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Name : Gabriel Christo Batuah

NIM : 231021012
Majoring : Enviromental Sanitation

Hi! I'm Gabriel Christo Batuah, but you can call me Gabriel, in line with the dormitory life
theme. This time, I want to share about my experiences in the dormitory. Ready?
Before this, I'd never stayed in a dormitory, so this is my first experience. There are so
many differences from my life at home. In one room, there can be many people. Initially, I was
alone in my room, but now it's bustling, and I have to understand their personalities and
behaviors. Also, there's a schedule for meals in the dormitory. Unlike at home where I could eat
whenever. Here, there are fixed times for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. If you're late, you miss the
meal, which was new to me. Also, every day, my room has a scheduled time to get food from the
dormitory kitchen—mine's on Wednesdays.
Since we're a mix of different religions, races, and ethnicities, every morning they perform
their prayers. Sometimes, mentors knock on doors to wake them up. It occasionally wakes me up
too, but it doesn't bother me because I can also help wake them.
Then, there's something almost everyone experiences: spooky encounters. Why do I say
almost everyone? Because it's a new place, and we're not familiar with it yet. I've had a spooky
incident. I was lying in bed, alone in the room, and the window was open around 6:00 PM. I
glimpsed a dark figure that seemed to be running quickly. I shrugged it off, trying to stay
positive about such things.
Another experience, I've met many new friends with various personalities—some
annoying, some indifferent, some introverted, and more. Despite that, we get to know and greet
each other. However, it often stops at just that—we don't become close friends. Maybe our
frequencies don't match, and in the end, in life, we only have a few true friends; the rest are just
Oh, there was also an experience where we were pranked about a missing friend, and it
taught us solidarity and caring for others. It was fun and added to the experience of having to
care for each other and uphold solidarity.
Since I'm still new, those are the experiences I've had. Perhaps in the future, there will be
more experiences. See You In the next story!

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