism once had quite diferent and conuary reaning than poileal nationalism. There were the “Choveseh Zion” (Lovers of Zig) several deedes before Dr. Theodor Hera appeared onthe scene, Rabbi Kalsher was the Iader of this spctal movement At the sme tine there emerged the eat and gable Hebrew wer and philo- Sopher, Aad Ha'am His Ziolsm was spiiual Zionism and the goal of ths movement was to regenerate the gheto Jew from his depaded sates 83 lyfmensoh tuough te creating of a spltal easter in ad Palestine ‘wher the Jew should les oul the soll, work, eg his self spect and ‘goty, and thus etait a new Jewish ie bated on prophetic dsm. “This center would In turn exert 9 spiualfflasnoe onthe Jews inthe thettos sad eaewher Political Zionism officlly dates back 19 1897 when De. Theodor Hea, sn AusuoHlungaan jotralis, assembled the Fst World Zionist Congres in Basel, Switzrand and declared: "We are here today ty the {oundaton stone ofthe house which to sel the Jewish nation “Zionem seeks to secure forthe Jewish aon a publelyeecgazed legally secure home (o homeland) in Falestia.” ‘Soon after the Fist Zionist Congress, Hera's adver, David “Test tld hi: 1 vl gs 1078 com aan tis 10 the “Creer ‘You ia tot got on lin Se nto tnd of 35:00, None ‘Another adver, the rac mystic, guide and teacher of Heal, the Reverend Hechler, falc hs Petine mp a suc oe) by te iu"Te nomen tage se Bac ana ig Cpe rs anny nests te Suc Cota Ov ‘ites Pau € bn Sloman ‘When Hera’ clleague Profesor Max Norduo heard for the fi tine that there wan Arab population ia Palestine, he ran to Hera ‘ying: "Ji Rot Know that; Bu thea, we are comantting an insti!” Jems CRIMES OF ZIONS Hera gave him the sem eaten, eral wind 40 negoite with the Buch Colonial Miniter Chanberin about sig ew setdemen in Cys, “om which the Jew might then tae Palestine by fre a it wat taken rom CChamberai replied: “Cyprus inhabited by Gresks and lems wim we could not eit forthe sake of newcomers Ifthe Gress were oss 2 Jewish immigation, he dfieules would be insuperable”, ‘eral firth cords in his "Dia: “Not everyting in politics s Aisclsed to the pubic but only ress. | them unfolded my plan = fe rillion pounds; the Gress woul lady sl tei lands at & good price and migrate 0 Athens or Crete" He then ssked the King of Waly for ‘Tripoli, 2s he asked Chambers for Cyprus, to which the young king replied: fae encore east dl alt (Bu til someone ees home") ere is another precious quote from Herds "Diaries": "Nols is everything! In truth nolse amouols to a grest deal. A sstined noise in itelf «noteworthy fet. Word history nothing but gos: le of sms ‘and of advancing ides. Men must put ole 1 46 ‘efor he died in 1904, entered the Flowing in his “Dir “lev that sll be named among the gest benefactors of making, ths fetng of mine the begining of delusions of grandeur” Hera ‘wat a meylomaniv suffering alo fom paranoia. To the ions he ot ‘une, the athe of Ziel Before cominving with the fllower of Herd, 1 mist stop hete to ste spa the get Jewish ete of Zink ad of Hee, Aad init Compe, but ever aga would tend any other Zionist Congress duiag the hftime. of Br. Hera Immediately after the fist Zionist Congtss, Aa Hava lashed out at pol Zils wth she flowing onion ‘hn thes of chron hope ib Sp Th ‘Bhan fat ie Jw pep Wil eae tog pe fit nd not hong diploma One tng eae ence sepe et mie we he til oh ‘toma si eT 8 a bern om etsy “ Yeam later, after Ahad Mam seed in Palestine and saw the A TESTAMUNTARY ESSAY 4" bloody rests ofthe pursuit of polis! Zionism, be avesed ve opea (Haaretz, one ofthe Hebrew dae in Palestine, pars it have we saved Grom on vaction 0 he esis ‘four popel whch we ac ng ethan on ag rad ot ‘ur te fo sehen Ou a Og aad won a at ‘Siren othe wad daring thos yen tat we hed sree hued ot pp oe ena ‘rma he nd fn our tf ee ga Ye eh ar ay hrs Used? And now Gal hav stole to ve Wad fe ‘Mw dow ao ot wu nce inconnng.

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