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(Female’s POV)

Have you ever found yourself in an overwhelming and daunting situation where your mind goes
completely blank due to the intense pressure of being in danger? I have experienced this multiple times,
but there was one particular incident that left an indelible mark in my memory, and even now, I cannot
help but shudder upon recalling it.

Approximately half a year ago, I attended a football match featuring The Chicago Bears and The Las
Vegas Raiders. The experience was quite enjoyable, as I went with friends who kept me company
throughout the event. However, after the match had concluded and we left the stadium, it was already
past 11:00 pm, and most of my companions were quite intoxicated from the beer they had consumed.
As a result, I took it upon myself to call a taxi for them.

Regrettably, I made a rather foolish decision by taking the bus instead of calling myself a taxi. It was an
unforeseen error, and little did I know that it would become one of the worst mistakes of my life.

After boarding the bus, I had only traveled two stops when a disheveled man with a swollen eye and a
pungent odor of urine and garbage sat uncomfortably close to the seat behind me. I could sense his
unwavering and unsettling gaze piercing through the back of my head, making me highly uncomfortable.
To my horror, I believe he attempted to sniff my hair. Without hesitation, I quickly moved and sat in an
empty seat directly behind the bus driver when I felt a hand brushing lightly over my hair. An elderly
woman was already occupying the seat, and since all the other seats around it were filled, the man
could not sit beside me again. But his eyes were still glued over me.

I could feel his emitting anger at my sudden action, and I prayed for him to get off before my stop
because I had a terrible feeling about all this. The elation of receiving Eddie Jackson's signature on my t-
shirt had dissipated, replaced with a growing sense of terror. Despite my looming stop being 15 minutes
away, most passengers had already disembarked, leaving only a woman beside me and a man who
appeared engrossed in his phone.

Unfortunately, my fervent plea went unanswered as my worst fears materialized before my very eyes.
To my great dismay, I noticed that the creepy man from the bus was getting off at the same stop as me –
a secluded location with hardly any people in sight, save for a slumbering drunkard on one of the vacant
bus stop seats. With trepidation, I hastened my pace and strode resolutely through an unoccupied park.
Despite my efforts, I could still hear the ominous sound of the stranger's footsteps trailing closely behind
me, causing my heart to pound intensely like a thoroughbred at full gallop.
As I hurried down the dimly lit alleyway, I noticed the man’s steps were slower than mine – possibly
because he was stoned. Despite his sluggish steps, he seemed determined to keep up with my pace,
panting heavily as he did so. The knowledge that my apartment building was only a five to seven-minute
walk away failed to offer any reassurance, as the desolate surroundings made me acutely aware of
potential danger lurking in the shadows. Suddenly, the man began to shout out to me, his stuttering
voice filled with crude and threatening statements. “Where do you think you're going, little lady? Don't
you want to show me what you've got down there?” His words filled me with fear, and I quickened,
hoping to reach my destination before he could catch up to me.

Whenever I walked alone in that particular area, fear would always lurk behind me. This place was
always desolate, and even during the day, few people were around. So, to keep myself safe, I developed
a habit of carrying my keys in my fist with one key jutting out, ready to be used as a weapon in an
emergency. Tonight was no different. Walking towards my apartment, I quickly retrieved my keys from
my pocket and held them in position, just in case. A sense of relief washed over me when my apartment
building came into view, so I put on a burst of speed and reached the entrance hoping it would end

I sprinted up the stairs to the second floor as I felt it would be quicker than waiting for the elevator to
arrive and giving him a chance to get to me before it. I knew he was following me into the building, but I
was determined to reach my apartment before he could catch up. I unlocked my apartment door
quickly, walked in, and locked it behind me. I could hear his footsteps becoming increasingly confused as
he searched for me on the second floor before heading to the third floor. Eventually, he descended
back down the stairs, possibly still in search of me.

Acting quickly, I immediately grasped my phone and dialed 911. A courteous female operator answered
and inquired about the nature of my emergency. I recounted the unsettling events that had occurred to
me, beginning with the bus ride and concluding with the man's description. I emphasized that the
perpetrator was still present within my building. The operator reassured me that she would dispatch
officers to investigate the situation.

That restless night was spent in a state of anxiety and fear. My mind was consumed with thoughts of
whether or not someone had been sent after my 911 call if the man had been apprehended or let go
with a warning, or if he would still be lurking around the following day, waiting for me to cross his path
again. Despite my best efforts to calm myself and get some rest, every attempt failed as the memory of
those chills that ran down my spine while trying to escape him continued to haunt me. I couldn't help
but ponder what would have happened if he had caught me. Would striking him with the keys in my
hand have been enough to protect me, or would it have seriously damaged my hand? And then what? I
would have only had one hand to defend myself, putting me in even greater danger. The uncertainty of
it all was unbearable.

Luckily, I never saw him after that, but I still try to be extra careful while walking alone and not stay out
till late at night. I have brought pepper spray and a pocket knife that I carry around at any cost whenever
I am outside since that night. I got lucky the man was on the effect of some drug and not his sound
mind, but you never know when the encounter would be with what kind of sick person that can result in
a life-threatening situation.

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