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Spider Silk

Spider silk use to catch insects. Some spiders wait for the animals to go near the silk when it

has a chance it will jump on the insect and wrap them in the web, but some spiders wait for

the insect to get trap in the web. The silk of the spider is very sticky, so big animals can also

get trap. The silk of the spiders is 30 times thinner than strand of a human hair. It is one of

the strongest threads in nature, but it is also very light. One strand of spider silks is very

expensive. One strand of spider silk is actually many strand stuck together.

Topic Sentence: There are so many interesting things about the spider’s web.

Concluding Sentence: In a nutshell, spider’s silk is very helpful, so it needs preserving.

Spiders webs are amazing, spiders need to eat to make protein and make webs, spiders

webs are made of sticky silk. Their silk is thinner than human hair 30 times. Spiders use their

webs to catch their prey. They sometimes they save the prey later so when they are hungry

they can eat it. The information has given you many facts about spider’s webs.

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