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First and foremost, facial recognition technology has the potential to invade individuals'

privacy on a massive scale. It allows for the continuous monitoring and tracking of
individuals without their knowledge or consent. This constant surveillance infringes upon our
fundamental right to privacy, as it undermines our ability to move freely and anonymously in
public spaces.

Furthermore, the technology is prone to errors and biases. Numerous studies have shown
that facial recognition algorithms tend to be less accurate in identifying people from certain
demographics, particularly women and ethnic minorities. This inaccuracy can result in
wrongful accusations and the targeting of innocent individuals based on flawed data. It is
unacceptable for an individual's civil liberties to be compromised due to faulty technology.

The use of facial recognition technology also opens the door to widespread data abuse.
Collecting biometric data from citizens without appropriate security measures in place poses
significant risks to personal information. There have been numerous instances of data
breaches and unauthorized access to databases, allowing sensitive personal information to
fall into the wrong hands. This not only jeopardizes individuals' privacy but also exposes
them to potential identity theft and other forms of cybercrime.

In conclusion, the government must take swift action to ban the use of facial recognition
technology in public spaces. The invasion of privacy, biased and error-prone algorithms, and
potential data abuses are grave concerns that cannot be overlooked. We must prioritize the
protection of individuals' rights and ensure that technology is used responsibly and without
compromising our basic liberties.

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