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This chapter presents the research design, data collection method, sampling, and data
analysis of the study.


According to Mitchell (2015), the term "experimental research design" is centrally

concerned with constructing research that is high in causal (or internal) validity. This research
design allows the researchers to establish a controlled environment where variables can be
manipulated and closely monitored. This research design allows the researchers aim to evaluate
the effectiveness of the buzzer alarm detector in providing early flood warning. By installing the
detector in the experimental group's prone flood and comparing the detection time with a control
group, the researchers can confidently attribute changes in the detection time to the alarm
system. This quantitative approach ensures objective and replicable findings, providing valuable
insights into the device's effectiveness as a preventive measure during flash floods. Measurable
data, such as the detection time, can be collected and subjected to statistical analysis, enhancing
the study's internal validity.


The study will be conducted at Zone 4 Barangay Tablon Mahogany street, Cagayan de
Oro City, Misamis Oriental in order to Assess the Adequacy of an Innovative Buzzer Alarm
Detector with Color Coded Visual Lights Alert Using Arduino for Early Flood Warning at

The researchers will develop a warning system to help alert the residential areas and
homeowners. The sensor detects and measure the distance of the water level by emitting sound
waves at a high frequency, it will then bounce back from the detected surface and sends signal to
the Arduino. It would require careful consideration of the specific conditions and contexts in
which the study is conducted to ensure the relevance and applicability of the findings to real-
world flood prevention efforts. The area is prone to flooding due to its proximity to water bodies,
such as rivers or coastal regions. This vulnerability provides a real-world context for testing
flood warning mechanisms.
Figure (?) A map showing the location of Zone 4 Barangay Tablon

The main purpose of the study is to assess the effectiveness of an innovative buzzer alarm
detector integrated with color-coded visual lights alert system, designed using Arduino
technology, for providing early flood warning in flood-prone homes.

The experiment will be conducted over a duration of 3 months. Researchers will observe and
document the experiment from December 2023, with observations made at the same time each
day to maintain consistency and accuracy in data collection. This monitoring will continue until
February 2024, allowing us to track the Adequacy of a Buzzer Alarm Detector with Color Coded
Visual Lights Alert Using Arduino for Early Flood Warning at Home
November December December January January February February March
15, 2023 - 2,2023 – 16, 2023 - 6,2024 21,2024- 6,2024 - 21,2024 6,2024 -
December December January 5, – February February - March March
1, 15,2023 2024 January 5,2024 20,2024 5,2024 15,2024
2023 20,
Research on
Buzzer Alarm
Detector with
Color Coded
Visual Lights
Alert Using

Designing the
Alarm System
Testing and
Alarm System
with Home

User Testing
and Feedback
and Reporting

Figure (?). A Gantt Chart showing the timelines of the various steps of the research.

• Arduino
-It serves as the programmable brain of my water alarm detector, interpreting sensor data and
triggering alarms when the water levels reach set points.

• Ultrasonic sensor
- It measures the distance of water, accurately detecting overflow risks before contact, and
providing early warning and enhancing safety.

• Buzzer
-When water flow is detected, the alarm system activates the buzzer, producing a loud sound that
can quickly capture attention.

• LED lights
- It serves as the trigger for the detector's response, and it indicates different alert levels, visually
notifying you of the severity of a potential situation.

• Breadboard
- it acts as a temporary and versatile platform for connecting the Arduino, sensors, and other
components without putting them together.

• Jump wire
- flexible electrical connections between the Arduino board, sensors, and other components,
allowing for easy wireframes and circuit modifications without putting them together.

• Resistor
- It limits the current flowing through various components (like LEDs, buzzers, or sensors),
protecting them from damage and ensuring the proper functionality.


A. Gather all the materials you need

A. Buzzer (Alarm)
B. Breadboard
C. Arduino uno
D. Ultrasonic sensor
E. LED lights
F. Male to male jumping wires
G. Power source for Arduino
H. Computer with Arduino IDE installed for programming the Arduino
I. Tools (screwdriver, drill, etc.)
B. Creation of the device using the materials
A. Connect the components on breadboard. Attach the jumper wires to the ultrasonic sensor,
buzzer, and LED lights and link the other ends of the jumper wires to their proper pins on
the Arduino board.
B. Attach arduino to the breadboard, ensuring that the pins are properly aligned.
C. Code the arduino. Write the arduino code to define the behavior of the alarm system. This
code includes instructions for reading data from the ultrasonic sensor, activating the
buzzer, and controlling the LED lights based on specific conditions.
D. Connect the Arduino to computer using USB cable to connect the arduino board to the
laptop. Open the Arduino IDE and upload the code to the Arduino board.

C. Test experiment of the device at the chosen location

A. Place the Buzzer Alarm Detector first and mark the location.
B. Verify that the alam is activated and ready to detect water level.
C. Simulate a flood level scenario by slowly pouring water over the alarm until it
triggers the Buzzer
const int trig = 12; digitalWrite(LED1, LOW);
const int echo = 13; noTone(buzzer);
const int LED1 = 8; }
const int LED2 = 7; if ( distance <= 30.48 )
const int LED3 = 6; {
const int LED4 = 5; digitalWrite(LED2, HIGH);
const int LED5 = 4; tone(buzzer, 400);
const int LED6 = 3; }
const int LED7 = 2; else
int buzzer =9; {
int duration = 0; digitalWrite(LED2, LOW);
int distance = 0; noTone(buzzer);
void setup() }
{ if ( distance <= 45.72 )
pinMode(trig , OUTPUT); {
pinMode(echo , INPUT); digitalWrite(LED3, HIGH);
pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); tone(buzzer, 400);
pinMode(LED1 , OUTPUT); else
pinMode(LED2 , OUTPUT); {
pinMode(LED3 , OUTPUT); digitalWrite(LED3, LOW);
pinMode(LED4 , OUTPUT); noTone(buzzer);
pinMode(LED5 , OUTPUT); }
pinMode(LED6 , OUTPUT); if ( distance <= 60.96 )
pinMode(LED7 , OUTPUT); {
digitalWrite(LED4, HIGH);
Serial.begin(9600); tone(buzzer, 400);
} }
void loop() else
{ {
digitalWrite(trig, LOW); digitalWrite(LED4, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(500); noTone(buzzer);
digitalWrite(trig , HIGH); }
delayMicroseconds(1000); if ( distance <= 73.152 )
digitalWrite(trig , LOW); {
digitalWrite(LED5, HIGH);
duration = pulseIn(echo , HIGH); tone(buzzer, 400);
distance = (duration/2) / 29.1 ; noTone(buzzer);
Serial.println(distance); }
if ( distance <= 15.24 ) {
{ digitalWrite(LED5, LOW);
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH); }
tone(buzzer, 400); if ( distance <= 82.296 )
} {
else digitalWrite(LED6, HIGH);
{ tone(buzzer, 400);
digitalWrite(LED1, LOW); }
noTone(buzzer); else
digitalWrite(LED6, LOW);
if ( distance <= 91.44)
digitalWrite(LED7, HIGH);
tone(buzzer, 400);


Controlled Setup, this setup will serve as the baseline for comparison. In this setup, the
researchers used the Arduino-based Buzzer Alarm Detector with Color Coded Visual Lights

 The Buzzer Alarm Detector will be installed in a confined area away from any
potential flood-causing causes.
 Evaluate the response of the alarm by simulating water level circumstances.
 Observe and document the detector's reaction to scenarios with regulated water level.
 Assess the effectiveness of the buzzer and color-coded visual lights in signaling possible
flood situations.
 Record data on the detector's sensitivity, reaction time, and accuracy in
differentiating between normal water flow and potential flood conditions.

Experimental Setup, in this set up the researchers will assess the effectiveness of the
Buzzer Alarm Detector as an early flood warning for flash floods using the Innovative
Buzzer Alarm Detector with Color Coded Visual Lights Alert Using Arduino.

• Install the Buzzer Alarm Detector in an area prone to flash floods or simulate flash flood
conditions in a controlled environment.
• Introduce varying water flow rates to simulate different flash flood intensities.
• Assess the effectiveness of the color-coded visual lights and buzzer in providing early
warnings for flash floods.
• Measure how well the alarm can distinguish between regular water flow and possibly
dangerous flood conditions.
By conducting both controlled and experimental setups, the researchers can
comprehensively assess the Innovative Buzzer Alarm Detector with Color Coded
Visual Lights Alert Using Arduino as an early flood warning at home, providing
valuable insights into its potential as an alternative device.


B. Collection of Data
To fulfill the study’s objectives, the researchers have followed a set of
guidelines. The researchers have gathered data from various sources that relates to
the study, may it be local and foreign contexts. Once the researchers have finished
compiling the data, the researchers themselves will serve as the evaluators of the
buzzer detector alarm in an experimental manner.

I. Timeliness

To gather the necessary data, the researchers will measure the response time
through a controlled environment for the system to detect flood and generate an
alert through the buzzer with the light indicator. The detector would detect a depth
of 2.3 feet from the ground for the first light indicator to activate, presuming the
first green light for level one with a height of 0.098 feet from the ground, the first
orange light for level two with a height of 0.5 feet, and the first red light for level
three with a height of 1.5 feet from the ground. According to the Volucia County
Property Appraiser (VCPA) Organization’s (n.d.) flood water depth chart,
waterlines at 1'' to 3'' can cause minor or major damages, which also depend on
several factors. A waterline above 18’’ could cause major damage as it has already
entered the home and the floor system is covered by water.
Trial Water Detection Time (s)






Table 1. Distribution of the Recorded Values Measured and Calculated from a Controlled

II. Consistency

Observers will be deployed to a location which the alert system would be

installed. The response time will then be documented for the controlled flood
scenario in terms of the variation of the system’s timing, which will be used to
interpret data between the controlled environment set by the researchers.
A. Application of the treatment

I. Descriptive Statistics

According to Bhandari (2023), Descriptive statistics summarize and

organize characteristics of a data set. A data set is a collection of responses or
observations from a sample or entire population. The gathered data will be
calculated to determine the summary statistics to provide a quantitative summary of
the response time data. The data is calculated to find its mean, median, and standard
deviation which will assist the researchers in understanding the variability and
provide insights of the data

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