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Scanned with CamScanner Heavy Metals Metallic elements which have a high atomic weight and Cease Suimesnne one There are more than 20 heavy metals, but four are of particular concern to human health: lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), mercury (Hg), and arsenic (As). These four heavy metals are highly toxic and can cause damaging effects even at very low concentrations. Scanned with CamScanner BECAUSE...... * The air that we breath is full of toxic metals * The food is full of metal related toxins * The Ground water is full of metals wee N Deseo THEY ARE PRIMARILY RESPONSIBLE FOR CHRONIC DISEASES LIKE ISCHEAMIC HEART DISEASE, DIABETES, STROKE , HYOERTENTION, PERIPHERAL VASCULAR DISEASE, ETC Scanned with CamScanner TOXIC METAL BINDING TO LIGAND Functional metatoprotem, - [Normal metabolic roceses =o cd zn fan Nature Reviews | (Harison 2007) Scanned with CamScanner Ignored Medical literature Providing Clues to Solutions + Cumulative low-level lead exposures are associated with elevated blood pressure and thereby may increase the risk of atherosclerotic cardiovascular disea Cheng etal. 2001, + The coronary arteries are also thickened and mortality, from cardiovascular disease is elevated in arsenic-exposed populations in Taiwan. ‘Tseng et al, 2003 + High evels of arsenic exposure were also associated with thickening of the arteries in the hearts of children who. died from arsenic poisoningin Northern chile Rosenberg 1974 Scanned with CamScanner More ignored Medical Literature... *+ One survey of 1185 people with well water contaminated with arsenic from 0-2389 ppb (median 2 ppb) self-reported significantly more depression, hypertension, circulatory problems, and cardiac bypass surgery when water levels of As were between 2-10 ppb compared to < 2 ppb. Zierold et al. 2004 Scanned with CamScanner + An ongoing study of over 1800 men in Finland has reported an association between mercury ind risk of myocardial infarction and More rere ignored * In their first report in 1995, after 7 years of " follow up, men with hair mercury levels. Medical ‘exceeding 2 ppm had a 2-fold higher risk of Lite rature myocardial infarction than those men with the c 5 lowest hair mercury levels, after adjusting for age and other risk factors. Salonen et al. 1995 Scanned with CamScanner + The men in the highest mercury exposure group also had a 2.9-fold increased risk of - cardiovascular death compared with those with More lower hair mercury content. ignored + Arecent update of the Finnish study, after an sieht average 14 year follow up, finds that higher hair Medical mercury levels were associated with 60% ae increased risk of acute myocardial infarction and literature... 38% increased risk of death from any cause over an average 14 year period of follow up. Virtanen et al. 2005 Scanned with CamScanner ignored Medical Literature + 8.2002 study of 684 European and Israeli men with frst diagnosis of myocardial infarction reported that the mercury content of their toenails (used as an integrated measure of mercury exposure over time) was significantly higher than the mercury levels in a matched control population. Guallar et al, 2002 Scanned with CamScanner NOEL No Observable Effect Level Praia vironmental Protection Agency PR Ree uae iene ree eo clea Scanned with CamScanner Effect level To understand the effects of chronic exposure to low levels of lead, Or Mark Lustberg, of the University of Maryland School of Medicine, and Dr Ellen Silbergeld, of Johns Hopkins University, compared data gathered from the 2000 census in the US, and the massive ‘Third National Health and Nutrition Examination ‘Survey (NHANES-III), Scanned with CamScanner NOEL No Observable Effect Level ‘orma’ less than 90 mest blood lad eves Aeteanad inlet of coctovasulor Scanned with CamScanner + From this they concluded that there is no safe level of lead. AVE} - Lead at any level contributes to increased ff 7 disease-related mortality—especially from heart aie Roe) disease, cancer and other degenerative disorders seen in aging. Scanned with CamScanner Eseerieiiet Disa eA nteater Lay OP NieyaitntE Es Scanned with CamScanner Heart Disease is the Leading Cause of Death in the United States, Stroke is Third _ Scanned with CamScanner ance rocau? Cholesterol is Not a Reliable Predictor for Stroke LDL Cholesterol i orteroauy 5! ons (lm No Stroke Total Cholesterol! [Ml stroke Scanned with CamScanner Blood lead associated with : Ml and Stroke aaa ee Scanned with CamScanner Blood lead associated with MI and Stroke Bier) Scanned with CamScanner WM lelre) evidence + Mercury promotes the production of free radicals..and may bind selenium [so that it] cannot serve as a cofactor for glutathione peroxidase. + Mercury may...inactivate the antioxidant properties of glutathione, catalase, and superoxide dismutase. Scanned with CamScanner + Mercury may induce lipid peroxidation, and mercury levels were a strong predictor of oxidized LDL levels... * Mercury compounds can also promote platelet More aggregability and blood coagulability, inhibit Hi endothelial-cell formation and migration, and evidence affect apoptosis and the inflammatory respons¢ * Increased rates of cardiovascular disease were found in mercury-exposed workers, and mercury levels in hair predicted the progression of carotid atherosclerosis in a longitudinal study.” Scanned with CamScanner + The article found that mercury levels were directly associated with the risk of myocardial infarction (heart attacks), and that this partially No offset the protective effects of DHA derived from eating fish. Following this article The New England Journal editorialized: "The notion that methylmercury contributes to cardiovascular disease is certainly a testable hypothesis and one that warrants further testing” evidence . Scanned with CamScanner + Heavy metal overload in the walls of coronary wir arteries seems to decrease levels of nitric oxide, Jerl a compound known as "Endothelial Relaxing UncenyIng: Factor,"--without this substance normal blood anadhantas flow is impeded therefore increasing the risk of vascular blockages. Scanned with CamScanner Mechanisms of lead toxi eae aeaetcn Scanned with CamScanner ar SuiEWeEtipeiast ci Mechanisms of SoBe ntact vain lead toxicity ony eleeese Glutathione Reductase ilheduler ee eh elutes Scanned with CamScanner fate associated with cardiovascular ie/ dystunction id and ele, i OEM M nels ASSN Py ele Nic IIe) melo dial tele meee Ceres cis Of Baltimore Maryland (aged/between|50) SUN ee oie aliens Feces ators) ssh etc Eecin} Reamtesaaen) Environ Health Perspect 2005 113; 31-35) Scanned with CamScanner © ete ese | sree increased |production of homocysteine! PY uc eciteul ™ Homocysteine causes increased) intravascular binding of lead = Homocysteine stimulates the productionofy Gites estaewlese Reel tauritn Scanned with CamScanner More + Ina Harvard study the Nurses Health Study, 5 researchers mainly checked Premenopausal evidence Women and found that as the bone lead levels rise the risk of hypertension rose significantly Scanned with CamScanner + Cadmium and Mercury also synergize with lead The and cause even bigger damage in the arterial walls and other tissues f + The rise in BP levels in the young and ageing Caton AVR person termed “Essential Hypertension” has a basis in accumulative heavy metal overload underlying Scanned with CamScanner More evidence + At blood lead levels 4.0-31.1 ne/dl there is a positive association between both systolic and diastolic blood pressure and risks of both systolic. and diastolic hypertension among women aged 40- 59. NHANES Ill STUDY - JAMA 2003;289:1523-32. + Lead accumulation may be an independent risk factor for developing hypertension in men. “JAMA 1996, 275: 1171-1176. Scanned with CamScanner ‘+ Ina Normative Ageing Study conducted by the Harvard School of Public Health that looked at risk factors for hypertension, age was not a factor ‘once lead was included evidence + Advancing age simply reflects the length of time. you are exposed to the metal like lead, cadmium or Mercury Wilh) Scanned with CamScanner More evidence Inan Italian Study, heart muscle biopsy samples were taken from healthy individuals and those with arterial plaques and idiopathic cardiomyopathies Patients with arterial plaques had 5 times as much mercury as healthy subjects Patients with cardiomyopathies had 22,000 times as much It concluded that mercury adversely affects mitochondrial activity leading to pump dysfunction and heart failure -Frustaci J Am Coll Cardiol 1999;33:1578-1583. Scanned with CamScanner + In another study hair samples of 1,833 men were More taken and it was found that those who had evidence higher levels of mercury in the hair analysis had ‘twice as many heart attacks and three times as many cardiac arrests as those that had minimum amount of mercury. Scanned with CamScanner Mercury and CVD Scanned with CamScanner Sitio iter crs —HEaeuseh) Arsenic and CVD Fae ieee pacee daar 77 Seeley ERR Scanned with CamScanner These Metals are removed by a process called Chelation Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner + For vascular and degenerative disease, physicians make: Scanned with CamScanner Bio-chemical changes during SDMA sTela) Scanned with CamScanner Ser elk) PETE Acel(! coe | Roce -ale) release Pai pe Nese Bouts RoE eee ees 1d focliras Scanned with CamScanner So Chelation does the bio-chemical detoxification along with stoping various mechanisms leading to placque formation Scanned with CamScanner 3-DAY ONLINE To register go to: WORKSHOP Iniusesy/Ae4onile)) (elcid Lt a Npvonber, 2021 Pith, 1th 14th Scanned with CamScanner

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