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Mona Lisa

In front of me is a painting by the world-famous Italian artist Leonardo Da Vinci.

Almost everyone has ever heard of Mona Lisa or Gioconda.

A young woman , here name is Mona Lisa, who is painted on the canvas. This smile,
the smile of a person who is in harmony with himself, in his abilities, knows how to
love and be loyal.

It hides many different positive and negative emotions - love and contempt, kindness,
care, indifference, arrogance, and at the same time, tenderness.

Her appearance is typical of the Middle Ages - a high forehead, swept back and black
hair, over which curls a veil.

She is dressed in rich heavy lace brocade. The thin swan's neck gracefully transitions
into the shoulders, on which the woman's cape and green dress are held.

In the background, the landscape is unremarkable - curly ribbons of dusty roads that
go into the distance, islands of dark green forest, mountains and rugged hills, and a
river that merges with the horizon.

Why does this Florentine girl impress hundreds of thousands of people around the
world? She doesn’t differ in prosaic beauty, and we, in fact, don’t know anything
about her biography. Her smile, slightly raised corners of the lips, smiling eyes that
look at the viewer with interest.

The deep, slightly mocking look of wonderful brown eyes relentlessly pursues the
viewer. In all her mysterious image, tenderness, mystery and revelation slip through.
They have been trying to unravel her secret for decades, but she remains the most
charming and romantic person to this day.

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