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1 10 Ww 12 13 4 15 16 Put the verbs in brackets Into the correct infinitive form or the -ing form. I'll never forget ...sailing... (sail) down the Danube on that warm spring night last year. Please don't forget John said he remembers (buy) the newspaper, but now he can't find it. Did you remember ... (post) my letters today? Gloria regrets ... .. (Shout) at her sister. | regret .. (inform) you that we cannot give you your money back. The students went on for another hour. After cleaning the windows, he went on ..... (wash) the car. (pay) the bill We are sorry the 7:15 train to Liverpool has been cancelled. I'm sorry for . . (miss) your birth- day party; I'll make it up to you. She stopped (go) to the gym after she had got back into shape. They stopped .. wa. (have) a rest before they continued their journey. They tried ... (open) the door, but it was stuck. You should try own clothes, It's much cheaper. I'm sorry. | didn't mean ....... your vase. ». (Make) your .. (break) Being a teacher means ........... a lot of homework. (correct) ..\tidy) myroom at week- during the week.

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